best flex title in game

  • Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves, no question.

  • Today I achieved the legendary Merchant Forager wow I’m so happy after 2.5 Years it’s mine :)

  • @ghostpaw i guarantee i would be a better moderator than they could ever be. just sayin. pay me some bands to sit on this forum all day and jesus people wouldnt get enough. i would make it even for the sweaty pvpers and the die hard pvers. i would let everyone have their say and be happy. [mod edit]

  • @strawlemon112 said in best flex title in game:

    My rotation:

    Raider of the Damned (Complete FOTD 50 times)
    Shark Hunter (First Meg event, limited time)
    Shark Slayer (First Meg event, limited time)
    Death Defier (Sell 5 reapers chests)
    Banisher of The Spectral Flame (Defeat the burning blade 25 times)

    death defier is the worst title and its not a flex. merchant of death (time-limited) is a flex.

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  • @triheadedmonkey said in best flex title in game:

    @vorxet Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

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    i am sincerely sorry, this is a misunderstanding. i will ensure it will not happen again. thank you for your time.

  • I think sailor is the best title to flex, I'm not even sure how I unlocked it to be honest

  • @quickfire367 said in best flex title in game:

    I think sailor is the best title to flex, I'm not even sure how I unlocked it to be honest

    It may have been due to watching Captain Falcore before he was famous.

    It's always a pain to find that title among all the other ones after showing off another title shortly though - maybe that's the flex bit 😉.

  • @qu1etone how do you get that title

  • Currently I'm using: Bearer of the Reaper's Mark

    To be honest though, titles don't mean anything. Just because you're wearing the title doesn't mean you're having a good day. You might be drunk, hungover, or otherwise impaired, title or no title I'll take my chances.

    There are a few pirates whose reputations precede them. The ones whose knowledge, skill and experience are a known quantity. I can really only think of about a dozen players who I would actually be wary of facing, and in those cases it's got nothing to do with the titles they have.

    People with 1000's of hours under their belt are usually pretty challenging opponents though, so if you're wearing a title that I know indicates that sort of experience, I'll notice. I won't be shaking in me boots or anything, but you'll get my attention.

  • @supataco27 you have to play battletoads which is on game pass. It's an old Rare title which has recent new release. And it's a pain in the bottom to play. 🤣🤣🤣

  • @saws-n-sins said in best flex title in game:

    Brave vanguard title with vanguard sails

    Yep! I know this is old, but I took a pretty big break from the game. I can't wait to get my golden M eyepatch soon, though! I rock the same setup, but with my day 1 patch as well haha

  • Honestly dude, no title has ever really been a flex, majority of them are 90% rng or just a matter of time... Its rng wether you get the various megs or kraken to spawn and they arent that hard to kill, abd its only a matter of time for you to get 50+ in each faction... Ive never touched arena but it really doesnt look too hard, so a lil skill there but its so easy to sail away from people ot kinda waters it down... RNG for mermaid statues, matter of time for most commendations...

    And of course, at the end of the day nobody will be looking at your title coz to them you're just another peice of meat to shoot

  • @hazeltin said in best flex title in game:

    @saws-n-sins said in best flex title in game:

    Brave vanguard title with vanguard sails

    Yep! I know this is old, but I took a pretty big break from the game. I can't wait to get my golden M eyepatch soon, though! I rock the same setup, but with my day 1 patch as well haha

    @Deckhands we have a necro.

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