Live to Serve Commendation

  • I saw in a YouTube video that one of the commendations needed for a Skeleton Curse Leg part requires a commendation named "Live to Serve" but for the life of me I cannot find it. Anyone know where it is?

  • 37
  • I looked around multiple places and couldn't find anything about it

  • I can't find it anywhere either so I'm led to believe it's bugged, that or it's just super rare which I hope isn't the case because I'd love to dawn twin peg legs.

  • Even the SoT wiki doesn’t know what it is. I’ve searched everywhere I could and can’t find it.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Live to Serve Commendation:

    I looked around multiple places and couldn't find anything about it

    Same here, I thought I had seen it in Reaper's Bones before but seemed to have been mistaken. I wonder if this is like the Sea Fort milestone at the start of season 7 where they just had it disabled.

  • It could be an old name for an existing commendation. Maybe it got renamed to one of the other servant commendations?

  • @d3adst1ck said in Live to Serve Commendation:

    It could be an old name for an existing commendation. Maybe it got renamed to one of the other servant commendations?

    Yeah I thought about that too. Maybe with some comparison of the commendations we can figure it out. I’ll see if I can make any sense of it.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Live to Serve Commendation:

    It could be an old name for an existing commendation. Maybe it got renamed to one of the other servant commendations?

    oooh I think you might be onto something 🕵️‍♂️

  • I done a little cross referencing and only four of the Commendations I've not unlocked do not have any rewards that go with them, those are... The Travelled Servant Commendation, the Skeleton Crew Commendation, the Bone Voyage Commendation and the For the Flame Commendation. I'm not sure if any of these are the one that'll unlock the twin pegs but but hopefully with a little luck it'll be relatively easy compared to the grind to get the skeleton curse. If anyone wants to help me try and get these commendations to see if they unlock anything I'll be willing to give them a shot!

  • @dexka said in Live to Serve Commendation:

    I done a little cross referencing and only four of the Commendations I've not unlocked do not have any rewards that go with them, those are... The Travelled Servant Commendation, the Skeleton Crew Commendation, the Bone Voyage Commendation and the For the Flame Commendation. I'm not sure if any of these are the one that'll unlock the twin pegs but but hopefully with a little luck it'll be relatively easy compared to the grind to get the skeleton curse. If anyone wants to help me try and get these commendations to see if they unlock anything I'll be willing to give them a shot!

    Based on the four you've given, "For the Flame" sounds like it could be an alternate name for "Live to Serve".

  • @d3adst1ck if you by any chance have the skeleton curse and wish to watch me take the ritual of the flame for that commendation I'm more than willing to help!

  • @d3adst1ck can confirm that it doesn't get you the peg legs... Now I'm at a loss again

  • I have everything unlocked but Rising Up, Travelled Servant and We're eating tonight. It's unobtainable at the moment my crew mate said.

  • Has anything changed sense the most recent update? The notes mentioned a couple of faction commendations where removed, but I didn't see anything about this one.

  • @glitchwraith doesn’t seem so, still no commendation ties to it that anyone has been able to confirm.

  • Just saw a streamer with the twin peg legs unlocked, so it is available. That said, they had no idea what they did to unlock it.

  • @glitchwraith who was it? Maybe we can harass… I mean ask… them to show us their commendations to see if we can figure it out lol

  • @abjectarity it was one of the guys featured in the orb Twitch drops. That said, he made it pretty clear that he checked his commendations afterwards and could not find "Live to Serve" listed in them. Seemed just as confused as we are.

  • @glitchwraith said in Live to Serve Commendation:

    @abjectarity it was one of the guys featured in the orb Twitch drops. That said, he made it pretty clear that he checked his commendations afterwards and could not find "Live to Serve" listed in them. Seemed just as confused as we are.

    Who was the streamer? Maybe we can look at the achievements.

    Edit: Found him:

    Extensively asked him about the "Live to Serve" he has no idea how he got it.

  • I went through all the commendations that don't already have a cosmetic attached and that I also haven't completed yet. These are what were left. Remember if they have grades, you need to do all the way to the end of Grade V(5) for it to be considered completed and receive the reward from it.

    • Bone Voyage
    • Empire of Flame
    • Ferocious Warrior
    • Travelled Servant

    I suspect it is Bone Voyage. But would need to do a bunch of Ghost Ship voyages to confirm.

