Congrats are due to some of me best mates on these seas!!!

  • So last night started out like many others. I was out sailing with one of my best mates @QueenPucci, just tooling around. Got into some PvP during a ship battle, and over all just kind of out looking to sink skelly ships, when another best mate @x-crowheart-x messaged asking if we wanted to join him and @x-wolfstryder-x in doing a quick Glided Athena. Knowing that they were close to PLA10, and having saved ours to try and help them get across that finish line, we jumped at the chance.

    We ended up on a server with two other galleons (maybe even a third illusive one), a brig and a sloop. It was kind of a strange night. I dropped my gilded down first and we set sail to Lone Cove to get started. Along the way, we see a brig traveling a parallel path to lone cove. Hmmm, are they there to start trouble or are they doing their own gilded. So we sail around to the opposite side of the island as them, partly because we figured our skellies would be in the cave, and partly to give us space to gauge these pirates.

    I cannoned myself over to their side of the island and simply waved at them. Trying to talk to them, but getting text stating they could not hear me (later finding out they were on external coms using discord). Well, they set about doing their thing and we did ours. And after a while it became apparent they too were on a gilded. Most if not all of our interactions were tentative, but nothing aggressive. About half way through doing everything at the island we end up joining an alliance with them.

    Finishing the island we set sail to Crooks and wouldn't you know it, Karen decides she wants a piece of our galleon. So, we battle, but karen wraps a tentacle across our stairs, and three tentacles start to suck at myself, crow and wolf. Queen is down below deck repairing. Up until this point we were doing quite well. But with karen tasting all three of us, and queen stuck below deck unable to bail water, we were surely doomed. During this time, our new allies sailed over, just outside of the ink, and cannoned over to our ship. Were they here to help, or take advantage of our dilemma. They tried valiantly to help us get that tentacle off the stairs, but to no avail. That tentacle was invincible. No matter how many times we shot the head, it would not release its grip. And sadly, our galleon met its watery grave. Queen and Wolf managed to stay alive and get all of our loot onto the rowboat, while Crow and I sailed our new shiny galleon to collect them.

    Now having established that our new allies were honorable, we sailed over to crooks with them to work together to get that island done. And the rest of that gilded went astonishingly well. Once we had turned in the last of the loot gained that day, our allies, which by now we had convinced to join our party chat, said they were heading to bed.

    Well, we had gotten Crow across the line to PLA10, but needed to do more for Wolf. So, we dropped another and sailed away. Two of our allies, we will call them SoccerMom and Jumanji, sailed with us on our galleon. Helping us here and there along the way. Not really working on their own quest, just more or less enjoying the ride and time together.

    Along the way, we ended up getting two other galleons to join our alliance. One of which seemed very very shifty. So we kept our eyes out. But other than an occasional Meg or Skelly ship, our second gilded went fairly well and fast. But somehow, Wolf was still not over the top. This time, since our new friends were still hanging out, we convinced them to drop a christmas gilded athena one of them had been holding onto, afraid to lose it as he normally sails solo. Having one more gilded on us, we dropped one two. And again, we sailed about doing our athenas together.

    Things went smoothly all the way up until the very last island. That shifty galleon was close by and clearly sailing in a manor suggesting they were trying to be sneaky. Our athena chests were on plunder valley while our brigs were on wanderers. So we were close together. The shifty galleon, by now seeing we were waiting and ready for them, started to head towards our brig mates. So we sailed along to help defend the brig if needed. The brig, having finished digging their ahtena chests set sail towards us. After a bit of sailing around, it was very clear now that the shifty galleon was now an enemy galleon. So the brig joined up with our galleon where the chests were loaded onto the galleon (the galleon already having all other loot on board to this point) while wolf and I jumped overboard to "greet" these shifty pirates with a special "gift". As we board their ship, they wildly swing their swords, setting off our gift and sending 4 of us to the ferry. When wolf and I got back, crow had positioned our galleon to keep close tabs on the enemy ship. The brig, all but abandoned sitting next to our ship.

