anyone else think a one man ship would be cool

  • yea yea the sloop is the solo ship, but nah not really, we got a ship for 2 people, a ship for 3 people, and a ship for 4 people, wheres the ship for us solo players, a ship just for us huh. i imagine it being maybe the size of 4 row boats, one cannon on the back, one grapple on the front, and one small sail. i would also love it if the sails could be opperated from the wheel, like since its so small you dont have to redirect the sails with the wind because the boat itself turns fast enough that it doesnt matter, it would be very fast turner, moves slower than a sloop with wind, but faster than a sloop against wind. the supply barrels would just be little crates and it would have a cooking station/ grog barrel fitted to the back or front of the ship, maybe both. it only has one floor. idk i would just love a solo boat, if you guys have any ideas, feel free to leave them in this thread.

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  • If its so small its nice if you can pull up and take down the mast to make it stealthy during island stops and shelter under the sail during rain to keep the cargo safe :")

  • @ruigtand-nl oh damn dude if you could turn the sail into a little canopy that would be soooooo coool. lol what if it could transition from a sail boat into a row baot. when you wanna sail you put the sail up, but when you wanna dock at an island, you take the saild down and put the canopy up then you can row and adjust your position. it would have to be super slow rowing but still would be cool imo. would make an awsome little merchant boat. just pull up at outposts and wait for people to come buy for you to sell things too

  • Idk... the sloop is for me is perfect as either a solo or duo vessel. Never ever thought of anything smaller, guess I'm just used to what we have. The rowboat on the other hand is well cool, if you ever want the true isolated experience. Perfect for me if I ever want to "fly" under the radar.. or for those undercover "fishing voyages".

  • @piratecraggy yea but a rowboat doesnt feel like your boat, and its small, doesnt have all your appliances on it, pretty slow. ya know? idk the sloop just doesnt feel like a solo boat to me, it feels like a duo boat, its a pretty big boat. I would just love to have a smaller boat for solo players. and hey is the sloop reallllyy the perfect solo vessel. i mean if their was a boat that allowed to to operate the sails from the steering wheel that sounds like a solo vessel to me, not that it has too. but idk the sloop just doesnt seem perfect to me

  • @d4m0r3d said in anyone else think a one man ship would be cool:

    idk the sloop just doesnt seem perfect to me

    Played a lot Duo & a lot Solo on the sloop. Has never felt anything but fine for my requirements. Anyhow... it's good to have different opinions, and ways to look at things. We always have to bear in mind the game was developed as a "Shared World" experience, so for them to create a "true" solo experience at this stage would be a little against their original vision. Just my thoughts.

  • @d4m0r3d

    Could be a flat bottom merchant ark i call it a island hopper.

    Perfect for a stealthy merchant or fisherfriend.

    Flat bottom is no good for sailing waves its for rivers, lakes and close to shore. Can beach it and pull down mast making it stealthy.

    It got a map and voyage table and supplies crate maybe 1 canon and one harpoon.

    So it could be quite different from a sloop :)

  • @piratecraggy no difference from a solo player playing on a galleon with a locked crew, or a solo player playing on a brig with a locked crew, or a solo player playing on a sloop with a locked crew. if it really mattered like that, they would not let you lock crews. and its not like it wouldnt still be a shared-world experience, the game is online, i think the shared world vision they had is the interactions you have with other players. and as you say the sloop is only fine, whats wrong with having something more than fine, something great huh, huh. lol, like you say, it is good to have different options, why force me onto sloop. now we didnt have brigs once upon a time and it did kinda suck to have only 3 people on a galleon. when im on a sloop im constantly reminded i have no crew, not that i want one, but if im on a solo ship i cant be damn if only i had one other person maybe we coulda sunk that ship faster.

  • @d4m0r3d Why should they waste time adding a one player ship when the sloop exists? It requires 1 person to use. The second one is an additional player. Don't tell me that it is impossible to solo sloop. I do it all the time and thrive while doing so, I take down galleons and pretty much anything that comes my way, I mess up a few times more than I would if I had another guy but I still have no problems doing it. Honestly even when I was a noob I didn't have problems with it. Only problems were other players which I soon learned to get rid of. I do like the idea of adding in more ship variants, but they should do this for every ship type, such as a ship variant of each modified for speed tankiness and maneuvability in exchange for other things that that ship excels in. A maneuverable galleon would still turn slowly but would turn faster than the galleon in exchange for maybe less speed or cannons. Et cetera.

