Two things for PvE people

  • As people favoring PvE or PvP over the other will always be a thing and excluding either of them is segregating the crowd, here two possible changes that sprung me to mind:

    Change to "scuttle ship" or add "pay the ferryman"

    Taking by word the message on the Ferry of the Damned, players would be able to sacrifice all the treasure on their boat to call and pay the ferryman to bring them to a random location and to keep all their resources.

    This will not deny PvP, but give people the option to refuse it and save them time since they do not have to collect their stuff again. It will require them to have something of value on their boat, so, they have to stay active and to choose to keep something or to sell everything; the first will make them a rewarding target, the second increases their chance to lose their resources besides their treasure.
    This will not limit PvP, but prevents people being others' treasure cattle, enabling them to fight back or to move aside.

    There could be the limitation that people have to "Pay the Ferryman" before they die and as a whole crew, so either killing the enemy crew fast or stealing the loot unseen is the way to go.

    Details to develop are: should there be a minimal value of treasure (loot) on the ship or should they keep all resources or only a part of it as treasure (loot) of every value is on the ship.

    Another suggestion is more exotic:
    implementing the role of "Davy Jones' servants".

    This is not a passive mode, it is an evasive mode, so to speak.
    People who join Davy Jones do it to bring him riches beyond imagination, they would get a penalty to all their earnings, collected by his other servants.

    Players would be under constant scrutiny of his servants (indication for other players), and are required to be alone (or more?) in a crew, are not allowed to fight others, but are able to sink and sail under water (for a limited time?) untouchable under his protection, as long as they stay on their boat, even sharks and megalodons would not attack them under water on their boat.
    But, over the water they are normal targets as everyone else and cannot leave an encounter by sinking under water.

    They are of course not invincible and can be killed on land or sunk on water if they pay no attention; their only mean of escaping will be to sail under water for a high price.
    And what happens when they mess up? Well, the Kraken will take them down, and they start anew as if they scuttled their ship as it is today.

    This would also not prevent PvP, but create another challenge of chase and catch.

  • 44
  • This does nothing but benefit "pve" players.

    If you dont wanna pvp you dont have to. But you are choosing not to defend yourself so the penalty is to lose it all. The treasure was gonna come up after ur boat is gone anyway. All this does prevent players from stealing your supplies, and allow you to only play half the game. Which you can do anyway by scuttling. Which is why the scuttle option is balanced.
    Do you lose ur supplies or go and try and save it all?

    If you lost you shouldnt be able to keep your supplies. Supplies are everywhere now unlike the start of the game. And rescource management is what seperates a good crew from the slackers. If "pve" players got keep their supplies they can easily sail back and continue their voyage. Which you can do now but at the risk of running out of rescources.

    Im not so sure your other idea COULD even be implimented. We still have bugs from year one that Rare still cant fix. I think it took them 9 months just to fix shooting yourself out of the cannon.
    Also i wanna point out how hard it is to see things on the water from waves and underwater from on your ship. Even loot thats just behind that next wave can be a little tricky to spot. It would be to easy to get away.

    And i wanna add this doesnt make sense for the game itself. The ferryman has no control of your boat. Just your soul.
    Also when u say pay the ferryman are we talking about using gold or just sacrificing your ship? Cause if its gold then this is essentually buying supplies. Or paying to keep them.

  • Let's say the 'Pay the Ferryman' was added.

    All crews decent enough to gather significant treasure are also aware that they can deny tier attackers any gain and save their stuff for no cost, if they were doomed anyway. The community rapidly takes advantage of this, and would-be pirates are unable to ever steal any loot. They quit the game, as their entire playstyle has been practicaly removed. The remaining PvE achievement oriented community quickly comes to realize that other players were the only challenge in the game. Without intresting PvE content, and now without any risk, they too quit the game. Soon, there is no one left, and the game quietly dies.

    So, it sounds like just the kind of the thing Rare would add. Great idea!

