Player Cosmetics and Emote 10 pages Wheel Disappear 3 times within one week and goes back to Default!!! ANNOYING!!! RARE PLEASE FIX ASAP!!!

  • Hello and Good Evening, please help me, this has happened now three (3) times!!! My cosmetics clothes on my body and my entire 10 pages of emotes on my wheel reset and never came back. Disappeared, two times thus far within days. It's a problem, and very annoying. Please fix and help me understand why this continues to happen?? When will it stop, when will this be fixed. I don't want to continue to set everything in place for it to disappear and erase all my work. It's time consuming, and not fair. This game seems to have more and more glitches and problems. I'm Day 1, Alpha and spend LOTS of $$$ on this game, 618 Days played and take this very seriously. Also, I purchased the Spit Emote and loved it, but you deleted it from the game, but I never got my Ancient Coins back for it, can you please refund me what I am owned. Thank you. Rocco

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  • I had it happen once already, and I do NOT want it to happen again...

  • I had the issue too. Running on default emotes because 45 emotes I don't want to rearrange again more than once lol 😆

  • @rjgplatinum

    The same thing happened to me twice. It happened during the adventures.

    We’re you doing an adventure at the time?

  • My cosmetics clothes on my body and my entire 10 pages of emotes on my wheel reset and never came back.

    I had this issue, quick Reload of the game without doing anything else seem to Fix it.
    (Console) Reboot console as extra measures.

    It's a problem, and very annoying. Please fix and help me understand why this continues to happen

    So much has to be loaded into a game, and memory tends to get jumbled, but the player profiles are saved, as I mentioned. IF you find this bug, dont attempt to readd everything, back out of the game and should return to normal.

    When will it stop, when will this be fixed.

    It stop when it does and be fixed when its fixed.

    This game seems to have more and more glitches and problems. I'm Day 1, Alpha and spend LOTS of $$$ on this game, 618 Days played and take this very seriously.

    618 days? Day 1?
    Wow...that short time playing and how much money are you spending? Nobody is saying dont support but if your buying "Everything" that on you.

    No game has it glitches, some disappear without notice and some appear without reason. No need to panic over the "non loading" issue as it still in your Inventory/Chests.

    I purchased the Spit Emote and loved it, but you deleted it from the game, but I never got my Ancient Coins back for it

    As for the emote, it was what 149 AC? which is roughly 1.99$ or 150. So depending on your current AC count, how would know if they didn't give you that 149 back?

    Most of these complaints require a Support Ticket.

  • Hey I know you! (Mod Edited)

    But yeah, it they could fix this issue that would be great.

  • @ninja-naranja As per the Forum Rules we all must remain respectful towards all other community members when posting on the forums. Failure to remain respectful of all community members will result in a temporary ban from the forums.

    Please read and abide by the forum rules going forward.


  • @cardshark-360 yeah I was definitely pushing it. I’ll refrain from making any further comment on the matter

  • @coffeelight5545 all randoms stuff, doesn't matter, adventure all three times, random events, skull fort, etc. It's so annoying.

  • @burnbacon Thank you for the answers....I did reset and reboot many times, but no fix at all. My character was still naked and all emotes gone and erased from the wheel. I wish it was that easy, but I guess we need to simple wait until RARE to officially fix it. Do you know by chance if Rare knows about this at least, and working on it, do you know? I don't see it on the "Known Issues" on this website so I got nervous a bit that they don't even know? I know many others who are experiencing this issue. Let me know. Thanks.

  • @burnbacon I also did put a support ticket already days ago as well for my Spit Emote refund and have yet to hear back from Rare. Still waiting...

  • @pithyrumble exactly, tell me about it.... Ridiculous! Period.

  • Happened to me too, and i wonder if it's related to other stuff not saving either. Ship cosmetics, trinkets disappearing off the walls and shelves, clothes and emotes gone. Stuff just gets forgotten by the game more and more.

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