  • @jofjjay why would they waste time making a brig when a galleon exist, actually you know what, why would they waste time making a sloop, a brig or a galleon when they coulda just made a bigger ship for everyone to fit on. lol. a brig doesnt require any more than one person to use, nor does a galleon, in fact i have solo briged many a time. the galleon i just dont like, its too slow to turn and just idk the whole thing is too big and slow for my liking. mate im not saying its impossible to solo sloop, if i were why on earth would i be suggesting a ship that would make it even more difficult for solo players. a ship with one cannon on the back, one floor. yea i sure do think solo slooping is so hard thats why im suggesting this amazing tank of a boat lol (sarcasm btw, no offence though just thought it was funny that you thought that). your idea for different types of the same boats is good, i like that, although i feel like if you are gonna make different types of ships for them why not have at least one solo boat. sure the sloop can be operated solo, but like i said so can the brig, its really not hard, does that mean we shouldnt have a sloop. i would like for them to add other exterior models, and other interior models for the ships we already have aswell.

  • @jofjjay also idk if you have noticed a pattern with the ships, but sloop has a wheel and one sail, it allows 2 people and has 2 mechanisms for operation. brig has 1 weel and 2 sails, and allows for 3 people and has 3 mechanisms for operation. galleon has 1 weel and 3 sails, a galleon allows for 4 people, and has 4 mechanisms for operation. im not saying its impossible to operate any of these things alone just because they are made so that multiple things can be operated at once. im merely countering your point that the sloop is a solo ship with an extra person. im saying a sloop is a duo ship that is easiest to operate as a solo player, because it only has one sail not 2 or 3.

  • If you can't sail a sloop solo, then maybe you should try another game...

  • If you can't solo sloop, then you should not be a captain of ye ship!

    Try a rowboat you scurvy dog.

  • @D4m0R3d

    I used to solo sail a Cornish Crabber 24 footer.. Look up the Cornish Crabber Shrimper 17 and the 19 - I think you'll like them.

    I can see the allure of a true solo player boat but it would have some severe limitations.
    Speed, as you mentioned, would be one of them in certain cases.
    They would be fairly easy to sink and unlikely to survive a storm.
    No protection from cannon or handheld firearms.
    But, highly maneuverable and somewhat hard to spot.

    In the RL Golden Age of Piracy, many descriptions were given of what were called "canoes" but they also had a sail. They would run cargo and such from ship to shore.
    Many pirates used them as their main vessel until they captured a sloop, the preferred ship for smaller crews.

    This type of small, single man sailing craft would certainly open up a new style of piracy on the seas.
    With treasure that couldn't be hidden on board, but left in plain view, it would be a PVP magnet and might make a very challenging boat to do solo adventures in.

    I'd ditch the cook station and be forced to rely on the stations on the islands.
    No grog barrel.
    No clothing or vanity chests on board and you would have to use the ones on the Outposts.

    It could be a nightmarishly difficult little boat to do an adventure in, but it would be a grand challenge that promised much fun.

  • @butterybarnacls

    I used to solo sail a Cornish Crabber 24 footer.. Look up the Cornish Crabber Shrimper 17 and the 19 - I think you'll like them.

    Well cool boats... my Dad had this one "The Pilot Trader version" up until a few years ago. Loved it growing up as a kid. See link below.

    Golden Nomad

  • @d4m0r3d love your idea

  • @piratecraggy said in anyone else think a one man ship would be cool:


    I used to solo sail a Cornish Crabber 24 footer.. Look up the Cornish Crabber Shrimper 17 and the 19 - I think you'll like them.

    Well cool boats... my Dad had this one "The Pilot Trader version" up until a few years ago. Loved it growing up as a kid. See link below.

    Golden Nomad

    well it you live near the coast I get it

  • There are already two one man ships! Hell 3 since Brig is so easy to solo.

    You have the Sloop, Brig and Rowboat.

    The seas are 80% Sloops - 20% Brigs and 0% Galleons.

    Personally id like to see the game go in a different direction.

    Something to bring back Crews the more the better. Hell even a 6 man ship.

    That’s where the “Magic” happens and what keeps people coming back. Making friends and being a part of a community. You know, the whole
    Point of an MMO.

