For those asking (still) for PVE servers despite the devs making it clear it won't happen, check this out

  • A new early access game that might provide what you guys are looking for?

    Set sail towards adventure in the world of Sailwind! This sailing simulator with survival elements features realistic sailing physics and a vast open world to explore. Embark on cargo delivery missions, customize your boat with furniture and decorations, or enjoy some fishing.

    Take it easy and go for a calm, relaxing trip around the local islands, or, when you're ready for some adventure, buy a big boat and go on a dangerous voyage across the ocean to distant lands. Use navigation instruments, the sun and the stars to stay on course, battle storms and high winds, and don't forget to stock enough food and water for the long journey!

    Full realistic sailing physics – in order to sail successfully, you’ll have to tack, reef the sails in heavy weather, keep track of the direction of the wind to find the perfect angle. Watch out for the ever changing weather and waves!

    Six boats of different sizes and sail plans to choose from, each with its own unique sailing characteristics and performance.

    There are many reasons to set sail – cargo delivery, fishing, exploration, or simply for pleasure. Looking for some relaxation? Enjoy the sunny beaches and crystal clear waters around the tropical archipelagos.
    Ready for an adventure? Buy a big boat, stock up on supplies, plot your route and set sail for an epic ocean voyage, where you will battle high waves, heavy winds, and where running out of food or water is a real danger.

    The world consists of many islands across three distinct regions, each with unique climate, architecture and economy. Drop anchor or dock your boat, step off and explore each island freely. Make sure to stock up on food and water – both in game and in real life, as a journey across the ocean can take many hours of real time with no land in sight!

    Use navigation instruments such as the compass and quadrant to determine your heading and position. Observe the sun and stars, chart your position on the map, and hope you don’t get too far off course on the long journey across the vast ocean.

    Your boat is your home on the sea. Make it feel cozy by customizing with furniture, decorations and paint. Cook your own food, clean and polish the deck, and at the end of the day, sit in a chair and have some rum or smoke a pipe while watching the sunset.


    • fishing & cooking- dynamic weather & time of day
    • realistic stars, sun and moon
    • dynamic economy & trading (buy low, sell high for profit)
  • 15
  • That game looks promising for what it is

    The problem they will have is that many people in the complaining section of life that criticize this environment on SOT heavily aren't actually looking to better their experience for their preferences they are playing social team sport by creating an enemy.

    The lack of intensity, food chain, and thrill of random interaction both good and bad are what create longevity in games like this.
    The pve only side will struggle to allow an environment where people can entertain themselves long term.

  • @wolfmanbush

    If a Game has regular content there is no problem to be a Pve Game. Look WoW, PvP is just a joke, maybe 10% of the community plays It with regularity and everything is fine, now is on a bad moment due to the investigation by sexual abuse on the company, but their survived with a pure Pve Game with an optional PvP that Nobody uses (Warmode or instanced PvP like arena).

    I think It might work on SoT, look Alliances Servers, they have 30-40 mins queue to join, full servers 24/7 , even more on events.

    But Rare has a Different POV and its ok, just saying that Sot could work as PvE pure Game with instanced PvP or with PvP on/off selector.

    The player retention could be better and the servers could feel more Alive, but is something that I think is too late to implement and a percent of the community Will disgree.

  • @wolfmanbush I totally agree, I think Rare really nailed the elements to ensure the game keeps a long term interest in the game and a fun replayable gameplay while balancing both play styles of PVE and PVP.

    I simply felt while seeing this game that it looked a whole lot like what the people insisting on going against the spirit of SoT are actually looking for. I personally love PVEVP and wouldn't want to see SoT be anything else than what it is, but I might look Sailwind up to since I'm a big fan of sandbox and chill exploration games as well.

  • @elci-poteh said in For those asking (still) for PVE servers despite the devs making it clear it won't happen, check this out:


    If a Game has regular content there is no problem to be a Pve Game. Look WoW, PvP is just a joke, maybe 10% of the community plays It with regularity and everything is fine, now is on a bad moment due to the investigation by sexual abuse on the company, but their survived with a pure Pve Game with an optional PvP that Nobody uses (Warmode or instanced PvP like arena).

    I think It might work on SoT, look Alliances Servers, they have 30-40 mins queue to join, full servers 24/7 , even more on events.

    But Rare has a Different POV and its ok, just saying that Sot could work as PvE pure Game with instanced PvP or with PvP on/off selector.

    The player retention could be better and the servers could feel more Alive, but is something that I think is too late to implement and a percent of the community Will disgree.

    Entirely different type of game.

    Even alliance servers are having longevity boosted by the risk
    There is always that chance of a pvper infiltrating and sabotaging. There is always that risk factor even if it has been significantly reduced.
    If alliance servers were truly always safe there would be an interest drop in that type of play as well.

    All alliance people are doing is the same thing a a lot of streamer crews are doing. Stacking the odds in their favor for content and personal perceived social benefit.

    They are still at some risk even if it's been reduced and the drive to get out there to do the same old thing with a lot of similar results is boosted by that danger

  • Different games, genres and stakes for different people. WoW is WoW, GTA is GTA, and SoT is SoT.

    Whether it could work or not, SoT's core isn't meant for PVE only, but this game's appears to be though. It's quite in early development but I think it might be the chance for PVE-only advocates to encourage devs who actually have aligning visions with their own?

    The proverbial ship has sailed on PVE-only SoT, it's time to look somewhere else for this core gameplay rather than trying to force it here.

