A message to all Pirates who got salty over loosing loot.

  • Playing the game and having fun instead of getting upset over loosing loot, get killed or sunk need you to understand the game's design.

    1st horizontal progression.
    Progression is seconded!!!
    It's not about progressing in SoT, if your main goal is to progress, you will get sour if you loose loot someday, no matter why you lost it, because your main goal is to progress.
    All the threads about: wasted time, lost all my loot, imbalancies of ships/ crews, RNG of the Kraken or whatever are wrong as hell, because if the gameplay is fun it's not wasted time, but fun, because of the "wasted time playing a game!"
    You loose nothing, you miss nothing, you cannot fail, because it's about playing the game and not about progressing further, winning or loosing. All this are aspects of playing games and they are seconded, the main thing is playing the game, isn't it?
    Progression happens by the way,
    Sometimes more sometimes less, it's winning and loosing the one or the other day, both should be fun anyway, but if you focus on something that is optional and in no way important for this game, not gamemechanically and even not regarding content, because there are no benefits for progressing and nothing is gated behind any form of progression you put the focus on something, Rare dont want you to put the focus on in the first line. Same for winning or loosing, while i suggest no one is going play a game to loose :-D
    Or why do you think they made it this way they did with horizontal progression?

    2nd sandbox PvPvE
    There is no balance for ships/crews!
    MP Sandbox games ask you to organize yourself.
    If you decide to solo sloop you put yourself in a disadvantage against other players. This can be exciting and extra tense, it can be fun to hide and run or attack the biggest enemy undermanned, there are many possibilities for many tastes, but in the end a full Galleon Crew is always in an advantage, no matter what they do, PvE or PvP.
    Let's put playerskill aside or assume it's nearly equal.
    That's how sandbox games are, it's essential to them and this game is already a very much solo friendly sandbox PvP game.
    If you are good, you can manage to never get caught or you can even manage to sink a Galleone solo.
    Try that in EvE or any other sandbox PvP game :-)

    3rd You cannot loose entirely and death or loosing loot is more.or less completely irrelevant.
    No punishment for dying, no costs, no benefits, no progression that matters gamemechanically.

    4th until Rare does not offer PvE or private Servers you agree to interact with other players cooperative and competetive all the time, no matter what you do or want to do!

    INTERACT!!! and then decide what, how and when to do.
    We got a speaking trumpet for that!
    We can use gamechat.

    Dont assume allways the bad, ask for help, mercy or whatever, but be prepared for less empathic, less friendly and aggressive encounters!
    Nature of a sandbox PvP game is the UNCERTAINTY about other players.
    Core Design of Sea of Thieves!

    This is a Game for players, playing in a open sandbox PvPvE environment who want to interact socially, cooperative and competetive!

    That's no game for achievers getting salty over loosing loot, because progress is their main goal and then complain over wasted time.
    Playing is about "wasting time".
    Playing is not about performance focussed progression.
    Real work or professional sports for example are for that.
    But SoT is a game with horizontal progression, if you miss that, sorry for you.

    To all of you who now say, but my cosmetics i've earned are imporant to me.
    All fine, why not, it is then important to you and it is not comparable as they (your cosmetics) are not important to me!
    If someone gets jealous over cosmetics in an online game, i'm sorry i cannot help you, only ask you to visit a psychatrist or psycholigist maybe to learn to deal with this better.

    People really you cannot really loose in this game, you can for sure loose versus another player or Ai, versus Rngesus, but you dont loose the game or miss anything, because it's also some sort of a Roleplaying game.
    And RPGs are about the journey and stories and interaction of players and also not about progression in the first line.
    Progression for RPG's is also seconded. You progress by the way, way more important is that way and the stories you experience on that way.

    Step out of the treadmill, stop gaming the system and stop getting salty over loosing loot.
    Seriously play the game, be more Pirate and learn the credo of the Piratelord himself:

    "It's not about the gold, it's about the glory."

    I want to add:
    It's not about progression, it's about the stories you experience.

    It's not about winning or loosing, it's about participacion, interaction and social gameplay.

    First of all it's about playing, not working, not progression, not rewards, not winning or loosing, not exploiting, not tweaking, not shortcuts, but...

    having fun, participation, "wasting time" and hopefully laughing together.

    good winds and have fun

    "i'm busy doing nothing"

    • Winnie the Pooh
  • 19
  • Tldr....

    Don't worry how others want to play a game. If I see you on the Seas please just scuttle.

    A Pirate

  • Wholeheartedly agree. It's astounding the amount of times I've played with a decent LFG crew, having good times collecting loot, fighting other players, etc. Then we get sunk. While I'm busy collecting resources for our new ship the other players sour and start complaining over how it was all "wasted". Typically followed by the usual rants on perceived balance issues, "that guy was a PC player, unfair", and the like before they all rage quit.

    I play the game to have fun. And when I do have fun, even if we sink and are left with nothing in the end, it's not wasted. Some of my most enjoyable sessions have ended with no "progression" to show for it. I just can't wrap my head around this grind mentality in a game that literally offers no advantage to veteran players over newbies.

