We need events promoting cooperation

  • Rare we need events and content like a Fort without the benefit of betraying.
    Events that promote PvE cooperation, and at the same time are Hotspots for PvPers.
    I dont know how, but i am not the developer, you are :-)

    We need that to have people understand the PvPvE mixed mode.

    Forts were the best in the beginning and they are still a good place for PvE and PvP at the same time.

    I also understand that betraying is a way to go, but betraying should leave you with a penalty or vice versa alliances need to give more incentive to not betray.

    The balance between PKing and staying friendly is a little bit disturbed imho.
    PKing has nearly zero disadvantages and zero penalties while it is the less social style to play or lets say it this way.
    To PvP and to stay social, empathic and still caring for your fellow player and make him not ragequit is the hardest part.

    I love your game, i like pve and pvp, i like to immerse, relax, sail, get loot, sell loot peacefully and i like i need to defend myself and be able to attack, kill, sink and plunder or steal while not beeing recognized from others, but we dont have that much players who do so.
    They are mostly split and dont get it.

    Hungering Deep was that magic Moment, the Throne Event and the Gunpowder Barrel stuff where we want and need another crew cooperating but also be ready competing.

    I dont know how and what, but a event that encourages to cooperate and ally up without betraying as viable option and at the same time give the PvPirates an aim to go for is what we need.

  • 16
  • Heard of Ashes of Creation?
    I am not that much into MMORPG gaming anymore, because of the mandatory progression and more and more game mechanics called QoL Features that take social interactions away and make all more comfortable. Too oldsql for that.
    AH's, auto running to your quest?! (Black Dessert baffled me and it was an instant deinstall) and all this.
    So i'm not very well informed about AoC but i recently heared one thing about it.
    PvE builds the world and pvp destroys it.
    Maybe we can have such a mechanic implemented in SoT.
    PvErs build something up, maybe something that increase some sort of temporary reputation for a region what then grants more reward for as long as it is not destroyed.
    Another Crew is maybe working on anothers regions rep to get better rewards and now these need or want to compete.
    And like it was perfectly made for this we have a 3rd Region, let the Roar aside as it is special, what makes it more uncertain who makes it. Will they ally up with Region 1 or 2 or will they go for themself and use the opportunity of 2 Rivals attacking the winner of them, while weakened from the battle.
    Something like that, some sandbox PvP mechanics what involve PvE.

    Make PvErs even cooperate with the PvPrs of their Region.

    While writing i see this easily becomes a faction war system, but i have no doubt you can evolve from that and make e it even better.

    Something that connects pve and pvp players to meet in the middle and make them PvPvE mixed mode players more.

    Suggestions welcome.

    I liked the sentence about AoC that PvE builds something up what gets destroyed by PvP.

    Maybe find a way for something like that what fits the session based gameplay and gives the sandbox players more guidance and such.

  • Rare has tried this before...both with with a quest (Hungering Deep) and with Commendations like (Skeleton Exploder at Fort). It doesn't go well.

    For the Deep...people beat the quest early so within a week it was near impossible to find another crew willing to join you to finish it. Most times they just pretended to want to help in order to get close and sink you.

    For the Fort...well people just don't like other crews poking around on an active fort. Most times one crew just kegged the other crews ship. In the end people just solo'd and swam onto and active fort and just hid while other the crew finished it off.

    Even alliances tend to end in tears when one crew gets bored and decides to stalk and kill the other. Pirates by nature don't play well together...not for long anyways.

  • @xshadovvhunterx said in We need events promoting cooperation:

    Rare has tried this before...both with with a quest (Hungering Deep) and with Commendations like (Skeleton Exploder at Fort). It doesn't go well.

    For the Deep...people beat the quest early so within a week it was near impossible to find another crew willing to join you to finish it. Most times they just pretended to want to help in order to get close and sink you.

    For the Fort...well people just don't like other crews poking around on an active fort. Most times one crew just kegged the other crews ship. In the end people just solo'd and swam onto and active fort and just hid while other the crew finished it off.

    Even alliances tend to end in tears when one crew gets bored and decides to stalk and kill the other. Pirates by nature don't play well together...not for long anyways.

