Just an aunt trying to learn SoT, advice appreciated! šŸ˜‚

  • Hey there šŸ¤“, Iā€™m fairly new to SoT, and would appreciate any tips you might have! I recently started playing as a way to spend time with my nephew long distance. Coming from a gaming background of Sega Aladdin and the early Wii days, Iā€™m painfully unskilled in the world of modern gaming lol. I was wondering if anyone had tips on in-game settings for visually impaired? Oh, and any tips on how to make my pirateā€™s face a little better looking? Haha


  • 9
  • Ahoy @bethmae94, welcome to the seas (and the forums)!

    First thing I would advice is to jump in the Maiden voyage if you haven't done so already. It's the basic introduction to the core gameplay that touches almost all aspects. As for help for visually impaired, there are some accessibly options in the menu that might help. There's also a menu items called "tips & tricks" if I remember correctly which lists a few helpful topics.

    As for making your face look better, there's no pirate surgery options apart from removing hands or lower legs on the fly. There is however a variety of makeup/face paints and you have some face covering skins. If you really don't like the look you can buy a potion to change the complete looks of your pirate at the pirate emporium. With the game being in first person though, you won't have to look at your pirate much :)

    Below you'll find a few bits and pieces of information that I could think of to be useful for new players.

    Menus and lots of popups.

    Apart from the game being overwhelming with everything happening in the world. It adds an extra layer to that by making the menus layers upon layers of information. Good thing is that for your basic needs you don't need the game menus at all, they only offer more details on things in the game. Good thing to know is that most of these items can also be found here on the site when you click your icon at the top and look at the My Pirate section. This gives you the exact same information.

    One extra thing to add to the confusion though is that the game notifies you a lot about sometimes doing the most basic things. This can be turned off in the menu, although the spam will slow down after playing a bit. To get you a bit more understand of what is happening, I'll just list the most common things that show up:

    • Renown: You get this for basic activities and it's part of the Season menu item. This one will restart every season, we're now in season 7. The new season will start somewhere this month I think.
    • Milestones: You get these also for doing basic activities, these are listen under your Pirate Log or Ship Log. For the Ship Log you need to own a ship, this can be done from the game menu before you start a session and costs 250,000 gold for the sloop.
    • Commendations: You get these for completing specific tasks related to events or additions to the game. Mostly found under Reputation and then zoom in a few times.
    • Achievements: The basic Xbox popups that show you that you've accomplished something special... like eating a banana.

    Outposts are your friend

    I would advice to focus on what is available at the outpost first, all the outposts have the same npc's on them. There's a few things here that might be interesting:

    • Resource gathering: From barrels around the island
    • Purchase cosmetics: Several vendors sell cosmetics for your pirate, tools, weapon and ship
    • Purchase voyages: Main questing is done by bying voyages and voting on them on your captains table.
    • Start seasonal Adventure: Usually started by talking to Larinna, the woman outside the tavern. These events are time limited though, so only available for a week or two.
    • Start a Tall Tale: Story missions, most are started from an outpost.
    • Hand in loot: Almost all the loot you find around the world has to be handed in at an outpost in order to get money and reputation.

    After you get the lay of the land, it's key to get a decent grasp on your items, especially your spyglass, and how to use the radial menu's. Along the way you'll find a lot more quests so be sure to learn where to find them. Learn the basics of your ship and how to keep it afloat.

    Things to do

    When you have a basic understanding of those things it's time to decide what you want to do:

    • Just sail: The sea offers you loads of challenges along the way, sometimes it's fun to just jump on your ship and see what you'll encounter. There's a lot to explore and usually you'll find treasure or treasure maps along the way. Even exploring or even fishing can be nice to do at times. The game will do its best to make every session different.
    • Tall Tale (story mission): On the map you'll see several markers above some outposts or islands. These indicate the starting location of the Tall Tales. The first one can always be found on a table next to the Mysterious Stranger in every tavern. The start for "A Pirate's Life" can also be found on the beach of every outpost.
    • Voyages: Pick one of the 3 factions at the outpost and buy a voyage from them. Golder Hoarders for treasure finding, Order of Souls for skeleton killing and Merchant Alliance for delivery / retrieval of goods.
    • Seasonal adventure: Whenever they're available they can be started at Larinna, the woman outside the tavern.

