Add a Vote to kick feature for players in voted to jail. As soon as possible please!

  • Hello,

    I had a toxic troll player ruin a Saturday evening gaming sea of thieves with friends.
    After 4 epic ships battles and an hour of stocking the ship as prep. A friend a to leave the crew.
    I used looking for party feature to get a random player to join us. He seems legit and had pirate legend status.
    See my open request for details. Long story short.. This troll joined our crew just to screw us.
    This toxic player and a friend of his have fun by griefing other players.
    He dumped over board hours worth of loot and supplies we had gotten.
    We were not able to turn in our lvl 4 reapers flag.
    This troll refused to leave the game after being confined to the brig.
    He spent 40 mins in the brig before my friend gave up and raged quit because the troll would not leave.
    We spent 40 mins running away from other ships for nothing.
    We found our whole saturday evening wasted.. nothing gained.. no fun had because of a toxic player.
    Add this feature for the sack of the future of your game.

    A lot of time and effort going into prepping a ship for pvp just for a toxic player to come in and ruin it for you.
    People will drop your game and play something else if you do not do something about it.
    That will be the end of your multi-player focused game.

    I know you want to encourage the training of new players by not having a kick feature... however you are mistaken.
    New players can learn how to play on a sloop or on new player friendly crews. There is also the intro tutorial as well.

    Add the vote to kick feature as soon as possible.
    Without the kick feature.. you force people to abandon hours of work, progress and prep to get rid of an undesirable player.
    Which will in time ruin your game and lower your player base.

  • 13
  • I understand the frustration but it would be completely unfair to those that will get kicked out at the very end before selling so people can either just be malicious or fill the slot with a friend after the people getting kicked put in all the work to help PVE/PVP loot

    A kick feature would absolutely be abused and it would be an injustice to players in a game where voyages often go on for hours

    100% no to a kick

    Open crew would be even more of a nightmare than it already is with this.

  • Might wanna remove the screenshot, as I believe its against the forum rules to mention players or something to that effect. Dont want a witch hunt

    Take the screenshot to the Report/Support ticket.

    For the Vote to kick, as above it would be an abusive device. You think trolling now, wait until someone opens a crew, plays with you and when you have a large collection....Kicked.

  • @mooglzar also you used a swear word in xbox chat it looks like. watch out that xan land you a communication ban

  • @captain-coel Thanks man, I didn't know the other word for feces was a restricted word. Toxic players bring the worst out of you. I will be more careful next time.

  • @wolfmanbush
    I agree with you that getting kicked before turning in treasure would suck..

    So how about an in game reputation system in which you can give a thumps up or thumbs down to players. Players who have a high ratio of thumbs up vs thumbs down cannot get vote kicked. Players with no rep cannot get kicked either. Players that have a high ratio of thumbs down vs thumbs up.. can get kicked while in jail. What do you think?

  • @mooglzar said in Add a Vote to kick feature for players in voted to jail. As soon as possible please!:


    I had a toxic troll player ruin a Saturday evening gaming sea of thieves with friends.
    After 4 epic ships battles and an hour of stocking the ship as prep. A friend a to leave the crew.
    I used looking for party feature to get a random player to join us. He seems legit and had pirate legend status.
    See my open request for details. Long story short.. This troll joined our crew just to screw us.
    This toxic player and a friend of his have fun by griefing other players.
    He dumped over board hours worth of loot and supplies we had gotten.
    We were not able to turn in our lvl 4 reapers flag.
    This troll refused to leave the game after being confined to the brig.
    He spent 40 mins in the brig before my friend gave up and raged quit because the troll would not leave.
    We spent 40 mins running away from other ships for nothing.
    We found our whole saturday evening wasted.. nothing gained.. no fun had because of a toxic player.
    Add this feature for the sack of the future of your game.

    A lot of time and effort going into prepping a ship for pvp just for a toxic player to come in and ruin it for you.
    People will drop your game and play something else if you do not do something about it.
    That will be the end of your multi-player focused game.

    I know you want to encourage the training of new players by not having a kick feature... however you are mistaken.
    New players can learn how to play on a sloop or on new player friendly crews. There is also the intro tutorial as well.

    Add the vote to kick feature as soon as possible.
    Without the kick feature.. you force people to abandon hours of work, progress and prep to get rid of an undesirable player.
    Which will in time ruin your game and lower your player base.

    I don't think that's what you would call toxic and it's more trollish and what I think about this troll could use it if they just don't like you or want their friends to join if there in a open crew so that's why I don't think this idea is good

  • @burnbacon said in Add a Vote to kick feature for players in voted to jail. As soon as possible please!:

    Might wanna remove the screenshot, as I believe its against the forum rules to mention players or something to that effect. Dont want a witch hunt

    Take the screenshot to the Report/Support ticket.

    For the Vote to kick, as above it would be an abusive device. You think trolling now, wait until someone opens a crew, plays with you and when you have a large collection....Kicked.

    yep all that time wasted because of an [mod edit] person

  • @wolfmanbush said in Add a Vote to kick feature for players in voted to jail. As soon as possible please!:

    I understand the frustration but it would be completely unfair to those that will get kicked out at the very end before selling so people can either just be malicious or fill the slot with a friend after the people getting kicked put in all the work to help PVE/PVP loot

    A kick feature would absolutely be abused and it would be an injustice to players in a game where voyages often go on for hours

    100% no to a kick

    Open crew would be even more of a nightmare than it already is with this.


  • @mooglzar The best way to deal with someone like that is to make the stay in the brig as boring for them as you can. Once you brig them, pull over and fish, play music, tell jokes, dance in front of their cage, be generally annoying, or just leave them all alone....just don't let them get to you as that is their goal. Eventually they will get bored because you aren't playing their game and leave. I've had to do that myself once or twice, and why I generally avoid open crews.

    As others have stated the vote to kick has a huge chance to be abused. Sure there are instances where such a feature would be nice, but you have to look at both sides of the coin. I just wish there was a way to actually make use of the brig on a sloop because since there is only two people you can't get a majority to brig someone there...that to remove it altogether since it serves no purpose as it is.

  • @mooglzar said in Add a Vote to kick feature for players in voted to jail. As soon as possible please!:

    I agree with you that getting kicked before turning in treasure would suck..

    So how about an in game reputation system in which you can give a thumps up or thumbs down to players. Players who have a high ratio of thumbs up vs thumbs down cannot get vote kicked. Players with no rep cannot get kicked either. Players that have a high ratio of thumbs down vs thumbs up.. can get kicked while in jail. What do you think?

    I don't think there is a system to implement that involves removing a crew member completely from the game that would not be abused and worsen open crew games

    The system isn't perfect but it's the only one that will work

    If they stay after being brig'd just sell and start a new game.

    My best recommendation is to not let the ego get involved. Don't stay in a game for hours wasting your time or tossing your loot just to "win" vs a pirate in the brig. Sell and move on if they stick around

  • @mooglzar

    Never going to happen people will troll whenever they get the chance.

    Someone joins a random crew they kick them out just cause.

    You get into a argument with a friend kick him just cause.

    You do it just cause.

    Cant we just around a campfire and sing campfire songs. F is for FUN

  • Why didnt you just keep him in the brig, sell all your stuff you currently have and then log off and back on with only your friends? i can see getting mad about him dumping stuff overboard but ya put him in the brig, swim to get the stuff back, sell it and go back in with just your friends instead.

6 out of 13