  • @rk1-turbulence said in A message to all Pirates who got salty over loosing loot.:

    Wholeheartedly agree. It's astounding the amount of times I've played with a decent LFG crew, having good times collecting loot, fighting other players, etc. Then we get sunk. While I'm busy collecting resources for our new ship the other players sour and start complaining over how it was all "wasted". Typically followed by the usual rants on perceived balance issues, "that guy was a PC player, unfair", and the like before they all rage quit.

    I play the game to have fun. And when I do have fun, even if we sink and are left with nothing in the end, it's not wasted. Some of my most enjoyable sessions have ended with no "progression" to show for it. I just can't wrap my head around this grind mentality in a game that literally offers no advantage to veteran players over newbies.

    Maybe because every game u have ever played before 2019 had a goal to achieve where it was complete the game or get that item you wanted from day one. In this game the outfit u want or ship cosmetic is your goal, and looting towards that goal is progression, something in every game every gamer has come to learn is a way of measuring their success their journey and helping them feel satisfyied when they “achieve” said goal. Just cus a couple people can go about spending hours doing pointless nothing to me that is boring! I appreciate the role playing bit but that makes me even more salty as the imbalances makes a big difference! In real life I wouldn’t of lost that fight cus I wouldn’t of stood still for 3 secs (lag) and allowed him to blunderbuss me at point blank lol! I wouldn’t have to fight someone with a aim bot I wouldn’t have to this and that.... blah blah

    The point is me and many others enjoy and have fun “progressing” achieving our goals step by step and when you lose to imbalance that isn’t fun! Lose to AI is kinda like well this games tough I’ll practice but when u fight real people it’s pot luck if u get the £8million rig player or a brand new player who can’t fight but loosing to the pc player is not like “ I’ll get better” cus if u are never gunna out perform his PC or keep up with his macros so you can’t say “oh well I’ll get better” I have to sit there and say “I don’t want to do that again cus it is a waste cus if I run into another 8million rig player I cant practice to beat that!”

  • ye but when i fishing for 2 hours and then someone sink me before i made it to the seapost, its time to close the game :D

  • @Weedstar-DeLuxe

    I understand thaty it's not that it doesnt happen to me as well and i call it a day.
    But honestly, it all comes by the time and the day you have it what you wanted is happy reward day.
    I am not greedy or want things fast.
    The longer it takes the more meaning it has to me, because the more stories had happened.

    I also like to progress, bit i do never focus on it.
    It happens by the way.
    If i focus on progressing i miss a lot imho and i cannot deal that good with losses, because my main goal is to progress.
    But my main goal is having fun playing the game and wins or losses and progress is something that happens by the way.

    And by the way a MP PvP sandbox is never balanced.
    The players who organize themself the best are always having an advantage.
    That's a core element of sandbox games, player organisation.
    And you need not organize 500 to deal with the goon swam, only 3 friends to man a Galleone or 2 for a Brigantine ;-)

  • I agree that the game becomes a lot more fun when you let go of the obsession with loot. I learned this by playing the insider program. I got a new pirate, who owned nothing, and knew that my progression would be reset after a few weeks. While playing the insider program, the game became 100% about the experience, not about the loot. It became less stressful, and really allowed me to enjoy the beautiful sights, the unexpected loot on random islands, the freedom.

    However, I'm still very disappointed in the Sea of Thieves community. Pvp is not about fun pirate battles, it's about griefing, camping, harassing.. just bothering people because you're bored. I play a lot of online games and I've never seen more annoying players than on the Sea of Thieves. I'm not necessarily against the existence of pvp in this game, but I would honestly enjoy the option to opt out of it every now and then for this reason.

  • @princes-lettuce sagte in A message to all Pirates who got salty over loosing loot.:

    I agree that the game becomes a lot more fun when you let go of the obsession with loot. I learned this by playing the insider program. I got a new pirate, who owned nothing, and knew that my progression would be reset after a few weeks. While playing the insider program, the game became 100% about the experience, not about the loot. It became less stressful, and really allowed me to enjoy the beautiful sights, the unexpected loot on random islands, the freedom.

    However, I'm still very disappointed in the Sea of Thieves community. Pvp is not about fun pirate battles, it's about griefing, camping, harassing.. just bothering people because you're bored. I play a lot of online games and I've never seen more annoying players than on the Sea of Thieves. I'm not necessarily against the existence of pvp in this game, but I would honestly enjoy the option to opt out of it every now and then for this reason.

    So true, thanks for this reply.
    I made another thread about a code of honor for PvPirates.
    Unfortunately a lot of pvpers didnt agree and they are out to kill you and dont care about you.
    They arent playing with you, but aproach it selfish and less empathic about their fellow players.
    Sad but true.
    I'm allways empathic and would always show mercy and weigh what i can do, what i should do or better not do, what is still playfull and dont make the other ragequit.
    Read by yourself if you want.


  • Thnx @bugaboo-bill for this post. I've been trying to react to so many salt posts about losing unfairness etc.