    LOLz this brings back good memories! So true, back when the Meg had to be completed with a minimum of 2 crews my team would always pull up on another ship yelling that we were friendly and wanted to start an Alliance. We would then kill them all. Some folks got pretty salty about it. But it was a fair strategy to get the upper hand by tricking them. Then there was the time we completed a Skull Fort, we were turning in the loot and had at least 10-15 GPs in the crows nest. We then saw a caravan of 3 ships headed to do the Meg so we sailed over to them to join their alliance (well prior to the flag option) but with the intention to kill them all once the event started. Funny thing was that they were carrying the wrong tune to summon the meg so one of my crewmates went back with them to get the correct tune. While we waited one of my crew had that bug where you could hold an infinite amount of resources so he spent his time sneaking onto the other ships and taking everything. They of course didn't notices. So once we got the right tune back we summoned the Meg and once the battle started we all took a GP to each ships and sunk them all. It was the funniest sight having 10 Pirates in the water trying to board us. Meg of course kept chomping on us while we were protecting ladders. We ended up sinking but it was funny as heck.

    Now with that said, I'm all for coop events but lets NOT turn this into Sea of Friends which is what it's geared to be atm imho.

  • @bugaboo-bill
    Im so glad u understand what a pvpve game is. It seems like you are one of the few who understand the balance that is needed. I dont always agree with your ideas but your intentions are good.

    Now i just wanna point out, as a pure pvper that i dont agree that us guys have nothing to lose. I usually have around 300 resources at any given moment. I also always have loot displayed from sunken ships i use to stock cannonballs and planks with. And the loot i have is nearly always more than the guy i sunk has. So i have to disagree that i have nothing to lose. I spend the first 45 mins stocking my boat to pvp. I like to be prepared. And an understocked ship will not last long in a good fight. So that means i will lose my time, resources, gunpowder barrels, and loot if i lose a fight!

    I do wanna say when hungering deep came out it was one of the most memorable days i have ever had. And i have been gaming for 32 years. I spent the first 2 days parked at shipwreck bay helping pirates beat the meg. I always wanted to fight a big shark and Rare did a great job. It was one of the few times i was nice, and i gotta say it was a nice change from killin everyone on sight.

    I will admit i was frustrated when the thrones came out because i didnt wanna go be friendly just to sit down on a throne. So i did all the ones i could with my brother and missed out on the dabloons for the alliance ones. But it was my loss for not being social, so im not mad. If there is a cosmetic good enough to make me be friendly for a day then i will.

    That said, i dont wanna see to many things locked behind alliance stuff. Sometimes ppl just wanna play alone and get stuff done. And sometimes ppl have problems finding that help without looking for a while.

    I dont agree with ya on a penalty for alliance betrayal. I feel the ability to make an alliance is already overpowered. It gives ppl a way to farm rep to quickly in my opinion. So the ability to betray keeps ppl on their toes. I do like that it gives me more ppl to pvp at once. Theres nothing like attacking 2 or 3 ppl in am alliance at the same time and having them all try to jump me.

    I do agree with your overall idea of more events like the hungering deep. It was a nice event to either be friendly or sink everyone tryin to team up to complete it.
    Sorry for the long post.

  • @bugaboo-bill sagte in We need events promoting cooperation:

    Hungering Deep was that magic Moment, the Throne Event and the Gunpowder Barrel stuff where we want and need another crew cooperating but also be ready competing.

    How much I hated finishing them off. Hungering Deep and this throne thing were both times events where I came late. I started both in the last week of events. Most of those who were interested had already finished them. Since everyone knew the fixed points where you could only successfully end the events together, you almost only met toxic players there. By that I mean those kinds of players whose fun is to spoil the success of others, even though they don't get any advantage from it themselves - on the contrary, they pay opportunity costs.

    I don't need that again...

  • @goedecke-michel said in We need events promoting cooperation:

    @bugaboo-bill sagte in We need events promoting cooperation:

    Hungering Deep was that magic Moment, the Throne Event and the Gunpowder Barrel stuff where we want and need another crew cooperating but also be ready competing.

    How much I hated finishing them off. Hungering Deep and this throne thing were both times events where I came late. I started both in the last week of events. Most of those who were interested had already finished them. Since everyone knew the fixed points where you could only successfully end the events together, you almost only met toxic players there. By that I mean those kinds of players whose fun is to spoil the success of others, even though they don't get any advantage from it themselves - on the contrary, they pay opportunity costs.

