Creative design on cosmetics

  • Is it just me or is the cosmetic design in this game kind of taking a noise dive? I remember being hyped to get the athena 1-20 boat and clothes, but athena 20-30? Not a big fan of looking a mayan prince along with my boat looking like it as well lol

    just my two cents, not trying to be rude.

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  • I've really been digging a majority of the cosmetics for quite a while

    I was never into the power ranger super villain bulkiness earlier on and I still don't get the Pegasus costume but imo everything from ledger rewards to season rewards to even some of the shop clothing has been pretty cool to have around for the most part

  • I think it's cool that there is such a wide variety of designs and colors for all the cosmetics. The ancient athena ship is hideous imo, but I know there are people that love it. I'm sure there are people that think some of the stuff I like is awful, but at least we all get plenty to pick from. ^^;

  • @nightfire255 said in Creative design on cosmetics:

    I think it's cool that there is such a wide variety of designs and colors for all the cosmetics. The ancient athena ship is hideous imo, but I know there are people that love it. I'm sure there are people that think some of the stuff I like is awful, but at least we all get plenty to pick from. ^^;

    i hear ya, having options is nice, but a lot of this stuff I feel is a tad to friendly and we need more actual pirate toned stuff. perfect example is the tone of the athena 1-10 boat or the DA set. I had to make a post after unlocking the sails for the sirens prize. I'm like who is going to rock these? rofl

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