    Also I'd love to add for those who are all about Solo slooping the whole time who never step out of their comfort zone: Please please try and find some likeminded people and run a galleon for a change. I know it might not always be easy to get a group with synergy but it's so worth it and with modern communication trough Discord/ LFG/ etc you can do this with ease and make friends that might even persist outside of the game!

  • @bugaboo-bill I read it and 100% agree ;-)

  • @bugaboo-bill said in [A message to all Pirates who got salty over loosing loot.]:

    And RPGs are about the journey and stories and interaction of players and also not about progression in the first line.
    Progression for RPG's is also seconded. You progress by the way, way more important is that way and the stories you experience on that way.

    I agree with the whole post so much. I quoted this part because I don't remember what stats my characters had in rpgs, but what stories I had in it. The same is true with sea of thieves. That's one of the reasons this game is so great.

  • @BlazeDrake100 thanks :-)

    When i was a Pen&Paper GM i had a group only playing.
    Roleplaying the whole time.
    I made my notices and at the end of each session i awarded xp and players leveld their skills etc.
    The players also got rewarded on the way with items for example.
    But killing an Orc wouldnt you give xp to rank up instantly, instead i noticed it and players never know what actions give them xp.
    I can also decide to not give xp to kill that generous, sleeping Orc what is no threat and nothing the character learns from if he kill it.
    So, this said people "played" and didnt care that much for xp, they interacted, roleplayed and of course wanted to progress and got rewarded, but it is seconded and something they didnt miss while playing and also forget about it while they were playing. They focussed on theor characters authenticity and immersion etc...
    Great experience.
    Progression seconded!

    I had another group, some were asking me if this or that action wouldn't give xp and why not get this reward instant to improve their character while playing. I was in doubt if that is a good idea, but ok lets try it i said and in the following i even adjusted the adventures i had written to this and for example created encounters what were hard and only manageable if the characters level up during the session.
    Like level to kill the big boss at the end.
    It became a mess after a while.
    People knew my method to award actions and what and how many xp they got for this or that.
    Guess what happened!?
    They start to game the system.
    "I need to find 2 more Orks to level my swordskill up"
    Roleplay got seconded, tweaking your build and becoming efficient was the way to go.
    I was guilty by myself i even adapted to it when i restructured my adventures with harder endbosses for example.

    In the end i can say the second group was not that much fun or roleplayish. It also lastet not that long as it lost this playful aspect and became gaming the system more and more and less roleplaying.

    The moment players start online roleplaying the Exel Warriors took over.
    They dont roleplay, they take the rules of the systems about the numbers only and start tweaking around. Creating a build for a Character to be efficient isnt roleplaying to be honest.
    Progressing isnt roleplaying.
    People cant let go their performanced focussed aproach gaming and dont play a game, they are constantly performing on a higher faster further basis and completely miss to roleplay, immerse and keep it real with their characters.

    They only have fun striving and performing to get better and miss to really play.
    Playing instead means it has no purpose, no set goal, but to have fun and to let it happen by the way.
    A roleplayer will always weigh to stick to his characters role and therefore maybe do stoopid, ineffective things more than to be effective and loose his characters authenticity.
    That's the difference of a gamer and a player to me.
    The gamer games the system.
    He strives for efficency, work things off, set goals and starts to perform.
    A player immerse, identify himself with the character, slips into that role and starts his journey.

    Most games are made for gamers and Exel Warriors.
    Very less games are for players.
    And to find likeminded players who still can play without any performance focus is very hard.
    Its the time of the strivers, gamers who game systems and exploiting is a good thing.
    Circumvent game mechanics and speedrun.
    It's not about playing the game, it's about to become first, best, strongest, fastest, mightiest...

    It's less fun to fight against people in a game who take it that serious and aproach the game performanced focussed.
    Remembers me allways of my own child and myself as a child when we had to learn it's about participation and not winning or loosing.
    And for RPG it's not about becoming better, but roleplaying and the adventures.
    In competetive games you need for sure to become better and it's part of it, but to focus on this and not second it is missing the concept and sooner or later lead to dislike the game and become disappointed because you didnt get it what it is about and aimed for the wrong things.

  • The moment i stopped caring about loot was the day this game became my favorite one.

  • @nwo-azcrack

    • Strong Hold Chest - 3,456g
    • Reaper's Chest - 15 doubloons
    • Captain's Skull - 2,337g

    Knowledge of the open sea and how to manipulate your ship to do what it needs to do... PRICELESS

  • The game is only as good as your crew.

    Different crew every time!

    That’s part of the magic. You just never know what’s going to happen and every time I log in I have a unique experience.

  • Good story, @bugaboo-bill, I totally agree on the have-fun-first-progress-later philosophy.
    I remember when Skeleton Forts were highly contested and were pretty much the only way to get loot "fast". The excitement of not knowing if another crew would swoop in and opened fire were the absolute days for me! It was a great combination of the thrill of losing your "progress" and fighting for the loot until it was handed it. Oh, how I miss those days because nowadays I don't give a bilge rats behind about handing treasure in. No chest is too small, no booty's too big.

  • Bill? You were drinking last night and forgot to invite us over!😂😂😂

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