Top 3 Captaincy Issues

  • These are the top 3 structural issues with this update that not only I have, but that I've heard across the game socials and in game from other players as well. The prevalence of these issues being talked about makes it clear that they all need to be addressed and changes made. Bugs are intentionally excluded from this list.

    1. Ship Renaming Deed: Charging real money to rename a ship is disgusting. It definitely crosses a line. Cosmetics are fine, but charging real money for something that amounts to a quality of life feature is ridiculous. Remove it and make renaming a ship cost gold.

    2. Who is Captain?: Make it so ship milestones progress every crew member's ship of the same class (galleon, brig, sloop) if they own one in that class. The fact that it doesn't is already leading to a lot of toxicity over whose ship gets used. Everyone wants to progress their ship and only a fraction of people can with the current system, leading to a lot of division in the community. The current system is not good for game/community health and needs to change. A system also needs to be implemented to control changing captains/ships in game (while staying within the same ship class of course), especially after the captain leaves.

    3. Milestones: The new milestones have ridiculous requirements and aren't retroactive, which is a slap in the face to anyone that played the game before this update. The requirements should be more reasonable and even then, the overwhelming majority of players still won't have a significant number of them completed immediately. They'll still have plenty of stuff to grind for and their deeds up to this point will be taken into account and respected.

    Hopefully Rare fixes these clearly glaring issues with this update quickly because many players are not happy.

  • 55
  • Completly agree other than the first one.

    Rare has to make money somehow.

  • @thorumsu said in Top 3 Captaincy Issues:

    Completly agree other than the first one.

    Rare has to make money somehow.

    The game is NOT free to play. They ARE making money through the Emporium. Add on the fact that the update isn't even working for half the players. So I ask you, with all these bugs and server issues, what IS our money going to?

  • @thorumsu said in Top 3 Captaincy Issues:

    Completly agree other than the first one.

    Rare has to make money somehow.

    Of course. With cosmetics like I stated in my post. They added ship crests to the Emporium, which is fine. No complaints about that. Ship renaming though? Completely unacceptable.

  • @thorumsu I do appreciate you supporting the other 2 issues though. Much appreciated!

  • @thund3rstruck57, Top 3 Captaincy Issues içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu I do appreciate you supporting the other 2 issues though. Much appreciated!

    Well, its not like we are in a shortage of players agreeing with them. Just look at the forums. The community is outraged lol

  • @thorumsu said in Top 3 Captaincy Issues:

    @thund3rstruck57, Top 3 Captaincy Issues içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu I do appreciate you supporting the other 2 issues though. Much appreciated!

    Well, its not like we are in a shortage of players agreeing with them. Just look at the forums. The community is outraged lol

    No doubt. They definitely ruffled a lot of feathers with this update.

  • Ship Renaming Deed: Charging real money to rename a ship is disgusting.

    Wanting to rename your ship every day or month is just sad to be frank. Why? You save money if you pick a name that has meaning or fits your Playstyle. It not a problem if you have a good name :/


    Captain is the player who launched the ship. Pirate Milestones are what you seek, Ship Milestones are for the Captain of the ship and there chosen adventures. The Ship is basically its own Player/Avatar, what adventures will they go on.
    Players make it Toxic because they deem it so, so far my own friend group have made there own Sloops and done different adventures, then we group up on a Brig or Galleon and do bigger adventures. Each Ship has it own story.
    ( did you know if a captain allows it, you can place your own unlocked Trophies to show off on others ships?)

    Milestones: The new milestones have ridiculous requirements and aren't retroactive, which is a slap in the face to anyone that played the game before this update.

    Slap to your face. I been here D1 and I welcome them with open, wiggly arms. Sure it sad our past wasn't added but now we can do it all over again, faster even! But as Captains! and show off our deeds by trophy.
    Requirements are "hard" because players like yourself deem them so. No dedication, No focus. Personal achievement.

    Remember Kids, You do not have to do any of the hard stuff if you deem them difficult. (Drink Grog or sleep) silly as people always pick those as examples.

    With new focus and Goal, I have reason to go back and do TT, Sinks skeleton ships, Redo Voyages and collect gold again.

  • @burnbacon how can you talk about progression? You don't have destroy 500 ghost ships achievement

  • @burnbacon

    You talk alot trying to order peoples what's good and wrong to do in a game u don't even play at all.


  • @BurnBacon Exactly! You have prestiged! That means everything you already did no longer counts! And you get to do it all over again! This is exactly what everyone was clamoring for!

    Wait... It wasn't? Does that mean that people don't actually know what they want or what's best for them?

    SHOCKING, I know!

    But no, not really - the devs caved to the ignorant masses and wrapped it up in a pretty little bow as a disguise.

    THIS is why we listen to the experts... 🙄

    [Not personally directed at you @BurnBacon ]

    @tossico94 He doesn't sail? The last time he set sail, according to his achievements, was yesterday!

