New Player not having fun :/

  • New player to the game and im trying my best to enjoy this I really am but i try to join any ship get voted off or they leave, constant outpost camping, racist people over Voice comms,

    buggy people jumping about every where when i try to do solo

    seriously how is anyone new ever supposed to even start on this game?

    game seriously is unfun which is a shame because the concept i think is amazing

  • 17
  • Right sadly the open crew is very hit and miss and it’s mostly miss you could play solo which might be better but a few tips keep an eye out for ships if one is heading your way get on your ship and flee if you have loot other wise great practice for fighting off players tho you may lose the fight, also if you can’t put fight a crew out smart them. with a sloop it sails faster than the rest of the ships into the wind

  • With the sloop going into the wind ive read that but ive had a few brigs still able to chase me easily and even catch up.

    like i said i want to enjoy this game and i do to some essence,
    i will admit it hasn't been all doom and gloom but if i had to put a % on it

    20% fun 80% not fun

    Just come off now with some loot and jumped to 3 different outposts before being sunk with each one being camped by some other team, eventually had 2 brigs and a galleon chase me down and sunk me and it was very obviously clear they was in a discord or something.

    Lost of racist remarks, and toxic behaviour so yeah.

    Isnt good either when its a 12 so when me and the my fiance play together and our kids are in the room and someone over in game voice suddenly shouts out the N word telling me and her that we should be R*****ed to death and burned on the cross

    so no i think i will pass on this

  • Ohhh another tip Never leave your ships sails down and your ship anchored when at an island when you come up on an island raise your sail if you want to come to a complete stop then drop anchor and raise it right away that way if a ship is coming for you all you have to do is hop on your ship and drop sail to run or fight

  • @commissarpunk yea report those players they have no place in this game I’m sorry that’s been your experience this game is truly amazing

  • I have no idea how to report other players, its not very clearly stated anywhere

  • @commissarpunk if on Xbox and you look at Recently played with it should show the players you where near or with them you select that players name there should be a Report/Block option select that and follow from there

  • Also if you go to Community here on the site then scroll down to Code of Conduct there’s an option at the bottom of that page to report as will

  • @commissarpunk

    If you want to play with people who won't get vote you into the brig, randomly leave, or are racist through voice comms, I would recommend joining the official Sea of Thieves discord. There are over 230,000 players in the discord with constant Looking For Group (LFG) posts for everything the seas have to offer. From world events, talltales, voyages, arena, even just fishing, there are plenty of people constantly looking for someone to join their crew and have someone to play with.

    Discord link:

  • Looking for group.
    Mute setting.

    Few good key words you might be interested in.

  • I’d suggest join the Sea of Thieves official discord to find some people to play with. There are many people there willing to help new payers, there’s even a whole channel dedicated to new players.

    Outpost camping isn’t against any rules no matter how annoying it is. Your best option here is to scuttle, or just leave.

    Racist people are violating the code of conduct so just report them, or mute other crews. If you want to report them, you either do through Microsoft’s, or Rare’s reporting system.

  • @commissarpunk said in New Player not having fun :/:

    New player to the game and im trying my best to enjoy this I really am but i try to join any ship get voted off or they leave, constant outpost camping, racist people over Voice comms,

    1. Open Crew is indeed "hit or miss" for sure, but that is part and parcel with a random grouping option in just about every online game. You never know what you're going to be coming into. Get a bad crew, move on. Get a mixed bag, deal with it or move on. Get a great crew, enjoy it and maybe add some friends to play with in the future.

    2. Outpost camping is normally pretty rare, honestly. Been playing since launch and can count on two hands when I've encountered this. It can happen, but is not an optimal play style even for PvP focused players. More often if someone is at an Outpost it means they spawned in, are cashing out, or are gathering supplies/voyages for their journey.

    3. This kind of behavior is grounds for banning and/or restrictions. If you encounter it report those players. If you are in a situation where even encountering it could be a problem (like your young child is around and you want to shield them from this) then select to Mute Other Crews in your options for that session. You can't control others, but you do have tools to deal with it.

    buggy people jumping about every where when i try to do solo

    Being solo doesn't make people just magically appear around you. People jumping about in battle situations when they do encounter other players is a tactic (and honestly not even that great of one since we don't have locational hit damage, and you don't jumper higher than your center mass anyways, so just aim center mass on these folks and hit them basically all the time as they aren't actually clearing their hotbox from that space).

    seriously how is anyone new ever supposed to even start on this game?