  • @schneebaer17905 or we can leave it exactly the way it is now. It's completely fair and a player choice.

  • @schneebaer17905 said in Two things for PvE people:

    As people favoring PvE or PvP over the other will always be a thing and excluding either of them is segregating the crowd, here two possible changes that sprung me to mind:

    Change to "scuttle ship" or add "pay the ferryman"

    Taking by word the message on the Ferry of the Damned, players would be able to sacrifice all the treasure on their boat to call and pay the ferryman to bring them to a random location and to keep all their resources.

    This will not deny PvP, but give people the option to refuse it and save them time since they do not have to collect their stuff again. It will require them to have something of value on their boat, so, they have to stay active and to choose to keep something or to sell everything; the first will make them a rewarding target, the second increases their chance to lose their resources besides their treasure.
    This will not limit PvP, but prevents people being others' treasure cattle, enabling them to fight back or to move aside.

    How whould this NOT hurt PvP? The PvP-ers have "lost" their loot.

    I mean as PvE-er myself i whould hate that my crew boards a ship to see what they have and the ship "instantly" vanisches with nothing for us to take.

    In general we ferry supplies till the boat we boarded is sunk, afterwards we take the treasure from the waves.

  • @Djenty-Panda If you want PvP free mode then expect to grind towards no rep and gold. Other pirates on the seas are the only challenging part about the game. No risk, no reward!

  • @djenty-panda false. This game is not pve only nor is it pvp only. If people don’t want to lose their treasure they should carefully watch the horizon and turn in constantly. Just because you lost treasure doesn’t mean they should eliminate pvp. The people that fight generally want the treasure. And getting chased around the map is fair. It’s in the game description. The game is literally called sea of thieves. You seem to be new at the game. You will get it eventually.

  • @djenty-panda Wrong,

    Arena is not for PvP, infact it can be won without even engaging another crew.

    Arena is a condensed SoT experience, that lasts no more that 30mins. Thats what it was designed for.

    I would say give it a go and see what it's like, you might even pickup ideas to keep you safe on the Seas.

  • @djenty-panda said in Two things for PvE people:

    @djenty-panda I didn't read it all. I think that your treasure should disappear to when you scuttle. I think that would be fair then every one would stop harassing each other. Lol that would make so many people angry. But that's what they deserve nothing .

    So because you can't have it no one can? If they caught you and killed you, they deserve the loot.

  • @djenty-panda said in Two things for PvE people:

    @djenty-panda I didn't read it all. I think that your treasure should disappear to when you scuttle. I think that would be fair then every one would stop harassing each other. Lol that would make so many people angry. But that's what they deserve nothing .

    Lol no, if you couldn't defend your loot, then that's what you deserve: nothing.

    @djenty-panda said in Two things for PvE people:

    Oh and its not my choice to be chased across the map back and forth preventing me from actually playing if I know I'm going to die because I'm by my self and I'm getting triple teamed by a galley no that's fair.

    The sea ain't fair matey. You have all the means to outsmart and outrun galleons even by yourself.

    Whoever ends up with the loot earned it, plain and simple. Don't be mad at others if you have been outplayed. Denying loot out of spite to those who bested you is being petty and a sore loser.

  • Others have already beat me to it, but this is stupid. Their is no downsides to the ferry scuttle option as the person scuttling. If your ship sunk, you most likely already lost all of it by the opponent picking it up, this is scorched earth plain and simple. If I can't have it no one will, yet I get the benefit of keeping my supplies. If you want this option, than sail into the red, same results, no effort on Rare's part. If you are going to give up, than you deserve nothing supplies included.

    If you aren't going to engage in the PvP part of the PvEvP game, why bother buying the PvEvP game?

  • Told ya it would really butter their biscuit. I guess you all expect gravy for that as well?

  • Big fat no. Just no. Play another game if you cant handle having your loot stolen. Its that simple.

  • @nwo-azcrack sagte in Two things for PvE people:

    This does nothing but benefit "pve" players.