  • @abjectarity said in Live to Serve Commendation:

    I went through all the commendations that don't already have a cosmetic attached and that I also haven't completed yet. These are what were left. Remember if they have grades, you need to do all the way to the end of Grade V(5) for it to be considered completed and receive the reward from it.

    • Bone Voyage
    • Empire of Flame
    • Ferocious Warrior
    • Travelled Servant

    I suspect it is Bone Voyage. But would need to do a bunch of Ghost Ship voyages to confirm.

    I asked the streamer to show his comms. It's not Travelled Servant or Bone Voyage, he hasn't finished those yet. That leaves Empire of Flame or Ferocious Warrior and those are both locked on his page as well. He has "We're eating Tonight" unlocked though ...are you sure you don't have the fish bone commedation?

  • @mouse-n-keybord I do have the fish bone, spent 4 hours getting that dang thing lol

    Which ones have you not gotten the check mark on?

  • @abjectarity said in Live to Serve Commendation:

    @mouse-n-keybord I do have the fish bone, spent 4 hours getting that dang thing lol

    Which ones have you not gotten the check mark on?

    I'm missing a bit more from page 2 then I thought.

    Page 1 missing: Ferocious Warrior, Empire of Flame
    Page 2: In his name, Travelled Servant, Risk it All, His Fav crew, Tokens, Rack Them Up, Bony Fort, We're Eating Tonight and Bone Voyage
    Page 3: Got it all

    Not sure what it could be now.

  • @mouse-n-keybord at this point, given that the developers haven't commented on it, and it's being dismissed by bug reports, I'm guessing it's intentionally meant to be a secret commendation. Which is very frustrating. My best guess is it has something to do with PVP specifically, but have no idea what.

  • @glitchwraith do you have Risk it All unlocked?

  • I have a suspicion... when I was comparing the commendations I have done to the ones that have cosmetics already... I noticed there were 2 commendations that both unlocked 2 cosmetics at the same time instead of just 1. I know 1 of those was a recent change in the update on Thursday when they removed a commendation because they couldn't get it to track and so combined it's reward with an already existing one... but! There was 1 other already programmed to give 2, so maybe this is one of those too?!

    I suspect, if this is the case, it might be something like the Risk It All commendation. I don't have that one done yet.

  • @abjectarity said in Live to Serve Commendation:

    I have a suspicion... when I was comparing the commendations I have done to the ones that have cosmetics already... I noticed there were 2 commendations that both unlocked 2 cosmetics at the same time instead of just 1. I know 1 of those was a recent change in the update on Thursday when they removed a commendation because they couldn't get it to track and so combined it's reward with an already existing one... but! There was 1 other already programmed to give 2, so maybe this is one of those too?!

    I suspect, if this is the case, it might be something like the Risk It All commendation. I don't have that one done yet.

    Live to serve is the skirt .....sigh lol

  • I believe Risk it All gives the skirt, but if it gives the Twin Pegs too then it would be the double cosmetics for one that I am theorizing it might be.

    I’ve also sent a support request for it, though they are having issues with their support system. Hopefully we will find out soon, if we are lucky we will get a proper answer on Monday.

  • @abjectarity said in Live to Serve Commendation:

    I believe Risk it All gives the skirt, but if it gives the Twin Pegs too then it would be the double cosmetics for one that I am theorizing it might be.

    I’ve also sent a support request for it, though they are having issues with their support system. Hopefully we will find out soon, if we are lucky we will get a proper answer on Monday.

    I tried that before making this post, they refused to answer my question and told me to make this forum post lol

  • @abjectarity its not risk it all. I just unlocked peglegs and don't have risk it all. no idea what it could be.

    it unlocked around the same time i did "his favourite crew"

  • @ogron2358 said in Live to Serve Commendation:

    @abjectarity its not risk it all. I just unlocked peglegs and don't have risk it all. no idea what it could be.

    it unlocked around the same time i did "his favourite crew"

    That’s the one on a captained ship? I’m not done with that one yet. I’m hoping they will be able to tell me in my support ticket now that the ticket system is working again. But I know it’s the holidays so I’m not sure how many people are actually in the office currently. Might be a while before we ever get a concrete answer.

  • @abjectarity no thats the one to sink 100 champion ships, however, it seems to be bugged, because I have all 100 and I have only sunk 4 champions

  • I got the double peg legs at the same time as i unlocked "His favourite crew"

  • @calliopedesu is it jus a typo then

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