Tall Tales as a Solo Player make them a hell

  • So, I love the new Tall Tales update and all the quests that come with them, but doing them as a solo player make them ridicolously bad, and not because the quests are hard to find as a solo player, just because the tryhards you find while attempting to resolve those quests.

    For example, I was doing the Shroudbreaker solo, and guess what, while i was on the room doing the final quest some players were destroying my ship, and then camping the exit of the cave where the quest was, it is pretty unfair for a solo player that is happening, as I am doing the quest, i cannot exit to defend my ship from 3 players, also another attempt I finally got the shroudbreaker just to get camped on the outpost by some other crew, somehow I managed to scape from there to the sea, where my ship was sunk, I also managed to jump on the sea with the ShorudBreaker with me, then got killed by a shark while swimming to the nearest island, I grabbed another ship went to the location where my 'loot' was and it wasn't there (By the way, how long do Tall Tale items take to de-spawn, wheter on land or sea????)

    Anyways, I can see already on the comments, its a PvP game you are bad, or it is the way it is, but man if u want to hard PvP, and follow my ship till it is sunk, just go arena or find not a solo player who is wearing the alliance flag while having literally any piece of loot on his ship...

    Not all people you encounter over there are KDA warriors but the majority of them are and it makes those quests a hell for solo players.
    With all that said must say I love the game and the new update, keep improving your game rare!!

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  • You think that's bad? I have tried to do the first Tall Tale, when I was at the end where you need to rotate the blocks I could not see the signs on them (https://imgur.com/a/gyVgVG3) Not only that. After I drowned that did not fix the problem so I quit the quest tried it again and the same bug happened! I could not see the runes that I need to complete the mission! Rare please FIX! NOW!

  • Yeah me and a buddy got griefed yesterday too while doing the second quest. I dont get why Rare doesnt make Adventure mode just PvE only now. If the griefers and tryhards want to PvP they can play Arena all day now.

    And im shocked that Outposts are still not safe zones.

  • @funky-punky3884 Did you light up the 4 torches on the table i guess?

  • I play solo 90% of the time and since the Anniversary, I have discovered that the world has become very difficult to solo anything.

    My first solo session in the Anniversary update included starting at Plunders Outpost and out of the gate I had a skelly ship and a kraken spawn on me.

    With all that said, The gaming experience for solo players has become beyond difficult. So it has been my choice not to do Tall Tales as solo player. I would recommend doing Tall Tales within a group of players and you can do so with the 'Looking for Group' feature within Xbox land, or join a Discord group.

    Don't even get me started on playing Arena as a solo player joining open crews.

  • I can see the problem this has and I think that rare should create some form of ceasefire on the islands involving the tall tales, but still allow you to kill the skeletons and such. Then once the quest is complete as in taking it back to the stranger then the ceasefire lifts and the island returns to normal.

    Also I’ve seen posts about stealing the shroud breaker, for this I think rare should make it to where it’s unique for you and your crew only. Others can’t steal it cause you can’t even sell it.

    I’m sure I’ll get some backlash with this post but not everyone likes to play PVP 24/7, sometimes we just want to sail and goof off and just quest, and we could give 2 figs about our K/D. Seriously you care about K/D in sea of thieves? Oh boy.

  • I have played Shroudbreaker twice once solo and have done the second one solo and had no trouble, the trickster one got me but due to the quest item exploding.

    Think it is genuinely down to luck if you get attacked by a crew or not. I fully do support the idea of a PVE only mode for Tall Tales or at least some sort of defense.

    Someone suggested adding a Tall Tales flag that activates when you take up one of the quests. This way people will know whether it's worth attacking the ship or not. Having no way of stealing the quest items then means anyone attacking is doing it soully for grief purposes and can be reported as such.

  • @funky-punky3884 said in Tall Tales as a Solo Player make them a hell:

    You think that's bad? I have tried to do the first Tall Tale, when I was at the end where you need to rotate the blocks I could not see the signs on them (https://imgur.com/a/gyVgVG3) Not only that. After I drowned that did not fix the problem so I quit the quest tried it again and the same bug happened! I could not see the runes that I need to complete the mission! Rare please FIX! NOW!

    from that picture you didn't light the torches on the altar
    use your lantern, raise it and press the action button.
    no need for rare to fix it since it's not broken

    as for the topic at hand, Even though I agree that it's not ideal to get camped and mess up 1-2 hours of your time, it has been stated multiple times, Sea of Thieves is not meant to be played solo. I can be played but it's like playing "hard mode"

    even if you were in a duo sloop you would not have had that problem as you would have been warned that there is a ship coming long before they got to your island and you could have taken the appropriate measures (either you hurry to finish the quest, or prepare to fight or simply flee and come back later to finish it)

    you have to remember that this is a open world pvpve game. meaning dangers come from PVE and PVP (one being more challenging than the other)

    take it this way, when you press "set sail" you automatically consent to pvp encounter... and you should expect it at any time.

    doesn't matter if the others are here to kill you for no reason or to steal your treasure, the point is that they are here and they don't want you alive... and you agreed to this encounter when you pressed the "set sail" button.

  • @ii-jumper-i, making Adventure PVE only would completely destroy it! One of the best parts of the game is the thrill of PVP combat when you've actually got something at stake!

  • Finished them off two weeks ago as a solo slooper most of the time without much issue. Gotta watch that horizon and always have a plan.

  • Three month necro.

  • I have been doing Tall tales solo and will offer some advice.

    Do not bother to stock your ship with many supplies. Be ready to scuttle it..

    Being pursued by another whilst sailing with artifacts?
    Jump overboard with your chest of artifacts as you sail past an island unseen and hide them, mermaid back to your ship and send it as far away as possible, scuttle as the attacker closes in, go back to artifacts in new ship.. Give them a hollow victory.

    Going to be on a island for a while with ships sighted on the horizon?
    Take everything ashore and scuttle it again.. This will mean you should be able to continue without the fear of being attacked.. Once you complete your quests, hide your artifacts and return to them with new ship of the coast is clear..

    Somebody is at a destination you need to go too?
    Be patient, stay out of sight and be ready to jump ashore, hide artifacts and sail away...

    One thing is KEY to all of this. And that is you and your spyglass.
    Never stop searching for others.
    There is zero reason to be caught whilst you have quest artifacts on you..
    Yes this will mean you will take longer to complete a tall tale, but complete it you shall!!

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