    If you dont wanna pvp you dont have to. But you are choosing not to defend yourself so the penalty is to lose it all. The treasure was gonna come up after ur boat is gone anyway. All this does prevent players from stealing your supplies, and allow you to only play half the game. Which you can do anyway by scuttling. Which is why the scuttle option is balanced.
    Do you lose ur supplies or go and try and save it all?

    If you lost you shouldnt be able to keep your supplies. Supplies are everywhere now unlike the start of the game. And rescource management is what seperates a good crew from the slackers. If "pve" players got keep their supplies they can easily sail back and continue their voyage. Which you can do now but at the risk of running out of rescources.

    Im not so sure your other idea COULD even be implimented. We still have bugs from year one that Rare still cant fix. I think it took them 9 months just to fix shooting yourself out of the cannon.
    Also i wanna point out how hard it is to see things on the water from waves and underwater from on your ship. Even loot thats just behind that next wave can be a little tricky to spot. It would be to easy to get away.

    And i wanna add this doesnt make sense for the game itself. The ferryman has no control of your boat. Just your soul.
    Also when u say pay the ferryman are we talking about using gold or just sacrificing your ship? Cause if its gold then this is essentually buying supplies. Or paying to keep them.

    "Pay the Ferryman" meant that you would sacrifice your loot on the ship "to buy supplies" for the new one. It would mean everything is lost and you get sent away a good distance to start anew.

    @wilbymagicbear sagte in Two things for PvE people:

    Let's say the 'Pay the Ferryman' was added.

    All crews decent enough to gather significant treasure are also aware that they can deny tier attackers any gain and save their stuff for no cost, if they were doomed anyway. The community rapidly takes advantage of this, and would-be pirates are unable to ever steal any loot. They quit the game, as their entire playstyle has been practicaly removed. The remaining PvE achievement oriented community quickly comes to realize that other players were the only challenge in the game. Without intresting PvE content, and now without any risk, they too quit the game. Soon, there is no one left, and the game quietly dies.

    So, it sounds like just the kind of the thing Rare would add. Great idea!

    You cannot keep a game up for long without proper content. Any player can still get loot, but they have to be quick. They do PvE to get loot or they take out other crews, but the latter will no longer be a stroll in the mall.

    There could be the limitation that people have to "Pay the Ferryman" before they die and as a whole crew, so either killing the enemy crew fast or stealing the loot unseen is the way to go.

    @thxcobra sagte in Two things for PvE people:

    Big fat no. Just no. Play another game if you cant handle having your loot stolen. Its that simple.

    Big fat yes. Boy, if you cannot handle any suggestion than try to learn or stop annoying others by showing how unqualified you are in arguing. It is that simple, boy.

    @nessiroj sagte in Two things for PvE people:

    @schneebaer17905 said in Two things for PvE people:

    As people favoring PvE or PvP over the other will always be a thing and excluding either of them is segregating the crowd, here two possible changes that sprung me to mind:

    Change to "scuttle ship" or add "pay the ferryman"

    Taking by word the message on the Ferry of the Damned, players would be able to sacrifice all the treasure on their boat to call and pay the ferryman to bring them to a random location and to keep all their resources.

    This will not deny PvP, but give people the option to refuse it and save them time since they do not have to collect their stuff again. It will require them to have something of value on their boat, so, they have to stay active and to choose to keep something or to sell everything; the first will make them a rewarding target, the second increases their chance to lose their resources besides their treasure.
    This will not limit PvP, but prevents people being others' treasure cattle, enabling them to fight back or to move aside.

    How whould this NOT hurt PvP? The PvP-ers have "lost" their loot.

    I mean as PvE-er myself i whould hate that my crew boards a ship to see what they have and the ship "instantly" vanisches with nothing for us to take.

    In general we ferry supplies till the boat we boarded is sunk, afterwards we take the treasure from the waves.

    Yes, you would have to attack properly and stop strolling around on an enemy's ship. It requires more effort from people eager to let others do the gathering while they refrain from it. It will not make it impossible, it will make it more difficult.

