Playing instruments while running

  • I'll make this short and sweet, I want to be able to play the banjo while moving at an acceptable pace in the game. The dev's could make it sound different if ur running, such as like missing notes or making it a little faster, but I wanna be able to roam while listening to all the great tracks this game has to offer.

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  • @mercuryhydride If the tempo goes faster while running, how would that work with another crewmember who is also playing, but not running? As it is now, the game auto-syncs the music. I feel like this particular change is like throwing a wrench into the development of how it actually works.

    Missing notes and running, though? That'd probably be okay, IMO.

    What if, instead of sprinting, you'd see your pirate start marching? Marching band style! 😂

  • @galactic-geek honestly, im loving that idea!

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