Limitations regarding the new PVP mode + Feedback

  • Hii so I've been noticing for several days that there are many people that they mainly farm 300 wood, run around the circle and constantly changing path while trying to board.

    So basically they make you waste resources and hours of gameplay that you could be investing in making a good streak or playing anything else instead of having a 2h running fight.

    So what I am here to suggest is:

    • Implement a system similar to the old arena that puts a maximum time limitation per fight

    This will make the battles more frantic and more dynamic since at least you will know that you are not going to waste 2h running behind a ship or around rocks doing anchor changes.
    This time could be around 30 min.
    This of course doesn't happen that often but when it happens it ruins your time and more if you have a winstreak of +10.

    • Implement a system that counts the kills and the cannon hits like in the old arena so that the previous point would make more sense in case of tie.
      If, for example, a cannon hit gives 50 points, chainshots 75.
      The magic ones can be counted as a normal bullet since they follow the same path as a normal cannonball. (It can be unfair since some crews can have it and others not)
      Kills can be counted as 100 points.

    This system benefits in every way, crews with more points will win fights that last long time (fair). In case of a tie the players with more points will win (fair), if it happens that the two ships finish with the same score they could give +1 streak on both sides or not count for both sides, thats on Rare (fair).

    In 30 min, the points will be counted for both crews, but in between that time and score the ships could be sinked, if a ship does it wrong while having more points and sinks, it would be fair since the other ship was able to take advantage of that situation and being able to sink the enemy ship even with lower points.

    Regardless the passive mode and double alliances at the same time, it's disgusting and takes all the fun out of the game mode.
    It doesn't make any sense to join a queue into a 1v1 with all your streak and resources and then sunk in a 2x or 3v1.

    The black screens that the game has been dragging from previous seasons is quite frustrating, especially when you need to get water or take adventage of a situation and you stay stuck for 5/infinite seconds on a black screen.

    That's all, these ideas may be interesting to attract new players to PVP, any suggestions or opinions regarding the post are welcome. Thanks for reading!

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