People teaming during hourglass fights

  • I've had 2 Separate times where a sloop has teamed with a brig or another type of ship in an Alliance and when I pop out of the water I just get destroyed by 2 ships with little to no fighting chance, its a big disappointment and ruins the mode. It feels like a waste of time trying to queue if I'm just gonna get dominated by 2 separate people when looking for 1 ship, not 2

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  • @camden311 It's the worst feeling ever. I hope Rare does something to dissuade this behavior, or else I'm going to look for another game.

  • Not really sure what they can do about these situations. Basically my approach to this pvp system is sometimes you are going to run into exploiters, cheaters, or just way more skilled players since there's no skill based match making its like the wild west. It stinks if you are trying to go for a streak but usually if I win I sell any flag I might get then turn in my hour glass because I figured there's no chance I will get on a streak.

  • @magus104 They could make it less appealing to be in an alliance, perhaps make the reputation reward for anyone not part of the actual battle negligible.

  • @magus104 Apparently SBMM does it exsist

  • There isn't sbmm apparently. Based on region/streaks.
    Rare intentionally allows teams.

    this was never a fair fight

  • The battle perimeter is protected by a huge ring of fire, you pass through it, your ship is set on fire everywhere, masts drop, wheel breaks, anchor breaks and instant holes like red sea. Basically unrepairable, if they somehow manage to repair, good for them - join the fight. - Still keeps the original intention of devs to allow shenanigans (exploits irl) and players who decided to participate will join a fair fight. Problem solved.

  • @zig-zag-ltu

    Rare says they want intrusion...

  • @pithyrumble They also said they are implementing ELO ranking system for matchmaking. Perhaps I don't know details, but this is like I agree to fight a guy my size to determine who is the better fighter, and then all of a sudden Mike Tyson jumps in and knocks one of us out, the winner is declared - because its fun! At least this is how I see it.

    Your high school class basketball team plays a competition match against the other class for a little yearly tournament, then all of a sudden 3 students few grades above jump in and dominate the game - it's fun! :)))

    You get what I mean...

    It's just a game, like many others, but if you create a competitive environment and willingly implement such nonsense, this will certainly make players stop doing MM PVP if it becomes rampant and since this is a core part of the game, I'd assume bashing skeletons won't cut it and players who don't want to PVE only will leave this game eventually...Foolish mortals

  • @zig-zag-ltu

    Currently there isn't elo. It's still sbmm, but Session based not skill based...

    I'll agree it's shady. Counterargument: Pirates

  • @pithyrumble said in People teaming during hourglass fights:


    Currently there isn't elo. It's still sbmm, but Session based not skill based...

    I'll agree it's shady. Counterargument: Pirates

    Perhaps a bit off topic, but I really hate people using this as some sort of explanation/excuse. Pirates.. pirates robbed Merchants, people like Sovereigns to make a living. Obviously back stabbing happened, but would you really risk it all for a bit bigger share of gold.
    If Mafia and criminals killed and robbed each other, police would arrest the last one of them by the end of the month and we would live in a crimeless utopia, Brasil would be a wonderful place to visit.

    This is about a persons character, no justification, or excuse, or explanation is needed, just a bit of honesty and respectful pride in killing others. But saying It's nOt sEa oF fRiEnDs its sea of thieves is just hilarious. All respect for people who look for a challange or a fair fight, but those who love stomping on easy prey need to look in the mirror and admit that this is who they are and justification is not needed, just honesty to accept themselves without looking for excuses or false narratives :)

    I'm not ranting or complaining, but such pretence 'grinds my gears' a bit :D

  • @zig-zag-ltu

    Didn't mean to grind, but I have to agree with other sentiments that SoT never, ever encouraged fair fights. It's the flipside of they're not playing the way I think they should play andit's coming back to bite that in the aftside.

    I've hesitated (barely, I admit the pro pvp tears have been entertaining) stating this until other, less 'sassy' pirates had noted and commented on it.

    tldr:I get your pain but suck it up buttercup.

  • @pithyrumble It's not pain by any means, I'm too old to have pain over video games(maybe Paarthurnax), if the game makes me angry, I just alt f4 and play something else ^^.
    I am not writing any of this to relate to my current or even past self. This is only to remind people that this game is not a 'hardcore pvp game' where you should only expect brutal competition. This is a place where 12 year olds will be together with possibly war veterans on same server. A place where you have the rainbow flag as an option for your ship from the start. A game where you have pets constantly added, that you can cuddle them, flowery costumes, love story tall tales, emotes blah blah blah.

    Does this indicate to anyone at all that you should get a crew of 4, relentlessly train, use macros to do double gunning etc to potentially sink few kids that got together to live out a pirate fantasy? Sailing, getting treasure?
    I believe someone has to be mental to to believe this.
    I personally enjoy the aesthetics and the general vibe of this game. But I am speaking out for those most who likely won't.

    I just don't like, or have any respect for bullies, or people who try to find excuses for such behavior, because 'insert reason x,y,z'. I play games for over 25 years or so, done all kinds of sports and various activities involving competition. Beating weaker competition for enjoyment in sports, computer games, real life activities is a same personal trait, same character.

    It's not shooting GTA npcs after hard day at work, it's interacting with other human beings. Lack of compassion or empathy, because 'reason x,y,z' is not moral, but not punishable by any means. Just dislike when people say ''hey they paid for the game, they can enjoy any way they want to'. Sure, this is not logically wrong statement.
    So once they have kids and they will eventually will pick up team sports, I just hope that someone a lot older/better will come and rip their heart out on the court repeatedly, to a point where they lose any kind of passion or love for the sport/activity.

    But as they say - Pressure does two things – bursts pipes and creates diamonds. Since we are all diamonds, it's cool.

    P.S. I don't believe developers intend this to the extent as you see in public servers.

    Anyway, I don't think there is much point to further debate on this, or for me to express my opinion about toxic part of community, just making a fool out of myself.

  • Tl;Dr. You made a point that people want this to be an e-sport and honestly the design and apparent intention of the game is not.

    I am not opposed to top tier play.
    It's good and fascinating.

    But marketing and production need to cooperate in the hype game and over several adventures, events and releases. The original spirit of the game has been broken, manipulated and (I can't say the word I want to use here but it doesn't start with an R)

    Even in pve "safe"spaces.

    I said it.

  • @pithyrumble I do agree, I honestly have a problem when it comes to things that I am passionate about, in a way you covered a lot of what I wrote in few sentences, where as I needed to write a whole book about it to get my point across :D

    But this is also to do with Developers doing something that never really has been done before(respect for this), without even having any credible experience in creating popular multiplayer games. So intentions are always good and pure (awesome tbh), but lack of experience more often than not becomes a double edged sword. I'm sure if they continue with this game, by the time we have Sea of Thieves 3 it will be perfect. ^^

  • I got alliance team sunk for the first time last night. I called them out and got told it is allowed and not something you can be banned for.

    Can we get a clear statement from Rare if this is allowed or not?
    If it isn't allowed can this be clearly signalled on social media
    If it is allowed can something be done to mitigate its impact. Alliances not possible while using the hourglass or you will only match with faction champions would be a start

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