Searching for the Daddest crew on the planet.

  • Any Dads out there searching for a crew to sail the seas post here .

  • 14
    just for fungeneralcompetition
  • @ravishrex
    I have a dog. Is that dad enough?

  • Dad here, count me in!

  • Ill be a dad in two months 😅

  • Yargh! Aye, I be a father of 5 scurvy bilge rats. Which means I play on thee ol' Xbox.

    GT: VooDoo IC0N

  • Fellow dad here looking to create a friends list so that I don't have to sail and pillage alone!

  • GT: Friedwilly

  • Arrr! Me sprats be pirates in th'r own right but I be lookin' to break free o' th'r accursed 3-man galleon! Problem bein' as I often sail when the moon is high, sittin' in bed next to me missus, so I be stuck typin' to talk.

    So if anyone's up for sailing at night (10-12 Eastern weeknights, 9-whenever Friday and Saturday) and don't mind a no-mic experience, let me know or if you see me sailing, just join. If you want to plan any kind of regular "dads-on-a-galleon, with beer" kind of thing, I'd be up for that as well and could probably retire to my office with mic and headset. I'm down for anything except spawn-camping/griefing/trying to ruin someone else's game. Oh, and I'm a terrible PvP'er but don't mind being cannon fodder.

    GT: Sn0kanon

  • Dad here me hearties.
    add and invite me

  • Grandpa herrrrrre.

  • Dad as well. I've even been to Somerset! Yar!!!

  • Dad-to-be here me captain! Request to be apart of the crew!

  • Dads Dad looking for a crew to join, just getting the hang of the basics, can now sail without hitting every rock, can dock, can shoot the cannon and chew gum at the same time. So if you are looking for a ship's mate let me know! Will work for grog!@

  • Dad with matching dad-bod to match me booty! Hit me up for an extra pair of hands as we´ll make other crews call us daddy!....

just for fungeneralcompetition
8 out of 14