    @nabberwar sagte in Two things for PvE people:

    Others have already beat me to it, but this is stupid. Their is no downsides to the ferry scuttle option as the person scuttling. If your ship sunk, you most likely already lost all of it by the opponent picking it up, this is scorched earth plain and simple. If I can't have it no one will, yet I get the benefit of keeping my supplies. If you want this option, than sail into the red, same results, no effort on Rare's part. If you are going to give up, than you deserve nothing supplies included.

    If you aren't going to engage in the PvP part of the PvEvP game, why bother buying the PvEvP game?

    There is no downside? Ok, then try to get a pirate to Pirate Legend without any loot or treasure. Obviously, people lose everything and frequently using this option will prevent them from any progression.
    So, an option to save just some minutes is already too much since those PvP dudes do not feel satisfied without further debasement of their target?

    And before I hear again "that is a personal attack": all the so called arguments brought up against the idea (with a few exceptions) are based on unfulfilled anticipation about a proper defeat of their target.

  • @schneebaer17905
    First of all its not your loor to sacrifice. No loot is urs until its turned in.

    Second, its much harder to steal other players loot than digging it up. Its not some easy stroll in the park.

    And third, stop acting like pve players do all the work and pvp players just take it. I almost always have more loot than the person i am attacking. Lets stop acting like some little solo player has 100k worth of loot on him, and a 4 man crew is just easily stealing it

  • @SchneeBaer17905
    The downside of scuttling/sinking is losing your loot and supplies. There's no reason not to pay the ferryman if your going to sink. That's what there's no downsides means for this.

  • @schneebaer17905

    There is no downside? Ok, then try to get a pirate to Pirate Legend without any loot or treasure. Obviously, people lose everything and frequently using this option will prevent them from any progression.

    So, an option to save just some minutes is already too much since those PvP dudes do not feel satisfied without further debasement of their target?

    Not every fight is some spawncamping incident. People sink fair and square, your option has no downsides if you are the one losing. If you are in a fight and are about to lose, you choose your option. What loot that would have already gone to the victor, by rights of combat, get swifted away. You would have lost that loot because of sinking in the fight. Your paying the ferry with loot that is no longer in your posession, its the victors now. You are paying the ferry with their spoils not your own. This option is a sore loser's dream.

    The fact that you can't grasp this, shows you have a hidden agenda here. Scorched Earth plain and simple. "If I can't have it no one can."

  • @nwo-azcrack sagte in Two things for PvE people:

    First of all its not your loor to sacrifice. No loot is urs until its turned in.

    Second, its much harder to steal other players loot than digging it up. Its not some easy stroll in the park.

    And third, stop acting like pve players do all the work and pvp players just take it. I almost always have more loot than the person i am attacking. Lets stop acting like some little solo player has 100k worth of loot on him, and a 4 man crew is just easily stealing it

    Your first:
    It does not matter how you name it, you know? You have it, you can do it (or currently not).

    Your second:
    Read the context, if you are able to refill your supply with an enemy's then you are very likely superior to them and it is quite easy (except you are alone), I saw it, I did it, you do not always have people who know what they are doing, and these you scare away.

    Your third.
    It is called your private reality in your head. Do you think, you would easily spot me with much cargo on my ship? Some people like to showcase their loot, I am not doing it, so stop making assumptions that have no bearing.

    @nabberwar sagte in Two things for PvE people:


    There is no downside? Ok, then try to get a pirate to Pirate Legend without any loot or treasure. Obviously, people lose everything and frequently using this option will prevent them from any progression.

    So, an option to save just some minutes is already too much since those PvP dudes do not feel satisfied without further debasement of their target?

    Not every fight is some spawncamping incident. People sink fair and square, your option has no downsides if you are the one losing. If you are in a fight and are about to lose, you choose your option. What loot that would have already gone to the victor, by rights of combat, get swifted away. You would have lost that loot because of sinking in the fight. Your paying the ferry with loot that is no longer in your posession, its the victors now. You are paying the ferry with their spoils not your own. This option is a sore loser's dream.

