Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions)

  • @crimsonraziel said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    One of the rules of SoT: Nothing is yours until you turn it in.

    Sadly this is also the most ignored rule.

  • @winter-fritz44 ive waited over an hour in the past whislt i wait for my friends to get their kids down to bed etc and in that time ive blitzed every barrel on the island for supplies started the quest etc so all is ready to just get people in and set sail..

    maybe they had finished up for the night and were all having a grog in the tavern ?

    obviously if you can hear what they are saying and its not so friendly then i can understand you being a little frustrated about not being able to go on the island but in that position i think i would have either - sailed by and shot my self over to the island and at least tried to have started the tale before being shot and transported back to my boat i left sailing.. or just go and do one of the other 8 tales and lef that for another day.

  • Unfortunately, the game is designed to favor the crew that has nothing to lose.
    If you have something to lose, the crew that has nothing to lose will waste all your time trying to take that loot.
    Not YOUR loot.....THAT loot.
    Ironically, even if you have nothing on board.

    The only solution to all of these "why won't these toxics leave me alone" posts is Private Servers.

    Rare is working to include Private Servers so players who are looking to "BE THE PIRATE THEY WANT TO BE" can actually do that.

    Right now, it's a salty sea and so many players have been groomed to SHOOT FIRST, SINK EVERYTHING and wait for the loot to surface.

    As many have stated, there's really nothing that can be done except to be constantly vigilante, have a decent crew and outwit the other players.

    One last tip.....
    after any large update (especially with content) the seas become exceedingly salty and it's best to wait out the storm by just not playing for a few weeks.

    Toxics tend to have short attention spans and will wander back to CoD or their new favorite shiny BR to spread their love all over dem internets.

  • @dirty469 sagte in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    With some of your quest items for tall tales being stored on your quest wheel I don't see why rare didn't make it so ALL quest items are stored that way? They have to know by now that there are trash people in this game that just want to ruin the fun/experience for other players and should start taking safeguards in their design to stop it. It's happened to me a few times and when I reach my limit I will just stop playing = rare won't get any of my money when the cash shop launches. Before anyone says it, I know the difference between griefing and playing the game as intended so don't @ me fools.

    The one thing is a quest tool...spyglass, compass
    The others are quest items to sell...skull, shroubreaker
    Doesn't make sense to put them in the quest wheel

    And this would put away the thrill of the possibility to lose your stuff...and that thrill is a huge part of the game

  • @lil-fokker where did Rare say, that they're working on to implement private servers? Source please

  • You complaining about there being thieves in a game called “sea of thieves” is a lot more toxic than said thieves playing the game.

  • @schwammlgott
    Neate has mentioned it a couple of times.
    Once in one of his weekly dev updates....still looking for it.

    Another time in an interview during one of their INSIDE XBOX promotions on mixer.com/xbox

    https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/search/?q=private servers&restrict_sr=1

    In German: just scrub the timeline for shots of text. 😉


    Hope these help.

  • @lil-fokker also für mich hört sich das nicht wirklich nach privaten Servern an...PvE Server sagt er wird's nie geben, und rein private Server auch nicht...einzig die Idee auf Servern beizutreten, wo Freunde gerade spielen wird's eventuell geben...

    Edit: also laut Video

    In English:

    Doesn't sound like private servers...it's said, that pure PvE servet never gonna happen, and pure private server neither
    Only thing they are trying to do is joining a friend on the same server

    Edit: said in the video

  • Easiest way to prevent this is to simply keep your eyes on the horizon. Ships don’t magically appear.

  • @schwammlgott
    that's what the creator of the video said; but, the real discussion is the need for a way for players to easily connect with players that they want to play with.

    One method is server hopping to randomly end up together. This creates server merges and wastes everyone's time.
    Another method is to work with other crews on the server to invite your friends onto their ships or accomplish the same through threats and aggression.....YAARRRR!
    These create more problems and aren't a solution at all.

    Private Servers is the solution.
    Private Servers is the easiest way for players to get all their friends together with no headache and no problems for others.

    Private Servers also creates innumerable gaming benefits that would take up my entire day listing them.....but are summed up as "BE THE PIRATE YOU WANT TO BE".

    However, what we currently have is.....


  • @lil-fokker best solution would be just to be able to join friends on the same server...as in the video said: "private or PvE server would collide with the concept of SoT"...so this will not happen

  • @schwammlgott
    Don't forget, Neate's own comments, "custom servers are a matter of when not if."

  • @lil-fokker don't forget: he's not the only one, who needs to agree for those changes

  • @schwammlgott

  • Sinking your sloop and then taking your loot isn't toxic. The game is called sea of thieves after all not sea of nice players. Pirates steal loot, sink your ship, etc. You would do the same thing if you were that galleon. We all would.

  • @lil-fokker sagte in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):


    As I don't get a reply to the private message I send you...what means RODL?

  • @schwammlgott

  • @way-to-go-champ That would ruin the WHOLE POINT of the game! There is WAY TOO many pansies in servers. If I get sunk solo... And they take my sh**... They deserved it, due to me not sucking and watching my surroundings. Maybe you should go play a single player game dude.

  • I personally want even harder more complex storys & side quests still. I want voyage items that are even more perishable & time restricted. I want more plattitudes of gear added. Especially gear that is rare & extremely hard, frustrating & time consuming to get.

