From the Community! Happy Birthday!

  • Happy Birthday Sea Of Thieves!

    Some Amazing Videos being posted from the community!

    I hope everyone is having a Fantastic Sea Of Thieves Day!!! ❤️☠️🏴‍☠️

  • 10
  • @KHARITES Thank you for sharing! Happy Birthday!

  • Could someone tell me what the dealine was to reach Pirate Legend. I know it was the 20th but I'm not sure what time for CST. Could it have been before the update? Just curious to know if I pullited it off in time. Thanks

  • @jetorchidee97 Hiiiiiiiii My Friend! Hope you are well!

  • It brings a tear to my eye thinking of all of the memories shared this past year. Both sweet and salty haha. Nothing last forever but this is just the beginning for Sea of Thieves!!

  • @capn-meathook

    Hmmmm... don't how you'll take this.
    Deadline was 10am UK time today, time in UK now 1.30pm.

    Deadline of course is for 1st year rewards...

    edit: hopefully you made it

  • @capn-meathook said in From the Community! Happy Birthday!:

    Could someone tell me what the dealine was to reach Pirate Legend. I know it was the 20th but I'm not sure what time for CST. Could it have been before the update? Just curious to know if I pullited it off in time. Thanks

    Deadline was when the servers went down today... so if you made it by then, you made it

  • Congratulations on the 1 year anniversary Rare. Just wanted to say thanks to the devs for making such an amazing game.I enjoy every moment of this game and the countless hours of gaming, not to mention the hours of sleep I have lost while sailing the high seas.

    See you all on the seas!

  • @kharites Gosh, one entire year on the seas (actually, longer when I consider technical alpha, but I'm not counting that here). Can honestly say no other game has ever held my attention so consistently for such a period of time. Sure, I've loved other games, but have always had to put them down until something new happens in them. Sea Of Thieves has always succeeded in keeping me there from one week to the next, and I think that speaks volumes!

    Happy Birthday Sea of Thieves! Looking forward to the next year of adventures!

  • @luciansanchez82 That was well said! Cheers!

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