NPC Ships

  • Hello

    After a long time I play Sea of ​​Thieves again. I didn't realize there were now NPC ships attacking me. So the last time I played a few hours ago was being attacked by 3 ships. Do you have any tips for me where I shouldn't go or what I can do to avoid these ships. I always play alone. And that is sometimes difficult enough. And now I'm being attacked by NPCs. I don't think that's good now. But still I think it's a really great game :)

    Thank you :)

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  • @itayvooni They are unavoidable sometimes. Just fight them! Remember to repair your ship and bail water and don't hit rocks.

    Shooting cannonballs is lower priority than keeping your ship afloat. Eventually you will sink them and they drop a lot of loot.

  • @ITayvoonI - Most random NPC ship encounters only spawn one ship, with multiple spawns however, avoid sailing under the glowing ship cloud.

  • Just stay with the wind and get closed to islands and shoot cursed cannon balls if you have them

  • They spawn at random. I have found the absolute best way to deal with them is listen for the sound they give off when they surface. When you hear the ghost ship sound fill your pockets entirely raise sail to a little less than half mast and sail straight the ghost ship will do its best to stay right next to you. Aim all shots mid to lower level of their hulk and they should sink after about 20 to 30 hits

4 out of 5