    The same as everyone else does with an open sandbox game, without the skills needed to properly deal with most situations and putting in the time to learn the game and get better at it. You'll get better at handling your Ship, yourself, using the environment, using your tools. Each session, as a result, means you keep getting better as you go. You'll still lose sometimes, but the amount it happens will recede quickly over time. If you can't handle an occasional loss then that is a personal problem that you could consider trying to work on (you don't have to, but it will reduce your enjoyment of this kind of game).

    game seriously is unfun which is a shame because the concept i think is amazing

    This is not true, because if the concept was amazing for you then it would be a fun game. Maybe you mean the theme (a pirate adventure game), which is the most superficial facet of the whole concept at large (an open world, sandbox, PvPvE, online, pirate adventure game - that is the concept). The concept actually includes some of the things you seem to not like about it based on your critiques.

    It is possible that this game isn't for you, but only you can decide that for yourself. For me, I see merit in the whole experience and the things I dislike all boil down to things I have to deal with if I want to engage with other people (sometimes people aren't great, sometimes people are vile, that is just life). But this game provides me all the tools and control to counter every last bit of that. Otherwise, win or lose, I'm going to have a unique adventure every time I hop on and that is solid.

    Hope you manage to find the joy in the game, and barring that I hope you're able to gracefully move on to something that better suites your tastes in gaming. Gaming writ large is for everyone (in that there are all sorts of types of games out there that some should be appealing and enjoyable to just about anyone), but not every individual game is for everyone (because no game can hit all notes equally for all the different player desires, so they pick a focus and build to that on an individual level).

  • @commissarpunk
    Play with a regular crew, you said you play with your fiancé? As people said LFG in a Discord like the official SoT Discord or Phuzzy's.

    Just don't join the "LFC ATHENA Reapers 2/3 18+ no kids Steals be gud!"

    There's also a wealth of information on youtube to help new players. Check out again the Phuzzybond new player guides.

    Friendly crews are out there my crewmate and I are always willing to help new crews. Just don't approach ships assuming they're friendly because we also shoot on site when ships approach unannounced.

    I was beaten soundly, regularly, when I started. Now that I've been playing for over a year the tables have well turned and I regularly sink everyone outside of Galleons. Still learning every fight of course. It's all experience.

    Racism, much like real life, has no place anywhere. If you can capture the racism with a program like Geforce Experience or the such report the player.

  • @shotgunsunrise I'm a member of the Content Crew. I'm starting to stream when I play so there's always evidence of toxicity. Hoping to clean the murky waters a bit so the Sea of Thieves can be fun for PVE and PVP players alike! (Keep an eye out for those Blazing Phoenix sails with the Rare logo. If those are up, kids are watching.)

  • Open crew is rarely a good idea. If you don't have any friends that are willing to play with you then I'd suggest the Discord server. I've made a few good friends from there that began as sailing together and now we've branched into other games.

    Sometimes you don't always find some one that you get along with but it's a lot better than open crew and most of the time it is a pleasant session.

    Also, you can learn to solo sloop which I think is the best as you get really good at ship management and when you do have a 2nd body on your ship that also can manage the boat you guys are nearly unsinkable.

    Advice for ya since you're new. DO NOT get attached to your loot. Loot will come and go, you will lose your loot and you will take other's loot. Instead enjoy the experience and try to learn so that you can dominate.

    Have an imagination, it's a sandbox game so there is no end game so make a plan for the day, maybe try to sink every boat on site one day, grind voyages/world events another, or a mix of both a separate day, or grind accommodations, or maybe try and make friends with boats and just say funny things to them as you sail by and board them and make a party boat.

  • Whenever im on american servers i get hearing alot of slurs and what they've done to my mother. (she is dead so dunno how but they know)

    European servers are kinda calm to be honest, most dosn't even speak english which is a relief at some times.

    About the open crew, nobody does that....try to get some friends over the internet, that's what i did.
    Or tell your (like i did) partner to start playing with you, mine did it and she is now better than i on the game! :)

  • Hi!

    As a new player like you ( around 50h played) and as solo player the only tip that I can give you is to play arena.

    I spent 35 hours of my 50 playing there and thanks to that and some good team mate Who teached me, I improved a lot at the game, I mean, Im still being a newbie but now I can face another 2 man crew without problems. Sometimes I win, sometimes them, but you feel you are getting better at the game.

    Is harder to solo, but also it is about you and nobody else.

    I hope you understood me, Im not english and its a bit difficult for me to explain certain things.

10 out of 17