    I don't need that again...

    Well I think a lot of players weren't necessarily trying to spoil the fun of other players. It was simply a matter of lack of content so some of those players simply had nothing else to do so they were on the look out for PvP. Towards the end of my time in adventure mode 8 months ago I would either sail around solo on a Brig looking for a Gally crew to take on or I would hide my boat near a Skull Fort and swim over to the fort and wait for an enemy crew to show up so I could play king of the hill and sink their ship and kill them all. I didn't do any of this to be mean or spoil someone's fun. It was due to lack of content since I was a PL Athena 10. It then, for me, got to the point where I would spend a good 30 mins or so either sailing the seas looking for a Gally or waiting at a Skull Fort but never seeing another ship so I'd quit out due to boredom. Now I'm back because of Arena mode and I love it!!! I think this is great since it removes me from Adventure mode and make that mode more of a PvE situation.

  • im not really in favour of any kind of 'peace mode', but i do wish players had some sort of persistent and visible reputation score.
    in the real world, people build reputations based on things like loyalty, betrayal, and bloodthirst. there is no way pirates of the day were unaware of these sorts of things, so why should we?

  • You should never force teamwork an being friendly.
    That should come natural.
    An those 2 event were they did, they was the worse.
    an yeah the agressive encounters fell only in the event time, but was back to its old self.

    If you want people to be teaming up, being friendly, then there need to be a benefit or a treat so strong/scary that you not doing it, is almost stupid.

  • I disagree.
    All that will happen is many players will complete the events on the first day and then spend the next week making it irritating as hell for anyone else to complete.
    You'll be cursing your request if you don't log in on patch day.

  • No, it's team up and fight.

  • Had an idea for Alliance specific voyages. The details are an overview. Specifics can be discussed by others.

    The basic idea is to offer voyages which can only be purchased by an Alliance, so you must form an alliance to be able to purchase a voyage. Furthermore, the loot can only be cashed in whilst your crew is a part of that alliance. If you leave an alliance it will void your ability to cash in the loot. (The idea here is that you can steal from an alliance, maybe even sink their ship, but if you leave the alliance you will void your claim to the loot). That's the gist of it.

    A couple variations I thought about:

    • Each crew in an alliance is given their own voyage to complete. So each crew is given a different map or clues than the other crews in the alliance. This way everybody has to find their own treasure. You can still assist another crew if they wish, but only they hold the clues to the location.

    • The loot must be cashed in at a specific outpost; the catch is that the location of the outpost is only given when all of the loot has been found. If a crew decides to leave the alliance before finding their loot, and everybody else has found theirs, then the location of the outpost will still be awarded

    The idea is to encourage co-operation, without creating a specific event which will be abandoned by players once they've completed them

  • I really enjoyed the Hungering Deep Multi-Crew Celebration Parties! And even the "warm fuzzy" feeling of helping some random Ship out with the Thrones.

    As long as the choice of cooperation or betrayal remains an option then I will always welcome "working together" events. They are a hoot and a great chance to talk to other players without immediately getting a cannonball to the face!

  • @bugaboo-bill
    Hungering Deep 2: Search for the Shrouded Ghost

  • @little-squash sagte in We need events promoting cooperation:

    Hungering Deep 2: Search for the Shrouded Ghost


    Bild Text

  • I think the somewhat overlooked solution in many problems described here is giving players an opportunity to team up together. Even pirates had their Tortuga. I had this idea about the sea dogs lair, since right now there's no real reason to go there, one could easily make it a more social place that would have some kind of combat restriction and no way to turn in loot but instead provide players with different npc's providing crew ques for different things withing the game. Maybe even helping crews socialize and migrate to new servers together to fulfill common goals. It would make it much easier to create alliances and enjoy the game with similarly minded people and also increse the ease of completing specific events.

    As for 'let's not turn it into sea of friends', well why not. If you wanna do your pvp, go ahead. If someone wants to enjoy the game in alliances and team up as 3 ships running around destroying forts and crushing you as well, let them too. No one tells you to participate in anything.

13 out of 16