    The fact that you can't grasp this, shows you have a hidden agenda here. Scorched Earth plain and simple. "If I can't have it no one can."

    [Mod edited]:

    @nabberwar sagte in Two things for PvE people:

    ... If you want this option, than sail into the red, same results, no effort on Rare's part. ...

    So, apparently this smart guy told you already, that this option is somehow already in the game, although it wastes the time of both parties even further. So, actually I am just suggesting a fancy animation and a time saver for situations where people refuse to do PvP what they are free to do -- you do realize?
    It is a game for both PvP and PvE and one can choose how much of both or if any at all one participates in.

    And now on to your "hidden agenda" accusation:
    Guy, you are already twisting my words to get any sense into your accusation. I never spoke of "scorched earth" which is a concept you yourself came up with. It is your twisted thought, not mine and if you can, you should re-read my first post where I said that one has to evaluate whether all or a part of the loot should be used up by this option.

    You are the one putting words in other's mouths and imagining hidden agendas or some other conspiracy theories here.

    And now I applaud you! Here! Look at your words: "... loot that would have already gone to the victor, by rights of combat ..."
    Your words are hilarious! Really?! You PvP people are constantly telling others who wish to help out PvE people, that we are here at the Sea of Thieves! And that every code of conduct like the Pirate Code are mere words with little meaning.
    That is it! You get your own medicine and that is what you fear, my friend, you get to swallow the same treatment, but converted for your needs; we are at the "Sea of Thieves" not at the "Sea of Robbers" since good thieves are not stupid brutes that put a firework blatantly into your face, but this little detail is apparently of no importance for the usual PvP friend who just wants to fight others, but - oh boy - should one dare to give him a payback and not adhere to his hidden code of conduct for PvP, his rights of combat, then they are to be burned on the stake.

    Oh, and next time, just give arguments or highlight actual flaws, but do not come up with flawed accusations or imputations.

  • As a PVP and PVE player I feel entitled to receive all the resources of the boat I sunk! If they had 300 cannon balls and 200 planks well dangit they should float up in a barrel after I sink them!

  • @glannigan sagte in Two things for PvE people:

    As a PVP and PVE player I feel entitled to receive all the resources of the boat I sunk! If they had 300 cannon balls and 200 planks well dangit they should float up in a barrel after I sink them!

    I guarantee you, I feel entitled to look how your loot sinks to the bottom of the sea. I like to wave bye bye at these moments. I got my fight already, had my win.

  • @schneebaer17905 nice mate

  • @schneebaer17905

    Oh, sweetheart, I show you how flawed your thoughts are.

    Here, take this smart guy:

    Thanks sweety, I will more than happily take it. Let's begin....

    So, apparently this smart guy told you already, that this option is somehow already in the game, although it wastes the time of both parties even further. So, actually I am just suggesting a fancy animation and a time saver for situations where people refuse to do PvP what they are free to do -- you do realize?

    What your suggesting is beyond a simple animation. When someone intentially sails into the red, they actually have to work for it. They need to flee, avoid boards, you know, actually put in effort. What you suggest is easy mode for that. Get caught of guard by a ship rolling up on you with out you or your crew noticing? Activate the Sore loser ability. Just about to lose a fight? Activate the Sore loser ability. Their is no downside of using this tool. You are spending resources that are no longer yours.

    And now on to your "hidden agenda" accusation:

    Guy, you are already twisting my words to get any sense into your accusation. I never spoke of "scorched earth" which is a concept you yourself came up with. It is your twisted thought, not mine and if you can, you should re-read my first post where I said that one has to evaluate whether all or a part of the loot should be used up by this option.