  • @lil-fokker sagte in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):


    Only knew the german for that...

  • @schwammlgott Schlittenfahrt?

  • @marsmayflower I often am - but a galleon with kegs camping a spot means you either leave the server and hope to get one without, losing progress, or die against them, losing progress.
    I've baited people into chasing me across the map, killed their entire crew and sunk them. I've been the "better player" - but the game is very lenient on you if you're NOT doing a tall tale, and if you sink once doing it, you lose all your progress.

    Also, how about you don't say horrible ignorant TOXIC stuff on a public forum?

  • @schwammlgott said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    And this would put away the thrill of the possibility to lose your stuff...and that thrill is a huge part of the game

    Its not a thrill to spend extra time fighting off jerks who have nothing lose and seeking out players who specifically aren't looking to pvp in order to ruin their experience.

    Even when we win its not like its a thrill, its just a "thanks for wasting my time, jerkfaces" because its not like we get anything that we haven't already earned/put the time in for, for shouldering all the risk and sending the griefers packing.

  • @natiredgals so for you it's not a thrill it's just annoying...are you sure this is the kind of game for you?

  • @schwammlgott said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @natiredgals so for you it's not a thrill it's just annoying...are you sure this is the kind of game for you?

    Absolutely been around a long time and I've plundered plenty, myself so long as I stood to gain something from it. I've never begrudged a fair fight, and I love the open pvevp nature of the game. But dudes going out of their way to ruin the fun of other players, risking nothing to take nothing of value with zero motivation other than greifing... yea not a fan of that.

  • @natiredgals I've done all the tall tales so far, 7 and 8 we have still to finish the 5 times...we never got robbed because we watch our surroundings...
    It has no value...yeah, but call that griefing? No it's not! Some just want to have fun by sinking other ships, that's part of the game to do what they want...

  • Advice from a once avid solo slooper that's made the choice to not play daily or even weekly for that matter and put this game down for a while after the recent update.
    Don't do the Tall Tales Solo in a sloop unless you are 100% A'Okay with Losing Everything and gaining Zero Progress.
    Entering into a solo session without this mindset will only result in disappointment and if you repeat this mistake it will take it's toll on you to the point i now find myself in.
    Don't do it to yourselfs!

  • @schwammlgott said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @natiredgals I've done all the tall tales so far, 7 and 8 we have still to finish the 5 times...we never got robbed because we watch our surroundings...
    It has no value...yeah, but call that griefing? No it's not! Some just want to have fun by sinking other ships, that's part of the game to do what they want...

    Cool thats like, your opinion. My opinion is that ships that camp out at quest givers and turn in points for Tall Tales (particularly those that arent outposts) are in fact only out to ruin other peoples fun which is how I define griefing.

  • @thattapestry918 said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @captain-coel not necessarily.
    He’s not talking about regular play style where a ship will roll up on you and attack you. There are players actually GUARDING the very first quest islands and preventing players from completing even the first tall tale. I’m fine with getting sunk every once in a while, but there’s serious griefing and camping which needs to be adressed.

    The first tall tale can be started or turned in at any outpost.

  • @m1sterpunch Yes that's one example, and the only one of its kind. All the rest have a specific starting point that can be camped. I ran into it just recently at Plunder Valley, the only place to start the 6th tale.

    We approached the opposite side of the island in case they were just there for teh quest themselves and got kegged for our trouble, twice even. We survived it and fought and managed while fighting to start the quest and get the spyglass but it was very definitely being camped and it could be done just about anywhere, tho some places dont have skelly warning guns.

    And before you're all like "it could have just been regular pvp" we sailed on to Disovery and watched them sail off, only to find them waiting maybe more than an hour later at our next destination where we'd actually have something to lose. Where they immediately attacked us again. Pure camping and greifing.

  • @natiredgals
    yeah that is an unfortunate situation and terrible crew...

  • @m1sterpunch

    Seen many worse, we were just far better.

  • @way-to-go-champ So toxicity = People acting like pirates, in a pirate game, sinking your ship and taking your loot...like how pirates would do...did I miss anything?

    I really wish there was a way to downvote nonsense like this. Get better at the game and maybe you wouldn't sink so much. Galleons don't just appear out of thin air. You weren't paying attention to your surroundings and you got sunk. That is your fault, stop trying to blame the game for your mistakes.

  • @natiredgals Sink them? Hello? That is an option you know??

  • @natiredgals said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @schwammlgott said in Eliminate Toxicity from Tall Tales PLEASE (Suggestions):

    @natiredgals I've done all the tall tales so far, 7 and 8 we have still to finish the 5 times...we never got robbed because we watch our surroundings...
    It has no value...yeah, but call that griefing? No it's not! Some just want to have fun by sinking other ships, that's part of the game to do what they want...

    Cool thats like, your opinion. My opinion is that ships that camp out at quest givers and turn in points for Tall Tales (particularly those that arent outposts) are in fact only out to ruin other peoples fun which is how I define griefing.

    Well, if they are camping somewhere where they know you are going to be. That means they are setting up and ambush for you to steal your loot and sink your ship. You know, like real pirates would do?!?! Oh wait, I forgot, when pirates sailed the seas, they all made friends with each other and formed big alliances; never hurting a fly in the process. It's a pirate game bro, get better or leave. This obviously isn't the game for you.

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