Pirate Name Giveaway!

  • @old-salt-gorg @Teehexe @CookiePunda @UnfriendlyGuy-Z I think in the long run the harpoon mounted on the ship is my favourite feature this update because it's makes life much more easier when lootin forts/barrels and you can make some cool moves with it!

  • The way this update has upgraded the game is outstanding. It feels like a whole new game to experience. They way the "Tall Tales" are made with all the totems and relics to open secret chambers etc. makes me speechless. I was once addicted and i am once again. Harpoons spare a lot of time going off and on the boat and finally the fishing part. You can be productive towards something all the time now. I am very happy that i was and will be your continous followers! lots of love from me and my crewmates! AARRRGH!

  • I love so many things, but at the moment I'm mostly excited about the amount of random loot you can find in the water around islands. I love the chests that you can open and take gold from. I've been sailing around a lot without a voyage, and I always come across something cool: treasure, a meg, a message in a bottle... It really makes me feel like I'm exploring!

    My real name is Jade but my pirate is called Crooked Betty. My friends call her Bulky Betty when she's rowing, Broken Betty when she jumps down from a cliff, Blunderbuss Betty when she's going in for the kill.. So many nicknames for her!

  • @Sarcis96
    My favorite thing so far has been the 7th Tall Tale. Was great fun following all of the clues

  • @old-salt-gorg My favorite part of the update is seeing all my old friends flooding back to the game along with a few more being interested enough to get it too! The Tall Tales are a great way to introduce them to how the game works, and even though the gold rewards are small, it's more about the glory!


  • @BigPapaToto The best part has got to be all the new tall tale missions. Hours of fun!


  • @BladeSyria

    the new devastating influence of a cannon ball on a ship .

  • My favourite part about the update is how different the tall tales are from the normal quests. The way the stories flow over in eachother and mend tho one story is the best execution i have seen in an open world online "Non story" based game. @Mgiesing

  • Definitely has to be the collectors chests, those things make transporting small items so much easier and look amazing. @Old-Salt-Gorg (Don't have any friends on the fourms)

  • @old-salt-gorg
    My favorite part of this update, is really the Tales, and the traps !

  • @NatalHades18059 I can't wait to collect every fish! Also, I wonder if you can harpoon one when it's swimming around the lure...

  • @cakekyst Tall Tales with the RIP crew are the best thing since gilded athena's.

  • @old-salt-gorg A just like it ALL a lot!!
    The Tall Tales bring a good, trilling Adventure.
    The Arena bring a lot challenging fight and intense Ship Battles.
    And After all of those dangerous Perils, take your fishing rod and go on a calming journey until nightfall.

  • I loved the Tall Tales.

    @lNEXOl-Tiranus look at this.

  • I just love the new quest, i feel like im indiana jones but with my 3 best buddies. I don't know if i can tag them but this is the best event so far. GL everyone !

  • @MF-MrPickles @captain-luckyy We've been absolutely enthralled by the Tall Tales.

    The element of story adds SO MUCH to the game, Like the epiphany when you finally solve that ONE puzzle you've been thinking about for the last half hour, or the feeling of adventure and awe they give off while seeing everything come together at the end of a quest (and of course the occasional trophy catch on the way).

    It's absolutely amazing what the team has done, and I cant wait for the grand finale with this spectacular crew I've bonded with along the way.

  • @Dannyboy5665 My favorite part of the Anniversary Update is the Tall Tales, enough challenge for it to be enjoyable, played them for 6 hours straight yesterday! Absolutely loving them! Hope there will come more storylines to the game, without a doubt my favorite part! :)

  • It seemed to launch without any significant issue I'm aware of.

  • My absolute favourite part of this update has to be tall tales, or is it the fishing and hunting down the big 8 armed beast, hmm it might even be the arena, again i have been left with a conundrum, why do i have to choose....