    This isn't twisting your words, what you describe is by definition "Scorched Earth." A little google search would show you that this isn't some made up concept. Its a military tactic that destroys your own resources just ensure the enemy can't use them. Like a retreating army poisoning their own water well, burning their own crops, and slaughtering their own livestock just so the advancing army can't use it. That is scorched earth, and in your case, destroying loot that is no longer in your possession just so the enemy can't have it. Their is no twisting, just a simple case of you having no clue what a term means.

    And now I applaud you! Here! Look at your words: "... loot that would have already gone to the victor, by rights of combat ..."

    Your words are hilarious! Really?! You PvP people are constantly telling others who wish to help out PvE people, that we are here at the Sea of Thieves! And that every code of conduct like the Pirate Code are mere words with little meaning.

    You clearly have zero clue on the pirate code. However lets break it down.

    Article one is just basically everyone is welcome to play the game. Nothing overly complicated on that.

    Article three is just keep it in game. Don't keep insulting them with messages, don't stalk people, don't attack people outside of the game for what they did in the game. Very basic

    Article four is everyone on the crew is equal standing. No one person's vote is more important than the other. Can't cooperate with people? This isn't the right game for you.

    Article five is don't grief your own crew. Specifically stating your crew. Those who do get sent to the brig

    Article six is just treat those of all skill fairly. Not complicated

    Article seven is no cheating IE hacks exploits, etc.

    Nowhere in the code states I can't rob people, or exclusively rob people. Nowhere in the code does it state player are allowed any concessions of safety.

    That is it! You get your own medicine and that is what you fear, my friend, you get to swallow the same treatment, but converted for your needs; we are at the "Sea of Thieves" not at the "Sea of Robbers" since good thieves are not stupid brutes that put a firework blatantly into your face, but this little detail is apparently of no importance for the usual PvP friend who just wants to fight others, but - oh boy - should one dare to give him a payback and not adhere to his hidden code of conduct for PvP, his rights of combat, then they are to be burned on the stake.

    You have no clue what your are talking about.

    Oh, and next time, just give arguments or highlight actual flaws, but do not come up with flawed accusations or imputations.

    Your delusional if you can't see the obvious sore loser mechanic you want implemented. Sea of Thieves allows stealing, your Sore loser tool, just makes salty players have the means to never give loot to other players.

    Edit: Recently added thing from Rare you clearly need to understand

    Be a good sport. Sea of Thieves is a pirate game, and stealth, stealing and battles are all part of the fun. All pirates on the seas accept that, but be a good sportsman in both victory and loss.

    Time for you to accept that.

  • @schneebaer17905 said in Two things for PvE people:

    @glannigan sagte in Two things for PvE people:

    As a PVP and PVE player I feel entitled to receive all the resources of the boat I sunk! If they had 300 cannon balls and 200 planks well dangit they should float up in a barrel after I sink them!

    I guarantee you, I feel entitled to look how your loot sinks to the bottom of the sea. I like to wave bye bye at these moments. I got my fight already, had my win.

    Yah but I need my cannon balls I just wasted sinking you back!

    I need a return on my investment!!!

  • @djenty-panda um. Stealing treasure isn’t harassing it’s apart of the game. If you got caught it’s your fault. It’s not hard to keep your distance.

  • @schneebaer17905 necro, my dude

  • @wilbymagicbear looks like he necrod himself. Maybe forgot to reply. These posts always get me. I always reply to person at bottom seeing he replied 5 hours ago not realizing the main thread is a month.

  • @andyxxpanda1290 said in Two things for PvE people:

    @wilbymagicbear looks like he necrod himself. Maybe forgot to reply. These posts always get me. I always reply to person at bottom seeing he replied 5 hours ago not realizing the main thread is a month.

    Or it took him a month to come up with a "witty" condescending reply to bump his thread and keep trying to justify his sore loser mechanics ideas, who knows.

  • @bloodybil said in Two things for PvE people:

    @andyxxpanda1290 said in Two things for PvE people:

    @wilbymagicbear looks like he necrod himself. Maybe forgot to reply. These posts always get me. I always reply to person at bottom seeing he replied 5 hours ago not realizing the main thread is a month.