  • Do they instalock threads asking for pvp?

  • @pithyrumble said in For those asking (still) for PVE servers despite the devs making it clear it won't happen, check this out:

    Do they instalock threads asking for pvp?


  • @pithyrumble said in For those asking (still) for PVE servers despite the devs making it clear it won't happen, check this out:

    Do they instalock threads asking for pvp?

    Hah, unless they make it abundantly clear it's not part of their vision and design for the game, I see no reason to!

  • Lol Sail Wind, haha!

    Never heard of it but if they slap it on Game Pass I'll play it.

    I play all things Pirate Age related.

    Out of all of it this and Sid Meiers have been the only two pirate games worth a flip! This being the greatest to date.

    This is to Pirate games what Arkham asylum was to Super Hero games!

  • @bloodybil

    Wait, wait, wait I got one more lol....

    Do I get a cannon I can shoot myself out of?

    I don't want to play a sailing Sim. I wanna dig up and bury treasure and do crazy stuff.
    I know I'm not your target audience but there's things you can't get anywhere but here.

  • @pithyrumble said in For those asking (still) for PVE servers despite the devs making it clear it won't happen, check this out:


    Wait, wait, wait I got one more lol....

    Do I get a cannon I can shoot myself out of?

    I don't want to play a sailing Sim. I wanna dig up and bury treasure and do crazy stuff.
    I know I'm not your target audience but there's things you can't get anywhere but here.

    Let's beat the iron while its hot, the game is in early access, now is the time to get the devs to add jetpacks, frozen zones, whaling, submarines, triple gunning, whatever your heart desires!

  • @bloodybil

    iprobably shouldn't lol. You'd have harpoon parachute explosives and cloaking devices.

    Let the dev'z have their vision.

    I'll break it later lol

  • The issue in SOT is progression. What progression means for one type of player is combat against other players.
    Progression for the other is halted due to failing in combat against the first. The issue arises when you realize all of that progression cannot be achieved without the second player type TRYING TO PLAY THE WAY HE WANTS. The game is just designed that way.
    So you have some players picking up voyages and digging up treasure and the more successful players wait for those voyages to be profitable then they swoop in. So the theory here is both players have to be good at the way they play in order for progression to take place FOR ANYONE. PvPirates would never gain levels or gold without Voyage focused players attempting to also gain gold and levels. So, what grinds peoples gear is that you can't be successful in SOT without being good in combat (inherently untrue) BUt even if you are great at PvP you cant progress in the game without the players people say "Play the game wrong".
    Lets be honest, players that complain about PvP just want the thrill of turning in loot and making progress. There is nothing wrong with that, but, people will say "That's fine, just get good at PvP and you can enjoy that". Some people just suck at PvP. Regardless of how you respond to this subject, it sucks to spend hours at a time completing a voyage and get ganked. The thing is PvPers dont normally invest hours on voyages anymore and THEN defend the loot, so they take no risks just everyone elses loot. So it's easy to see how most players that support the PvP argument are so's because it's easy, skill and combat's easier to spend 30 minutes or less finding someone to rob than it is to navigate, dig it up and the defend it. Without the PvE'ers everyone hates so much, the gold stays in the ground because PvPers dont want to play the other 75 percent of the content that involves parts of the game they pretend aren't as important on how good you are at killing ans stealing....what happens then? We've already seen it, a lot of players leave and people start asking "Is SOT a dead game?" That being said I know PvPers can and have done and played like the voyagers that dont want to lose loot, there's no skill those voyager players there is fun and PvP fun unfortunately involves assuring someone has a bad day. It's one thing if you're at a fort of some sort and PvP is gonna happen and you progress that way, but that's the reason a lot of players avoid that giant glowing skull in the sky, because to THEM, it's a guaranteed bad time. What happens when there is no skull in the sky is why players complain about PvP, because then the tryhards venture forth in search of someone to steal from. It's complicated and both play styles are important and either one without the other changes the game, I know that, which is why it makes meangry when people say things like "You're playing the wrong game / Its not sea of friends." Because there is so much non PvP related content built into the heart of the game and everyone just concentrates on and gives importance to PvPirates being happy and tells the guy wanting to find cool treasure the legit way with his friends this isn't the game for him when those mechanics are how the game works as well. I'm not firmly on either side, I just wish people could admit "Without bullying SOT wouldn't work" Because SOT has the framework for bullies and victims built into it's core concept, if that wasn't true SOT would just be arena.

  • On SoT, The idea of progression is getting better and better to survive PvP encounters and keep your loot safe, or steal other´s loot.

    But... what happens in the reality? There is not progression at all, because your skill doesn´t matter since RNG decides who wins a battle. It doesn´t matter if you have 500-1000-5000 hours invested at this game, because servers are the worst garbage I´ve ever seen and it will decide who wins a gunfight 100% of the time.

    If you board, you put your life on luck´s hands , maybe you will hit with the gun or maybe the server will eat every shoot until the enemy kills you.

    For that reason and a lot more, all around servers and how bad they are, SoT is just a game to waste hours with your friends without any kind of improvement idea , just sailing and praying for not having pvp rng sided encounters.

    In my case, I am just logging two or three days per month to max my emissary lvl and stop playing until next one. Next season I will boost the pass on two days playing ally servers and I´m done with SoT, with all arena commendations near to be completed, I have nothing to do on this game until Rare decides to update that windows 95 potato servers that they have and make this game a place to improve and fight on equal conditions.

1 out of 15