    Watching as the enemy galleon maintained its distance we see an opportunity to head back to plunder and collect the athena chests there.

    The galleon, having been fully tempted, heads to the brig where two of our ship mates are still hiding. Our mates manage to board the galleon, and kill their crew off. A couple of times. Even dropping their anchor. All in an effort to simply buy us a bit more time, and boy were they successful. So successful that the galleon crew, having had enough, left the game. So, we collected our last athenas and headed off to sell our goods. And thankfully, we were able to get wolf over the top.

    All in all, what a funtastic night it was indeed. But for me, while making new friends is always amazing, being able to help our Wolf and Crow and get them over the top was by far the best part. So congrats to some of me best mates in @x-crowheart-x and @x-wolfstryder-x for what was a fun ride finishing the race to PLA10. May the winds billow yer sails and the waves bring adventures for many years to come. WTG Mates.

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  • @nofears-fun nice when can we sail mate

  • @nofears-fun it was an extremely memorable night. Wolf and I started off with the plan to do one guilded Athena. Thanks to you and Pucci we did three and our allies who sailed on our ship and theirs a couple times shared the rewards from two more.

    We showed our allies that there are true pirates out there on the sea you can trust and be friends to sail together to great adventures. Our instincts told us the one galleon had a shadowy crew. I loved the moments we sailed fast and furious along side the brig without stopping transferring their three Chests of Legends to our galleon.

    That shady ally went to the anchored empty brig with two of our allies hiding onboard like a rat to a trap. Shame they gave in to temptation. They could have gotten the share of rewards from six more Chests of Legends and the other loot we had piled up on the galleon.

    As always thanks to you both for the time sailing with us and the generosity of saving voyages for us. Our time on the sea last night was the best way for Wolf and I to achieve Athena 10. We did not rush. We wanted the time Wolf and I sailed on our sloop and with all our friends we have meet here to make that part of the journey very meaningful. It has been just that.

    We look forward to what awaits us all now of the sea ahead. We are definitely going to need a bigger ship. That way we all can sail together. Including the pirates we happen to meet along the way who rather sail on our ship instead of theirs.

  • @closinghare208 Soon matey, soon. Just been an extremely busy couple of months for me. Hoping it will start to slow a little here in the next month. Though not too much, as I am enjoying being busy.

  • @x-crowheart-x Can you imagine a ship with you two, Queen, @Ruigtand-NL and myself on it? Add in someone new like @ClosingHare208 or from our past sailing adventures. Man, the grog would run out, and the boat would be very, very shiny from all of that loot Ruig would no doubt take great care in decorating the ship with.

  • Awesome tale, sounds like a fun night!

    @NoFears-Fun @x-Crowheart-x @Ruigtand-NL @ClosingHare208 I see you lot on here all the time and would love the opportunity to sail with any/all of you some time! Your adventures always sound so memorable.

  • @badrobott You know, they usually are. I am not sure I can think of a time when we were out and about sailing and we didn't have something at minimum exciting happen, going as high as completely and utterly Epic.

  • We need bigger crew size or 2 boats :D

  • @nofears-fun I've had many of those with the crews I play with, I just play so much more than them that I spend a good deal of time solo, and my epic adventures are often stealth related!

  • @ruigtand-nl

    We need a fleet of ships! We need the ability to all join together on same server now. Then the mega update would be truly mega.

  • @badrobott

    Feel free to add me :")

  • @ruigtand-nl said in Congrats are due to some of me best mates on these seas!!!:


    Feel free to add me :")


  • @x-Crowheart-x @Ruigtand-NL Will do! See you on the seas!

  • 2 more nightshifts for me.. cant wait for me 4 days free :") do some work on another 250 skellyboats ^^

  • @badrobott because we are like jack sparrow and can escape people and other stuff

  • @nofears-fun ok see you then

  • @nofears-fun and I would drink said grog maybe and sing hoist the colors

  • Dude i was there lol just posted that lol good times mate

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