  • @tossico94 said in Top 3 Captaincy Issues:


    Look at his achievement lol. But even you, 1 million gold. This forum is filled with peoples who talk talk and don't even play the game.

    What a big surprise

    I have made far more than 1 million gold - I buy everything, though, unlike most pirates, so my funds dwindle down to almost nothing quite frequently. Yesterday, I didn't have enough for a captain's brig; today I do.

  • @galactic-geek

    Ur doubloons tell you lie

  • Let's not take things personally and just stay on topic. It is clear that this update got things wrong as it got some things right.

    I agree with the OP and if the issues presented here are taken in consideration the devs will have a much better result imo.

  • @thund3rstruck57
    1: is fine, it's like changing the gamertag...also costs money
    3: also fine, these are long term goals...don’t grind them, just play the game and you will eventually reach them sometime

    Edit: nothing counted from the past? Always been like this...I was PL within the first 3 months of release and Athena lvl 10 about half a year later...then athena commendations were added...and nothing from the past I cry because of that? No, so deal with it, as we others do and just have fun in the game...or you grind everything out...which doesn't sound like fun

  • @tossico94 said in Top 3 Captaincy Issues:


    Ur doubloons tell you lie

    What? How? I earned them, saved them, then spent them on some more gold during G&G weekends.

  • @thund3rstruck57

    Ship Renaming Deed: Charging real money to rename a ship is disgusting. It definitely crosses a line. Cosmetics are fine, but charging real money for something that amounts to a quality of life feature is ridiculous. Remove it and make renaming a ship cost gold.

    Ship renaming isnt too much of an issue, its free to chose a name, so if you decide to name a ship something and dont like it, thats kinda on you for not thinking the ship name through. Functionally ship name is only something cosmetic, it doesnt improve gameplay to be able to change your ships name for free, but if you do decide you want a different ship name for free, you have 2 options, either dismantle it and buy another, or level it up and buy another.

  • @tossico94

    You talk alot trying to order peoples what's good and wrong to do in a game u don't even play at all.

    You may want to check his days at sea compared to your own my friend.

  • I think the first option should remain BUT have an option to pay gold. Make it expensive so that you want to get it right the first time! there would still be a way for rare to make money if people are impatient however (which most people are).

  • @burnbacon [Mod edit]

    I'm sorry but if you are this blind to bad design choices, you shouldn't be an Insider to begin with, you having that title is a disgrace to what the community is trying to do here. And that is making the game fun for everyone, casual and hardcore players alike.

  • @goldsmen said in Top 3 Captaincy Issues:


    You talk alot trying to order peoples what's good and wrong to do in a game u don't even play at all.

    You may want to check his days at sea compared to your own my friend.

    I don't doubt that BurnBacon plays the game for a significant amount of time, but the number of Days at Sea on his profile reflects the time spend on the forums.

  • I agree on 2 and 3 to 140 %!
    Played since launch and this system make me not wanna play the game as of right now. And that makes me sad beacuse I´ve always defended the game so.

    The reason for number 1 is beacuse I have no like interest in, I´m not gonna change name as the same reason I´ve never bought skins/pets/new pirate for real money anyway. Everything is from Ancient Skellys and Seasonpass progression.

  • @lem0n-curry Indeed, and anyone with that much time on the forum, implies a lot more time in game, generally people spend more time playing, than they would on any forum.

  • @goldsmen said in Top 3 Captaincy Issues:

    @lem0n-curry Indeed, and anyone with that much time on the forum, implies a lot more time in game, generally people spend more time playing, than they would on any forum.

    You'd be surprised then there are people who no longer play the game but feel the need to post here anyway :).

    Also, people could have a job where they have a browser open 8 hours and play for 2 3-hour sessions a week.

    #days on the forum doesn't imply more than reading and/or writing posts here.

  • @thund3rstruck57 said in Top 3 Captaincy Issues:

    1. Ship Renaming Deed: Charging real money to rename a ship is disgusting. It definitely crosses a line. Cosmetics are fine, but charging real money for something that amounts to a quality of life feature is ridiculous. Remove it and make renaming a ship cost gold.

    This is 100% deliberate, and it's very unlikely to ever change.
    It's not a fluke, that the renaming costs more than a pirate change.
    The insane grind is enough incentive not to dismantle a ship just because someone got bored of the name.

    It's disgusting indeed.

  • @goldsmen said in Top 3 Captaincy Issues:

    @lem0n-curry Indeed, and anyone with that much time on the forum, implies a lot more time in game, generally people spend more time playing, than they would on any forum.

    We won't have to speculate how many hours they've played the game from the time spent on forums, we can just check it from their xbox profile, as long as their profile isn't private, as tossico's is :)

  • I made a post about point #2 a couple days ago and provided a possible solution to players not wanting to sail on a ship that isn't theirs and last I saw it got half a thousand views but got buried fairly quickly, I agree though the system they have now makes me want to play even less than I already do which lately isn't a whole lot.

