Wanted Poster Generator

  • @nayalichsto ;) The computer knows everything ;)

    PS Thanks @Rare-Employee: https://twitter.com/SeaOfThieves/status/878273954728857601

    Gonna need to buy some more hamsters to keep this thing going!

  • @Musicmee Lol, well done there dude, it was awesome work and as I said, ;) would blow up !!!!

  • I'll try and give a few suggestions: for reading the map upsidown, for not drinking any grog, for putting sand in the captains boots, for tearing holes in the sails, for using the cannons backwards!, for feeding grog to the sharks, for abandoning ship in battle. I hope you use one!

  • @Doppelganger368

    All of those are pretty good suggestions. Personally, I hope "Feeding grog to the sharks" is added 'cause that's funny.

  • @xDILLIGAFx1974 thanks! I try and suggest as much as I can to the sea of thieves community.

  • @Doppelganger368 @xDILLIGAFx1974
    Just added a few of them to the list ;) Now online.
    "Feeding grog to the sharks" Made the cut!

  • @Musicmee awesome!

  • @Musicmee
    First, I must say, good sir - this is an amazing idea! I love it - and I'm ecstatic to see that Rare propped up your idea. (I found this on Twitter :D)

    Next, would ye consider
    "for aggressively playing the Hurdy Gurdy"
    "for using the Concertina as a squirt gun"

  • Hahaha! Brilliant.

    @Musicmee said in Automatic Wanted Posters:

    @nayalichsto ;) The computer knows everything ;)

    PS Thanks @Rare-Employee: https://twitter.com/SeaOfThieves/status/878273954728857601

    Gonna need to buy some more hamsters to keep this thing going!

  • how do I share?

  • @PiratesOfAnubis If you right click and copy image address then you can post a link to your poster wherever you like, or right click and save image and then upload it or post the link to the forum thread wherever you want to.

  • @PiratesOfAnubis Be sure to right click and save it if you want to keep the text as is... if not it will be random every time!

  • Love this idea!! I'm actually going to print it out and frame it :p

  • @PirateOnTheBay Hahaha! Nice work!

    If anyone does tweet one use the hashtags #SeaOfThieves #SoTWanted I'm trying to keep an eye on them ;)

    PS Over 8000 posters generated so far.

  • https://damien.deak.es/wanted/Fruit.png

  • This is sweet!

    Here a few ideas (some of these are probably already in there):

    • For eating all of the Bananas
    • For drinking all of the Grog
    • For being a Lightning Magnet

    This last one should probably be under my name, right @Crisp-The-Fox?

    • For getting stuck in a rock
  • Kudos on getting a shoutout on the official twitter page.

  • No! I was caught trying to take @Clumsy-George's broom!

  • I think mine should read 'Lightning' magnet lol

  • @lizalaroo



  • @Zettianauts Added your suggestions to the growing list! Thanks!

  • @Musicmee wOOt! Thank you lol

  • this is perfect

  • @MrBroJangles87 @BryanKane Nice posters guys!

    I have added more lines today and plan to release the deface option today too.

  • Sweet posters everyone... where is the pirate gear coming from that so many seem to have? I don't recall pirate gear for the avatar... then again, it's been many years (perhaps XBox 360 days) since I last looked at my avatar...

  • @RFlagg10 There's plenty of pirate gear in the Avatar shop on the Xbox.

  • Wanted: For never paying his bar tabs
    Wanted: For Booty Theft

  • @Rum-Pot-Beer Added them to the list thank you!


    To anyone that has generated a poster so far thank you! And to those who have shared on Twitter I am looking at running a competition to those of you who have used #seaofthieves and #SoTWanted more details soon when I come up with a prize!

  • https://damien.deak.es/wanted/ChalkyHotDog.png

  • I like the way a lot of you have got pirate gear on... have you done it especially for the poster or was that how you always had your avatar?

  • @Musicmee I'm a pirate! Nuff said lol

  • @lizalaroo I had no doubt in my mind ;) that and a lightning magnet... I don't know which one you're more of!

  • @ChalkyHotDog How could you?!

  • @IOnEI-Falcon Not to be trusted that @ChalkyHotDog ;)

57 out of 256