Farming kraken meat

  • Hello guys

    I am getting close to the Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves title. I am only missing 4 sand battlegills, about 20 treaturous plunder and 14 kraken meat. Now, i know how to work on the first two but the kraken seems like it might take me ages to complete as it seems hard to specifically farm it.

    How would you guys go about it? Sail from wreck to wreck to check the barrels? Just do world events and hope i am actually getting kraken when there s finally no world event clouds?

    I d be very grateful if someone could help me with this

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  • @juerg-pinki shipwrecks are definitely #1, dont skimp on the burned stuff. I feel like i have seen less and less of it in the barrels but who knows? As for actual spawns, just sticking to the open seas is a good way to get it when the event cloud is down

  • @juerg-pinki what @Captain-Fob4141 said, plus storage crates and can find them there too...

  • @schwammlgott forgot about the rowboats, thanks!

  • Ok... I guess i ll put some voyage up (so i gather seamiles for commendations too) and start sailing rounds. That might take a while


  • You could actually force more kraken spawns by doing events. Sometimes it will grab you, sometimes someone else.

    I can’t say how efficient it would be, versus just looking for barrels, but it might be worth a shot.

  • @juerg-pinki do events and immediately set sail for deep water. That way you can be one of the Kraken's targets.

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