    The world went to pot when the MMO developers got greedy and wanted Single player $$$.

    Making an MMO and catering to solo players is...well....stupid!

  • @piratecraggy said in anyone else think a one man ship would be cool:


    I used to solo sail a Cornish Crabber 24 footer.. Look up the Cornish Crabber Shrimper 17 and the 19 - I think you'll like them.

    Well cool boats... my Dad had this one "The Pilot Trader version" up until a few years ago. Loved it growing up as a kid. See link below.

    Golden Nomad

    Gorgeous boat. Awesome you got to grow up with it!

  • @glannigan said in anyone else think a one man ship would be cool:

    There are already two one man ships! Hell 3 since Brig is so easy to solo.

    You have the Sloop, Brig and Rowboat.

    The seas are 80% Sloops - 20% Brigs and 0% Galleons.

    Personally id like to see the game go in a different direction.

    Something to bring back Crews the more the better. Hell even a 6 man ship.

    That’s where the “Magic” happens and what keeps people coming back. Making friends and being a part of a community. You know, the whole
    Point of an MMO.

    The world went to pot when the MMO developers got greedy and wanted Single player $$$.

    Making an MMO and catering to solo players is...well....stupid!

    It has been so long since I saw a crewed galleon on the seas. I have seen and fought a few brigantines, but not the galleons.
    Even when I join the open crews, I often wind up on a galleon by myself.
    The times I have passed through FoTD I have never seen a galleon.

    I wonder if a larger ship would attract enough interest to get the crews back together and the bigger ships back on the seas.

    I agree, something needs to be done to bring the crews back together.

  • @butterybarnacls said in anyone else think a one man ship would be cool:

    (...)No grog barrel. (...)

    That's just cruel.

  • we have one. its called the sloop

  • @daringclarky true but think about his idea

  • @galactic-geek @Friedwilly mate idk if this comment is directed at those of us suggesting a smaller ship, or if its just a general comment laughing at those who cant sail a sloop. but im gonna say it anways, no one here is saying they cant sail a sloop. i have been sailing a sloop for about 2 PL pirates, and half a PL pirate. i know how to sail a sloop, i have taken down gallies, brigs and other sloops solo with ez. just a few days ago i got into pvp where people underestimated me as a solo slooper, i ended up destroying them, they were pc, i was pc, after it all we all had a laugh and they commended me on my skills. im saying this to explain that im not asking for a 1 man ship because i struggle with the sloop, im asking for a 1 man ship, cause i dont want to sail a 2 man ship anymore. i want a ship for 1 man and 1 man only. this ship absolutely would not be easier than a sloop, infact it would likely be harder. only 1 person can possibly opperate it, it would only be a small ship, meaning it sinks super duper easy. you ditch this ship for a min and it has a cannon hole, guess what its gone. you park it in the storm and leave for a minue, guess what, its gone (unless of coarse we get to turn the sail into a canopy wich would be bloody awsome).

  • @d4m0r3d We already have that - it's called a rowboat.

    I recommend you try being marooned

  • @butterybarnacls i doo like those ships, they would be great for a solo sailer. i love the way you explain the ship, and its difficulty/ limmitations. i think it would actually be cool to have to cook at the cooking stations found on islands. in my mind i see this solo ship as an extreme hardcore i guess since so many seem to think i think solo slooping is hard.

  • @glannigan i think a six man ship would be cool, people have talked about it before. i believe it is a man of war ship, bigger than a galleon but not too much bigger. they are in the game as ruins and sunken ships at the bottom of some islands. i run into plenty of galleons, and i would say i run into almost as many brigs as i do sloops, if not more tbh, but that may differ from regions. i dont know if having a 6 man ship would suddenly make everyone friends lol, and im confused at what you mean by single player money?? how does that even work? and catering to solo players in not stupid in an MMO. MMOs do not have to be about team work, i mean sea of thieves is called sea of thieves, based on the title i wouldnt expect any teamwork. all games NEED to cater to solo players. not all players are able to play with friends 100 percent of the time, and not all players are willing to play with others, sometimes people want to go off on their own, explore stuff on their own and go one their own voyages. that doesnt mean they wont meet anyone in game. and having a solo ship wouldnt make too much of a difference, it just means that their would be less solo sloops. i mean their are already solo sloops out their. no offence but idk if you thought about the stuff your saying and their is more i can say but i cant be bothered to think for you.

