Bug with message/voice

  • Hello, I have a little problem.
    For a little while now, I can't see my 2 friends' messages anymore and I can't hear them either. They don't see my messages too and they don't hear me.
    I have the small bubble at the top right of my screen when I speak, other players can also hear me whether it's on my crew or another crew. And I see their messages and they also see my messages.
    It's a bit weird but here it is.
    Thanks for those who will help me, have a nice day :D

  • 22
  • @rexstuff6095 It sounds like it could be an issue with your privacy settings somewhere, but I'd go ahead and make a ticket with support to find out what's going on.

  • Hello !

    I already went to check my privacy settings but everything seems correct. I have also contacted the support several times and they refer me each time to links related to my problem but it still hasn't solved.

  • @rexstuff6095 Have you checked to make sure that they haven't become blocked? (It happens sometimes)

  • Yes, that's the first thing we checked xD
    But no, I didn't block them and they didn't block me either.

  • @rexstuff6095 Can you post the link that support gave you?

  • Sure !


  • @rexstuff6095 Which platform are you playing on?

  • I'm on Pc.
    At the beginning I had SoT on the microsoft store (I already had this problem) and for not long I play SoT on Steam (I still have the same problem lol and of course I linked my two accounts to keep my progression).

  • @rexstuff6095 Without discussing anything about insiders, can you talk to your friends in that version?

  • @foxdodge I had never thought of it, we're going to try and I'll come back here to tell you
    Thank you for your help !

  • @foxdodge
    Hi !
    No, I don't see their messages and they don't hear me either. :(

  • @rexstuff6095 You can try turning off all background apps and making sure that all third party apps are disabled when you run the game.

    Disable/turn off all voice communication permissions in apps that you are using (specially Microsoft and Xbox live) and then re-enable/turn them back on.

    If you've been using teamspeak then make sure that it's disabled/turned off, and that your friends have done the same.

    Block/mute your friends in-game and through steam/Microsoft/Xbox live network, and then unblock/unmute them.

    I also found this which I would try resetting. Let me know if anything helps.

  • @foxdodge Hello !
    We've tried everything, but it doesn't work. We got blocked, unblocked, removed communication permissions to xbox, SoT, Steam or discord (we use discord)... nothing :(

    Yet yesterday, we invited another friend, I added him on Xbox, he joined the crew and I heard him and I saw his messages and he also heard me and saw my messages. It's really a problem between my 2 friends and me and we don't understand.

    And my 2 friends can hear each other and see their messages, it's really between them and me. They also blocked and then unblocked me to test.

  • @rexstuff6095 What other games can you play with your friends and communicate in-game? Also, when you say messages, which ones specifically? (what does and doesn't work)

    I take it your new friend could hear everyone?

  • @foxdodge Yes, I can communicate with my friends on other games. It's really only Sea Of Thieves.

    And I see the pirate chat (the predefined messages), but their messages that write themselves, that's what I don't see.

  • @rexstuff6095 It really sounds to me like it's a privacy and permissions issue. Two more things that I can think of are to check that you have an adult Microsoft account, and that it's not set to child or teen. I'd also try using an alt account to see if that changes anything.

    You should also try contacting Microsoft Support.

  • @foxdodge Ok thank you very much, my account is an adult account. I also contacted SoT support, I'm waiting for an answer (they told me that my request was sent to their dev team).

    I will contact microsoft support once SoT responds.

    Again thank you very much for taking your time to answer me and help me, I appreciate it. I will come back here if I have the solution to my problem! :D

  • Hello ! I'm back with some news (bad news).

    SoT support has been lovely, they are really professional and do their best to help me.

    Unfortunately, we couldn't find the cause of the problem and so they suggested this:

    "Ahoy there!

    Unfortunately as we have now exhausted all of the troubleshooting that we have to offer, we have no further solutions available for you to try. Outside of asking you to reformat your PC or reset your copy of Windows, which is something we do not like to ask, we would recommend you reach out to Microsoft and Steam Support first just in case they have further solutions for you to try:


    best regards,
    Sea of Thieves - Player Support"

  • Hello, since you described the issue only occurs to specific friend accounts and not new one or other crew, try unfriending your pals.
    Another thing that comes in mind is starting an xbox party chat and try your mic there. Sometimes, just a running xbox party in the background somehow fixes the game handling the mic. Also, check the accessibility settings - perhaps there is a bug in those text to voice functions and it prevents you to see the messages or hear the voice - not only you, but your friends as well.

  • @johncourtier Hello !

    We have already tried to unfriend. But we will try the xbox party, thank you for your help!

  • Hellooo !

    I have the solution !!

    We had to have an xbox party, then right click on my friend's profile and the "mute the sound" tab was activated, I deactivate it, once I did that I could hear them and see their messages in game!

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