• I’ve been playing for a while now (Pioneer here) and I must say I like the feeling of combat and hit reg is A LOT better.

    [Fight Clip]


    Attached is a clip of a pirate hitting me 4 swings in a row with a sword without a pause in between combos. Why is this? Is this player cheating or is the game bugged?

    Besides this, other problems with swords like hit reg and range, along with blocking not working correctly. When running and jumping from players, you also can’t move at all, even after combos in some cases.

    What are your thoughts on this issue and the clip?

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  • @knighthunter555 There is already an ongoing post on the issue:

  • @knighthunter555 said in FIX SWORD PLAY:

    I’ve been playing for a while now (Pioneer here) and I must say I like the feeling of combat and hit reg is A LOT better.

    [Fight Clip]


    Attached is a clip of a pirate hitting me 4 swings in a row with a sword without a pause in between combos. Why is this? Is this player cheating or is the game bugged?

    Besides this, other problems with swords like hit reg and range, along with blocking not working correctly. When running and jumping from players, you also can’t move at all, even after combos in some cases.

    What are your thoughts on this issue and the clip?

    To be clear hit-reg is NOT a sword issue - it's a networking issue that affects almost everything upon the waves; do not confuse the 2. The core mechanics for the sword are actually quite sound - they're just marred by the hit-reg issues (as are the firearms, bombs, cannons, bucket, etc.).

    Watching your clip, I think what you're seeing is definitely a networking issue. My guess is that there was a delay between swings (he might have stopped and restarted his combo after the second hit), but you can't see it because your side of the network is actually catching up. Regardless, you failed to defend yourself and block through all 4 attacks - if you had, you could have sword-dodged through your opponent to gain a better position, confuse them, and gain the opportunityto stab him in the back.

    It's also possible that the 2nd pirate to the right might have hit you as he brieflyy rushed forward.

    As for your inability to move, it's likely you're getting stunned by a sword attack as you run away. If this happens, as long as you have a sword equipped, the block-dodge I mentioned above will set you free. If you don't already know how to do it, simply hold block, move in any direction, and jump. Don't keep holding the block mid-jump, however, as that will slow you down.

  • @galactic-geek

    I tested sword play before it was released so I have been doing sword block dodges for a while now. Thank you for trying to help give advice though.

    With this clip, you can count time with the strikes and you can notice that strikes 1-2, 2-3, and 3-4 all have the same striking time … as if to ignore a combo. Also, if there was a network delay I would have died a bit slower. Thanks for you comment on this

  • Yeah, it doesn’t feel very nice. That’s why I prefer double gun because I can rely on my aim and not the off-chance that I will be able to block-jump through someone without being hit anyway…

    The networking issues have really scuffed it. It felt sooooo smooth and satisfying before the damage was upped, although I understand why they did it.

  • @knighthunter555 said in FIX SWORD PLAY:


    I tested sword play before it was released so I have been doing sword block dodges for a while now. Thank you for trying to help give advice though.

    With this clip, you can count time with the strikes and you can notice that strikes 1-2, 2-3, and 3-4 all have the same striking time … as if to ignore a combo. Also, if there was a network delay I would have died a bit slower. Thanks for you comment on this

    No problem! If you suspect foul play, you can always submit the video and the name of the pirate in question to SoT's Support team. 😉

  • Mhmm I wonder if the Harpoon had anything to do with that as you don't get cool down when you sword/lunge the Harpoons. 🤔🤭 that is interesting, I'm going to do some science and sword lord someone near the 'rpoon and see if I get 4 slashes. If so then wahey, tools no rules as rare say.

  • @knighthunter555
    It seems as if something happened to the slashing pirate after the third swing... they seem to be restarting the combo there. It's possible you actually hit him right as their third swing connected, and the other player was able to slash you again.

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