  • @daringclarky with that logic we have more than one, we have a sloop, a brig and a galleon. no offence but you are silly to say this. il put it in lamens terms, say i asked for a 1 seated car (they exist btw), would you then go and give me a 5 seated car and say this is a one seated car? no i would hope not lol. a 1 seated car would be smaller than a 5 seated car. i hope that helped you comprehend the situation lol. @Galactic-Geek same applies to what you commented. il do your oppositely and worse, say someone wanted a man of war, would you say why do that, just log onto a server find some people and unnoficially make them join your crew. rowboat can have multiple people sitted on it btw. and i cant be bothered to explain why that wouldnt be a solo boat you should be able to think. answer this question, why isnt a row boat a solo boat in comparison to the other boats available in SOT

  • @d4m0r3d this is an old idea that has been discussed alot on the forums. If you search solo ship on the forums you can see 2 year old threads with a similar idea.
    As it stands, the players have learned to solo a sloop really well. It is not as hard of a challenge as first thought. The forums have argued that a sloop fits the solo build pretty well.

    It may come one day, but I don't expect it to be a high priority. We want more to do rather than a smaller ship.

  • @d-jaguar why do people keep telling me that solo slooping isnt that hard. im not yelling im just gonna type this is caps in hopes that it brings people attention and they see what im about to say. I DONT WANT A SHIP EASIER THAN A SOLO SLOOP, A SOLO SHIP SMALLER THAN A SLOOP WOULD BE WAY MORE DIFFICULT, IT WOULD BE FOR THE VETERAN PIRATE, AN EXPERIENCED LEGEND. a ship smaller than the sloop that travels around the same speed as a sloop with only one cannon on the back, by no means at all would be easier than a bloody sloop LMAOOO, idk why people keep telling me solo slooping isnt that hard once you get used to it, solo slooping is tooo bloody damned easy if anything imo. lol they even say solo slooping is hard in the menus, why do people assume a smaller ship would make sailing the seas easier???. the bloody thing would sink in just a few cannons, in the mean time only one possible person has a matter of 30 seconds to heal the damn thing while being shot at. this damn ship aint gon be easier than a sloop, and i dont even know a way for the devs to make a solo ship that is easier than the sloop.

  • @d4m0r3d I think you are reading more into what I typed. I am not saying you have any issues with solo.

    The point is, this is not a new idea.
    When the game released solo sloop was thought to be hard mode. We discussed it as a great challenge. We thought another ship would help balance it out.
    Sloops turned out to be manageable and the community passed on solo ship ideas for the past two years.

    Nothing about your idea, just history of the forums and this same discussion that comes up every few months.

  • @d4m0r3d on solo being more difficult, the developers let the pve become easy for the smaller ships. We just need Krakens, Megs and other environment to become more difficult again. For now, players prefer sloops as the Kraken is so easy compared to the galleon.
    No challenge anymore.

  • @d4m0r3d, cute request and all, but the sloop was put in the game because a lot of people wanted to play solo. It is the solo ship and if you're that good at it, just keep doing it.

  • @dislex-fx why not have a solo ship. i remember playing beta and their were sloops, or maybe im crazy. what do you mean it was put in the game because a lot of people wanted to play solo? and like i said, the sloop is a duo ship that is easily manageable as a solo player, just as the brig is a trio ship that is somewhat easy to manage as a solo. the sloop is just as much a solo ship and the brig is, the sloop is just easier to use. and why does it matter if im good on a sloop, the point is, i think it would be cool to have a 1 man boat. a new boat. alot of people suggest bigger boats, wich would potentially mess with the games ballance, but most people love the idea of a bigger ship, as far as i remember seeing anyways. so its confusing to me that i see sooo many people commenting whats the point of a one man ship when we have a sloop, it wouldnt mess with ballance other than making it easier for other players.

  • @d-jaguar yea i wasnt so much saying it to you, more just the entire thread to say i dont care that people like the sloop, whats wrong with having an actual solo ship, why settle for something that isnt the best we can get. also reading your original comment, you say "we want more to do rather than a smaller ship", a smaller ship would add a whole new playstyle, i think it would spice the game up quite a bit, when i got bored of the sloop i went to other ships, thats how it is. each ship adds a new playstyle imo.

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