    If i really, really.... really have to choose i must say Tall tales, the epicness even at the start of the first tall, the musical score at the start, during and at the end of them is magnificent and puts you right into the heart of something you know is bigger than us all. When, during the tales, i ran into my first skeleton lord i felt like a puny pirate once more.... what is this sorcery. And then comes the tall tale that really hits home the tall tales (in my mind at least. “Fate of the morningstar” i wont spoil it but damn the imagery involved in that one, i was in awe.

    @Nessiroj, my trusty keeper of the helm will be able to confirm most if not all of the above

  • @Old-Salt-Gorg Certainly the best part of the update is the Tall Tales adventure. The new puzzles and mechanics are fantastic. Great art, great story, we love it and want more like this! @Digitt and I had a galleon on Chapter 9, it was so epic and the song at the end topped it off. Our group was totally in love with it! Thank you!!!

  • The Tall Tales are the best thing in this update, its great to take a pause from hunting forts with @Suplee000 whos one of the best pirates ive met in this game and just do something that i can do on my own and enjoy alot. Normaly i hate fighting skeletons but the skeleton lords are actually fun!

  • @Old-Salt-Gorg I have to say my favorite part of the anniversary update is the tall tails missions. I think I speak for everyone when I say that the missions are creative, interesting, and sometimes puzzling. But overall the tall tails mission is everything that I hoped would come to be in Sea of Thieves and more. I love the artistic touch that you guys have given the missions while maintaining the same Sea of Thieves Theme. All of this creates a legendary quest that I thoroughly enjoy play and hope to keep playing for the foreseeable future.

    I love the work you guys are doing and keep it up.

  • My favourite part of the Anniversary Update is by far the Hunter's Call. Now not only can you be a mighty pirate on a search for gold and glory, you can also become a humble fisherman or a legendary hunter on the lookout for mythical beasts. And if you're not into that kind of jazz you still have something else to do whilst sailing.

    You tell 'em @B4k4r.

  • Hey Rare ! =D

    Love the whole anniversary update except for 1 thing ... Chapter 4 in Tall Tales ... Besides that everything is super DOPE ! And lucky forward to more updates ! =D

  • @old-salt-gorg The extra time and effort you guys put into this update really shows. I haven't gotten around to anything besides Tall Tales yet, but man I've been playing for hours to finish those up. 1-8 are great in themselves, but 9 was probably the coolest thing I've done in this game so far. The attention to detail and time you put into the puzzles + the secret place (no spoilers) made it that much more fun. Looking forward to more great updates like this in the future!

  • Defenetly fishing! @Pedro612003

  • @Old-Binoculars The best part is starting a fishing galleon and ending the night as the most feared pirates on the seas!

  • The best part of the update is kidnapping sloops using your harpoon guns on a galleon, @HeddyTTV

  • EVERYTHING! Great game everyone! Everytihng fits into the game perfectly ! @Benudi is also addicted !

  • @old-salt-gorg I love the Fishing and cooking!!!

  • Well believe it or not: FISHING. My crew tried fishing on the most weird locations and we found new fish, we also plundered lots of bait for better fish. I even became a pro sailor with the harpoon while sailing! We sunk a skeleton ship with just 3 cannonballs, mostly cuz it was stuck between rocks :p. The arena was darn cool there is nonstop action and the story line I just started felt great, tho I expected a bit more cut scenes in the first mission! Rare and MS ur the best, if you keep this up I am the pirate I always wanted to be! PS: First time arena and I got first with me crew, I was surprised how much gold you get, very fun it was. @Delaldur and @Capn Seli are my favorite crewmembers! They are good in the game and kind!


  • @old-salt-gorg
    My favorite part of the new update is defiantly harpoons. they are soo versatile and useful for pretty much anything you need for a good adventure!

  • @Old-Salt-Gorg My favorite part so far had been the Tall Tales. That Briggsy was a right troublemaker! @FilibusterSG

  • My Favorite Part is the Fishing

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