A question about brig's cannons

  • So.. Sloops have 2 cannons, galleons 4 on each sides ... I wonder ,why don't we have 3 cannon on each sides for brigs?
    Is it because of resources or anything?? I don't really get why not.. to be honest?

  • 15
  • Balance.

  • Way I see it "Meaning How I view it. "Option"

    By default
    Sloop has two players, One on cannons and one on wheel
    Brig has three players, two on cannons and one on wheel
    Galleon has four players , three on cannons and one on wheel
    "By default" this should be the layout of most combats if nobody boarded. Sloops being the weak, Brig being middle and Galleon having the most cannon firepower.

  • Same reason sloops only have one per side. Balance.

  • Oh also, if you talk to Jill, she says that the pirate lord is the dude who balances the battles. Thats why we dont get to have fully decked out ships.

    Ask him if you wish.

  • Surely it's obvious. There is a simple formula.

    The total number of cannons = 2 to the power of the max-crew-size, halved.

    ship    crew     formula
    Sloop     2      2^2 / 2 = 2 cannons
    Brig      3      2^3 / 2 = 4 cannons
    Galleon   4      2^4 / 2 = 8 cannons
  • Technically just based on the other ships the galleon shouldnt even have 4 on each side, the brig and sloop have 1 less cannon per side than the total player count on the ship.

  • @icedragon5491 in addition to balance which others have mentioned I also think it's due to design and tactics. The brig is balance of speed and firepower but it sinks quite easily, so a drive by shooting design with 2 on cannons and one on helm. With the gally it can be very effective as a tank since its out manouevered by smaller ships so just rotating on the spot with all 4 on cannons applying pressure

  • @goldsmen said in A question about brig's cannons:

    Technically just based on the other ships the galleon shouldnt even have 4 on each side, the brig and sloop have 1 less cannon per side than the total player count on the ship.

    You missed the formula above, then.

  • @galactic-geek said in A question about brig's cannons:

    @goldsmen said in A question about brig's cannons:

    Technically just based on the other ships the galleon shouldnt even have 4 on each side, the brig and sloop have 1 less cannon per side than the total player count on the ship.

    You missed the formula above, then.

    I did! Tho after i saw it, im still not totally sure if that is how its intended, if it is, that seems unusual for balancing.

  • @goldsmen said in A question about brig's cannons:

    @galactic-geek said in A question about brig's cannons:

    @goldsmen said in A question about brig's cannons:

    Technically just based on the other ships the galleon shouldnt even have 4 on each side, the brig and sloop have 1 less cannon per side than the total player count on the ship.

    You missed the formula above, then.

    I did! Tho after i saw it, im still not totally sure if that is how its intended, if it is, that seems unusual for balancing.

    You would think that the ratio would be 1, 2, 3 on a side, but when you think about each ship's strengths, with the galleon's being firepower, it actually makes sense.

    Sloop can only dedicate 1 cannoneer on a side with 2 crew; a brig can only dedicate 2 of its 3 crew in much the same manner; but the galleon is the only 1 that can dedicate its entire 4-man crew to 1-side for the ultimate showing of firepower. 😉

  • Following the logic used on the sloop and the brig , galleon should have 3 cannons per side , not 4. Otherwise , give the sloop and brig an extra pair of guns.

  • @burnbacon With that logic, why doesn’t the Galleon have three cannons, then? Not a suggestion, just a thought.

  • I just realized that everyone is commenting what I just said.

  • @capn-lucky5984 The galleon was originally designed to work with 5 players, thus having one less cannon per side than the total crew size, as all other ships do. However, it was brought down to 4 during early development, but the number of cannons never changed.

6 out of 15