Whatever happened to Summit?

  • Remember him? He was either the blessed saviour that Sea of Thieves had long needed, able to single-handedly restore the fortunes of the game; OR he was a blight on our community, and would (again, single-handedly) destroy Sea of Thieves forever.

    Now, we never hear of him, or his imitators.

    And, still, Sea of Thieves lives on, getting better and better with every release.

    It was always much bigger than a single streamer.

  • 23
  • @surveyorpete said in Whatever happened to Summit?:

    Remember him? He was either the blessed saviour that Sea of Thieves had long needed, able to single-handedly restore the fortunes of the game; OR he was a blight on our community, and would (again, single-handedly) destroy Sea of Thieves forever.

    Now, we never hear of him, or his imitators.

    And, still, Sea of Thieves lives on, getting better and better with every release.

    It was always much bigger than a single streamer.


  • @surveyorpete last time I checked twitch, he was playing GTA 5. That was a couple months ago...

  • Don’t think I disliked a SOT player as much in all my days sailing

  • Summit went through a rather bizarre GTA5 phase. Now he's piddling around with WoW. I don't get it, really.

  • I never understood the hate for him, he did nothing different that others did before him. Sure, he popularized some strategies, but it was nothing new. Double gun was before his time, wasn't a problem then. So was hiding on players ships, of which, wasn't a problem back then. One could argue he brought in more of a PvP crowd, but I never saw a difference, but that's just me.

    Like him or hate him, he brought in some much needed attention to a game that had a really brutal launch. I'm not saying he solely saved the game or Rare owes him something, but at least a small bit of respect should be given.

  • @nabberwar that laugh was a cringe factory

  • @surveyorpete Pace (the guy Summit boarded ships with) is still an SoT regular - was even in the Battle for LA on Joe’s team.

    I didn’t always like Summit’s gameplay and his occasional toxicity, but he’s an entertainer and his streams were/are entertaining to me.

  • @blatantwalk4260

    @nabberwar that laugh was a cringe factory

    People have odd laughs sometimes, seems like an odd thing to zero in on.

  • @nabberwar said in Whatever happened to Summit?:

    I never understood the hate for him, he did nothing different that others did before him. Sure, he popularized some strategies, but it was nothing new. Double gun was before his time, wasn't a problem then. So was hiding on players ships, of which, wasn't a problem back then. One could argue he brought in more of a PvP crowd, but I never saw a difference, but that's just me.

    Like him or hate him, he brought in some much needed attention to a game that had a really brutal launch. I'm not saying he solely saved the game or Rare owes him something, but at least a small bit of respect should be given.

    I feel the same. I wasn't terribly into the whole hide and seek gameplay, but at least the few streams I watched gave me great insight on where people can hide and where to look for them. Saved my butt a few times!

  • Who....?

  • @nabberwar It weirded me out not sure why

  • @entspeak Pace was definately the better player and better person, but was sadly not as famous as Summit

  • Well, to be fair, twitch viewership is waaayyyy down, unfortunately. Twitch does generate hype and conversation about games. Games dont necessarily live and die by twitch, but they can definitely be bolstered by it.

    Also, the seas just dont seem as dangerous these days, which I find kinda sad. Pirate games need pirates, not just endless waves of skeletons.

  • Who care's about Streamers?

  • @viperishemu2992 said in Whatever happened to Summit?:

    Who care's about Streamers?

    Yea, IRL has ruined game streaming, IMO.

  • If you want to become famous or respected by thrashing other Persons' work without showing much respect then Oblivion awaits ...And i don't mean the Elder Scrolls' game...i rather have a calm or very entertaining streamer that is not Streaming for his or her enhancing of an ego but for explaining and encouraging to all who watches to play the game you broadcast...

    But the " watch me dissect this game" mentality of many streamers may hopefully come to an end...If one doesn't like the game then why stream it ? To warn people not to buy it ? Who says that our tastes are or should be similar?...

    Just stream when you like or love a game in order to let others enjoy yer adventures while one is answering or explaining to viewers what he or she is doing or planning to do...
    i watch one streamer who just simply explains the game he is playing and when people point out to him that he missed a detail he humbly apoligizes and moves on...No hundred " Oh my Gods " , that curl my toes but a clear explenation of the things spread out on the television...He is responsible for a few purchases of Tactical PC games that way and streamers like that should be praised by the Developers , any developer that ,benefits from his calm telling nature...

    And Summit….Hold on , ( * Ooops dufus lost his focus ...Don't worry old man, you're not yet demented , you just lost "nothing of importance" )...What are we talking about…?

  • I dont watch streamers but i apprecite all the attention he brought to the game.

    Sad hes not around cause i heard he was a pvper and i will never have a chance to sink him on live stream now 😤

  • @lt-swag-johnson said in Whatever happened to Summit?:


    🤷🏽‍♀️ I dunno either

  • He never recovered from the 2 Gun Nerf...

  • Missed opportunity for mass amount of extra equity for Rare. SoT brings an amazing unique way to experience an FPS type game, and these Big named streamers with their collectively massive amount of followers/viewers loved the SoT experience but they were hoping Arena would be a huge combat experience NOT a gather chests and run to victory (which can be done without a shot being fired or hit taken). They wanted a deathmatch where a match making system would put skilled players against skilled players and the last ship floating is the winner... if that existed they would have been playing and if they were playing there would be lots of new monies coming to Rare to help them keep personnel on SoT getting paid better and better... but unfortunately they didn’t listen to the voices crying out for this option and missed out on such an enormous opportunity.

    All they had to do was make to modes... Arena Adventure: (what we have now) and Arena Battle: Last ship floating, 3 ship lives, and No Chests... I promise their data they say they pay close attention to would show very clearly which of the modes people prefer more.

  • @surveyorpete said in Whatever happened to Summit?:

    Remember him? He was either the blessed saviour that Sea of Thieves had long needed, able to single-handedly restore the fortunes of the game; OR he was a blight on our community, and would (again, single-handedly) destroy Sea of Thieves forever.

    Now, we never hear of him, or his imitators.

    And, still, Sea of Thieves lives on, getting better and better with every release.

    It was always much bigger than a single streamer.

    he's back now though go check out youtube on the key word sot

  • @blatantwalk4260 Stumbled across Pace's crew once. He's just as toxic, but i respect the community he has built.

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