    Things happening in the world

    When you look out at sea, you often see some colorful things around in the distance. I'll try to explain some of the weird things you'll encounter on the seas.

    Feel free to explore

    • Birds in the sky: indication of resources below them. This usually means a sunken ship or barrels.
    • Blue glow on the water: Underwater shrine, swim really deep for a puzzle live mini adventure. They are also visible on the map.
    • Green glowing buildings: Sea Fort, several waves of ghosts that will give you a key and some treasure at the end. It's actually not that hard if you managed to find your weapons.

    Approach with a bit more caution

    • Skull in the sky: Active Skull Fort event, which is fighting waves of skeletons at the fort its above for loot at the end. Green eyes are easier than Red ones.
    • Ship in the sky: Skeleton Fleet event, which is fighting waves of skeleton ships.
    • Red hurricane: Very strong skeleton lord, that summons other skeletons
    • Green hurricane: End of a Pirate Legend voyage, the people doing this will probably not be happy if you "come help"
    • Yellow or colored twirling beam of light: Floating chest that everyone can see on the map, can be handed in at reapers hideout for a reward.

    Random enemies

    • Skeletons: Come it lots of variety and spawn on islands. Keep your distance of the ones with gunpower kegs. The ones with the red names usually drop special items.
    • Ghosts: Random spawns on islands, usually drop some coins.
    • Ocean Crawlers: 3 varieties: Big hulking boys that stomp very hard, fast lightning guys that shoot and hit you with an eel and smelly ones that dig and try to poison you.
    • Sharks: Can be found almost everywhere in the water. Need a few hits / shots to kill.
    • Merfolk: these sea creatures will scratch and shoot you, nothing too impressive though.
    • Megalodon: big shark that sometimes attacks you, sometimes just shows its face. Can be killed although you should be ready to patch some holes. Will drop some nice loot.
    • Kraken: Will turn the water black and stop your ship from moving. Shoot the arms to defeat it and get some nice loot.
    • Skeleton ship: Will emerge from the water, easy to recognize from a distance because of the very colorful lights. Can be easily avoided, but drop some nice loot if you sink them.

    As I know from playing with a friend who's new to the seas, the game is VERY overwhelming with everything happening and all the information in the menus. Even I get lost looking for certain information at times. There's a lot more to the game, however I think this would at least give you a good start. If you want to know more, feel free to ask. Otherwise there's enough to find on the topic on either YouTube or sites like RareThief.

    Sea of Thieves seems like a nice and relaxing way to spend some time with your nephew. I wouldn't worry too much about not understanding everything in the game and just talk and have fun exploring the game together. Have fun and see you on the seas!


    Captain FishSt1ck

  • First off, welcome to the Seas! I play with my sons; SoT is a (generally) fantastic way to have fun together while working on life skills like teamwork and dealing with frustration šŸ˜‰

    Apart from the mechanics which @FishSt1ck has admirably summed up, hereā€™s some additional advice that is hopefully helpful:

    1 - Loot doesnā€™t matter
    2 - There are no real consequences to dying or sinking
    3 - Thereā€™s no shame in losing to another crew

    There are many, many ways to make gold in the game, and gold only buys you cosmetics (different-looking clothes, weapons, tools, sails, cannons, etc.) or minor conveniences like crates of supplies. Increased capability on the sea comes from increased skill; losing loot (or not even collecting loot and just doing ā€œnon-productiveā€ stuff thatā€™s fun) doesnā€™t really cost you anything in terms of progression.

    Same with dying or sinking; other than losing some supplies, loot, or progress towards a goal (see 1 above), thereā€™s no consequences for either your pirate or ship.