  • @limend Fair enough, i just dont mess with looking up peoples profiles because i just find xbox app and microsoft store super clunky and aggravating to use for anything other than "launch game"

  • @thund3rstruck57 sagte in Top 3 Captaincy Issues:

    @thorumsu said in Top 3 Captaincy Issues:

    Completly agree other than the first one.

    Rare has to make money somehow.

    Of course. With cosmetics like I stated in my post. They added ship crests to the Emporium, which is fine. No complaints about that. Ship renaming though? Completely unacceptable.

    The ship name is a cosmetic! So your answer makes no sense?

  • @kozakderg said in Top 3 Captaincy Issues:

    @burnbacon [Mod edit]

    I'm sorry but if you are this blind to bad design choices, you shouldn't be an Insider to begin with, you having that title is a disgrace to what the community is trying to do here. And that is making the game fun for everyone, casual and hardcore players alike.

    Shouldn't be an Insider? He's as rational and as level-headed as they come! At least he isn't belittling others like you are, and telling them what they shouldn't be...

  • @thund3rstruck57 said in Top 3 Captaincy Issues:

    These are the top 3 structural issues with this update that not only I have, but that I've heard across the game socials and in game from other players as well. The prevalence of these issues being talked about makes it clear that they all need to be addressed and changes made. Bugs are intentionally excluded from this list.

    1. Ship Renaming Deed: Charging real money to rename a ship is disgusting. It definitely crosses a line. Cosmetics are fine, but charging real money for something that amounts to a quality of life feature is ridiculous. Remove it and make renaming a ship cost gold.

    One: You also have to pay ancient coins to change your appearance. What's the difference?
    Two: You get five ships of each time and thus five names of each type. You really shouldn't have to rename your ship.
    Three: You can literally get ancient coins for free.

    1. Who is Captain?: Make it so ship milestones progress every crew member's ship of the same class (galleon, brig, sloop) if they own one in that class. The fact that it doesn't is already leading to a lot of toxicity over whose ship gets used. Everyone wants to progress their ship and only a fraction of people can with the current system, leading to a lot of division in the community. The current system is not good for game/community health and needs to change. A system also needs to be implemented to control changing captains/ships in game (while staying within the same ship class of course), especially after the captain leaves.

    Problems with the people, not the system.

    1. Milestones: The new milestones have ridiculous requirements and aren't retroactive, which is a slap in the face to anyone that played the game before this update. The requirements should be more reasonable and even then, the overwhelming majority of players still won't have a significant number of them completed immediately. They'll still have plenty of stuff to grind for and their deeds up to this point will be taken into account and respected.

    The fact that there is now a new progression system takes nothing from long-time players. If anything, it gives them something new to do rather than "Hey look at this cool new feature, you're already done with it."

  • burnbacon said in Top 3 Captaincy Issues:

    Remember Kids, You do not have to do any of the hard stuff if you deem them difficult. (Drink Grog or sleep) silly as people always pick those as examples.

    @galactic-geek I can collect some more of this person's comments if you would like. just because you are an Insider, does not give you the right to belittle people and calling everyone on the forum who have had negative experience and shared constructive feedback, derogatory terms, which in this case is derogatory, implying everyone having raised concerns on the forum is immature.

    I have seen other insiders have a way worse attitude towards people who disagree with the current update. It's honestly a shame that some were given this title.

  • @womtek said in Top 3 Captaincy Issues:

    I agree on 2 and 3 to 140 %!
    Played since launch and this system make me not wanna play the game as of right now. And that makes me sad beacuse I´ve always defended the game so.

    The reason for number 1 is beacuse I have no like interest in, I´m not gonna change name as the same reason I´ve never bought skins/pets/new pirate for real money anyway. Everything is from Ancient Skellys and Seasonpass progression.

    Ya 2 and 3 are making me not want to play the game anymore either and I'm a day 1 player that's always supported, praised, and recommended this game. Although I wasn't happy either when they removed arena because they never fixed it's issues and killed it with their apathy. 1 is just making me not want to give them money anymore.

  • @mr-whaletoes said in Top 3 Captaincy Issues:

    One: You also have to pay ancient coins to change your appearance. What's the difference?

    Pirate appearances don't change based on local alphabets like letter cases do in ship names. Sea of Thieves is played around the world and in a myriad of languages with different alphabets.

    If I name my ship Niña, it should always say Niña, but it doesn't. On your ship's placard, it will say NIÑA. In the logbook, it will say Niña. The ship banner will say NIñA.

    What indication do you have before naming your ship that your capitalization will be different? None. Do you get an indication that your pirate appearance will change? Well, also no because it doesn't change.

16 out of 55