Xbox showing wrong in game names

  • Since few days on Xbox not the gamertag is used as name but a random name. Is that a known bug? Does anyone else got this?

  • 11
  • @skycryer is it really a random name? Or does it only affect people who changed theyr name and the game doesn't show it properly

  • I didn't have this problem, but I've been having several problems where enemies appear with green names and friends appear with white or red names.

  • @schwammlgott I would say random name because me and my friends did not change names or gamertag but the ingamje name is now different after login to game.

  • @skycryer
    Is it possible you are in streamer mode? This sounds like that, what the mode does is change every visible name to something random. This is designed to deter stream sniping.

    The Replace gamertag options can be found in (Settings/Gameplay). I would check that option first before moving forward.

  • @nabberwar said in Xbox showing wrong in game names:

    Is it possible you are in streamer mode? This sounds like that, what the mode does is change every visible name to something random. This is designed to deter stream sniping.

    The Replace gamertag options can be found in (Settings/Gameplay). I would check that option first before moving forward.

    This happened to my girlfriend. Everyones names suddenly made no sense. Must be a rare bug because she never even uses the settings. What this guy I qouted said is correct.

  • Could have turned on streamer mode by accident. Since the update a lot of players are turning on long distance name tags and could also be turning on streamer mode without realizing it.

  • On PC and other night my crew mate had my GT as theirs. Maybe some bug is happening.

  • @skycryer
    You can change it by looking somewhere in the setting.
    It’s called replace gamertag that needs to be turned off

  • Since Today my ingame SoT name changed to a random name. Its not the "replace gamertag" option. If i turn this on noting happens. It just removed my real Xbox name and if i go to the Xbox Profil settings my original Gamertag is shown but unter it this total random name. Does anyone have the same issue?

  • If anyone here in 2021 who has this problem go to settings-gameplay-scoll down to nameplates and look for replace gametags and turn it off

9 out of 11