    Or it took him a month to come up with a "witty" condescending reply to bump his thread and keep trying to justify his sore loser mechanics ideas, who knows.

    I saw nothing witty about his reply. Just the ramblings of a man who has nothing to say

  • @djenty-panda pvp is gameplay so if they chase your ship your still playing sea of thieves but your not playing by your rules your playing the games rules

  • Thankfully, even streamers are picking up this issue and have suggestions one can take seriously, not like those snotty comments of the loud crowd in forums one gets for even thinking about this topic.

    @nabberwar sagte in Two things for PvE people:

    What your suggesting is beyond a simple animation. When someone intentially sails into the red, they actually have to work for it. They need to flee, avoid boards, you know, actually put in effort. What you suggest is easy mode for that. Get caught of guard by a ship rolling up on you with out you or your crew noticing? Activate the Sore loser ability. Just about to lose a fight? Activate the Sore loser ability. Their is no downside of using this tool. You are spending resources that are no longer yours.

    This isn't twisting your words, what you describe is by definition "Scorched Earth." A little google search would show you that this isn't some made up concept. Its a military tactic that destroys your own resources just ensure the enemy can't use them. Like a retreating army poisoning their own water well, burning their own crops, and slaughtering their own livestock just so the advancing army can't use it. That is scorched earth, and in your case, destroying loot that is no longer in your possession just so the enemy can't have it. Their is no twisting, just a simple case of you having no clue what a term means.

    You clearly have zero clue on the pirate code. ...
    Nowhere in the code states I can't rob people, or exclusively rob people. Nowhere in the code does it state player are allowed any concessions of safety.

    You have no clue what your are talking about.

    Your delusional if you can't see the obvious sore loser mechanic you want implemented. Sea of Thieves allows stealing, your Sore loser tool, just makes salty players have the means to never give loot to other players.

    Another prime example, thank you.
    So, there is obviously a penalty to this, as much as to scuttle the ship and it only saves time for both sides, you can deny it however you want, but this is how things are.

    I am not talking about "scorched earth" you are the one insinuating that I want it that way, I already clarified that and told you where you err, you can deny it however you want, but this is how things are.

    Yes, with no arguments in hand you have to constantly repeat I would have no clue whatsoever without anything to substantiate this claim; well, that is your so called arguments in a nutshell.

    It is nice that you also badmouth this mechanism, although it is closely related to mechanisms the developer "Rare" already implemented for good reasons and my suggestion is to help people to better avoid such a salty bunch like you guys. For the good of the game.

    @bloodybil sagte in Two things for PvE people:

    @andyxxpanda1290 said in Two things for PvE people:

    @wilbymagicbear looks like he necrod himself. Maybe forgot to reply. These posts always get me. I always reply to person at bottom seeing he replied 5 hours ago not realizing the main thread is a month.

    Or it took him a month to come up with a "witty" condescending reply to bump his thread and keep trying to justify his sore loser mechanics ideas, who knows.

    I am simply not wasting all my time here especially because most of the time I read things like your response which has zero connection to the topic at hand, except for accusations of some sort.

    @wilbymagicbear sagte in Two things for PvE people:

    @schneebaer17905 necro, my dude

    You are in dire need to read the forum rules: one has a month to reply.

    @andyxxpanda1290 sagte in Two things for PvE people:

    @djenty-panda um. Stealing treasure isn’t harassing it’s apart of the game. If you got caught it’s your fault. It’s not hard to keep your distance.

    I never said this, guy, but

    @andyxxpanda1290 sagte in Two things for PvE people:

    @wilbymagicbear looks like he necrod himself. Maybe forgot to reply. These posts always get me. I always reply to person at bottom seeing he replied 5 hours ago not realizing the main thread is a month.

    I guess reading is not your strength, huh? It is easier to simply jump into the fray and play the snotty nose, or?

  • This thread is still going? The idea is bad, move on.

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