Fort of the Damned

  • I'm wondering if the Devs are happy with how this update is turning out and if it's doing what they intended.

    Right now 90% of the streamers have Fort Steals in their titles and they just server hop till they find an active Fort of the Damned. A streamer with a galleon crew rolled up on a sloop who just finished the fort and took their loot. I'm all for pvp in the game but this is a bit ridiculous.

    It takes time to be able to get all 6 lanterns and a ritual skull and to kill Greymarrow, and someone doing nothing at all but trying to create "content" messes all of that up. That's completely against the pirate code. It's almost akin to griefing someone on their own boat and killing them over and over not letting them play.

    I suggest a server should get locked down and no new crews allowed on the server when a Fort of the Damned is up. That or to penetrate the mist surrounding the fort of the damned you need all 6 lantern colors on your boat.

    I read a post from an insider that said on most the insider servers crews would alliance and work together to beat the fort and make quite a bit of money. But once it's out into the real world it just devolved and barely anyone is grouping up. The update even says to work together to finish the fort and it's not happening.

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  • @aoitara We did work together on the insiders to test. On retail we work on owning it all.

  • @aoitara

    It takes time to be able to get all 6 lanterns and a ritual skull and to kill Greymarrow, and someone doing nothing at all but trying to create "content" messes all of that up. That's completely against the pirate code. It's almost akin to griefing someone on their own boat and killing them over and over not letting them play.

    Stealing loot in a well timed ambush isn't griefing just because you don't like it.

    Sea of Thieves Community Code of Conduct:
    Be a good sport. Sea of Thieves is a pirate game, and stealth, stealing and battles are all part of the fun. All pirates on the seas accept that, but be a good sportsman in both victory and loss.

  • @aoitara

    The Fort of the Damned is designed for player interaction - the PvE alone is not hard, and it is most certainly not the reason you're able to earn 4 of each Stronghold loot, and a Chest of Legends.

    For loot like this, you should be fighting tooth and nail for it. It should be a royal pain to earn because of how rare and valuable the loot is.

    There should not be limits to how and when player interaction can occur like you're suggesting... You suggest locking down the server or needing the flames to penetrate the mist...

    Locking down the server would open up the potential for someone to farm this fort on a dead server. Needing the flames of fate to penetrate the mist adds an unnecessary barrier that goes against fostering player interaction.

  • ⬆️ What they said... ⬆️
    @Aoitara Listen and learn, my friend.

  • As this game is build to be like that, and ratty pirates can come and steal you because they want... there's nothing to complain, cuz the game was made to accept thoose actions. But as an empathic person, I see it unfair and a dirty move, so If this happens in front of me, for sure I would have helped the solo slop. I've never been that kind of pirate and never will, I rather help than steal, less if I see that the enemy is just one person.

    For good or bad, the game is made like that, and everyone is responsible for their actions. We can decide what our pirates do, but not the others. It's in our hands to be the pirate we want to be.

    Spreaad the curse in the seas!!

  • I have group up a lot doing the FOTD, both in solo sloop, an on a galleon.

    But with 10mil+ on the bank, like a lot of other PL, we dont care one bit for the loot, although it's a beautiful sight.
    we had like 2 reaper an 3 stronghold kegs an Chest of legend just sitting on the dock waiting for people to take it an go sell.
    we leet the "poorest" guy take the chest of legend

    I was just talking with some other guys an starting up the fort again, an did some waves until they came back.

    So It really depends on whos on the server.

  • Nice try last night Galleon! 20 seconds sunk!

  • Stop being a fish and become a shark... don't hope things will happen by themselves force them to happen by the power of your will!

    Adopt the mentality of 'My server, My kingdom and whoever disagrees must be killed and sunk over and over and over again until they are gone for good and make a place for someone who's willing to play nice because it's My server, My kingdom and I am the King!'
    Most of the time works well for me and most of the time people end up playing nice without betrayals and shady moves.

    In other words, assert your dominance and dominate everyone.

  • It’s the Server hopping - that’s the “Core” of the problem.

    Not the FOTD

  • This whole event guaranteed the return of fort hopping.
    Expect it to get even worse as the novelty of the event wears off and fewer players do it.
    Streamers & PvP orientated players want to attack players, and will hop servers to find an active fort. And with barrels of plenty and washed up almost full crates of supplies so easy to come across, they will be coming with much more supplies than they used to during the server hopping days of old.

  • @letslipthedogs said in Fort of the Damned:

    Nice try last night Galleon! 20 seconds sunk!

    If you can sink 2 in 10, then you'll be on par with me and my crew.

9 out of 13