    Finally, if youā€™re like me youā€™ll probably sink many times for many reasons. It can be frustrating (and to be honest, kind of pride-damaging) to get sunk by other players, but PvP is a part of the game, is not inherently bad or wrong, and just happens. You may get sunk by better crews, you may get sunk by worse crews, you may sink yourself through bad luck, bad circumstances, or bad choices. Itā€™s no big deal (see 1 and 2 above šŸ˜‰). If someone is spawn-camping you (sitting on your ship killing you over and over so you canā€™t do anything) scuttle your ship (itā€™s in a menu and there are also instructions on the Ferry of the Damned near the door) or quit and restart.

    Also, no idea how old your nephew is, but in my case at least weā€™ve had frustrating situations (failure to follow the philosophical rules above šŸ˜) and as the weakest link and the adult in the room, Iā€™ve had to play the role of ā€œnegative emotion sinkā€. You may have to fill that role too; if so just realize itā€™s pretty typical, sometimes adulting isnā€™t always fun or pretty.

    Iā€™ve found the communications setup (PC Windows Store version) isnā€™t necessarily intuitive; if you have trouble communicating with your crew or other players, let me know and I can tell you what I know.

    I am more than happy to show you around; add me on Xbox Live (Sn0kanon). I play at unpredictable intervals and donā€™t always have a mic but I never mind having company regardless of skill.

    Good Luck and I hope you have as many enjoyable experiences with your nephew as Iā€™ve had with my kids!

  • Howdy ahoy
    it's nice to have you here

    I loved Aladdin and Lion King and Donkey Kong Country back then.

    This game is literally years worth of information to gather.

    Rather than pile on I'll just offer myself as a resource. If you ever have specific questions or specific issues you can message me and I will provide you the most accuracy I can or at least lead you somewhere that can provide you with accurate and helpful info.

    It never is a burden to me to help out where I can so I ask that you don't hesitate to reach out to me or to make a thread where I and others can offer info based on our own experiences when you have questions or run into issues.

    There are also many guides and youtube videos where people give their opinions on how to go about things as well as helpful info about how to complete certain things.

    Happy sails

  • @fishst1ck thank you so much for the great info! Itā€™s a very creative and fun game, weā€™re really enjoying it- and these tips really helped!

  • @sn0kanon These are awesome tips, thank you! I will be sure to add you on Xbox and maybe weā€™ll see you on the seas!

  • @wolfmanbush Thanks so much, thatā€™s very helpful! šŸ˜Š

  • Welcome to the grind!

    I'd say for your first few days on the seas I would pick sea forts any day!

    Sea forts are marked as "____ fort" on the map and will have name like: mercy's end fort Infront of it.

    These forts are filled with phantoms to be cleared out before you get access to the loot within.
    I recommend these forts because they are easy enough on your own, but have a high loot yield.

    If you've read the earlier advice from other sailors then you know all about reputation, emissary's, and such.
    Forts are perfect for all that because their loot varies for every company at an outpost, so by completing forts and selling the loot you increase every trading companies reputation!

    The reason I don't recommend starting off and doing quests that you buy from the trading companies is because level one quests give little to worthless loot, whereas these sea forts always promise high tier loot for low work.

    If you want to take it a level up exit and join the game until you land at the outpost called: plunder outpost.

    Then sail downwards to the closest fort and clear it. by plunder there are two forts in close proximity. Sail between them clearing them and collecting the loot.

    You can do about 3 of these forts per hour, idk Abt the correct coin output is but it's very profitable for a new player!

    If these aren't your fancy then I recommend merchant quests.

    As you sail around doing their deeds you will find skeleton captains, floating loot, and maybe even Skelton crews.

    Skeleton crews - ships of skeletons that can be killed for a lot of loot. But not new player friendly

    Skeleton captains - they'll have a name above their head and have more health than others. They drop skeleton orders which can lead to very good loot. (It will be in form of either a treasure map or riddle)

  • @bethmae94 I can help you with style hahahaha

    Turning old hags into beautiful swans is my profession šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

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