What are Your Favorite Parts of SoT?

  • So there have been a ton of negative posts recently about new mechanics that are less than beloved...and negative posts like that seem to just foster disagreements, insults, and arguments. I feel that the person I become on those threads is not who I want to be, nor who I think I actually am. So I thought maybe it would be good to make a thread for us all to share our favorite things about this game, the things that we actually enjoy -- be they huge game mechanics, or just small little moments. We all have things we dislike, but let's check them at the door and share what makes this game worthwhile.

    My personal favorite thing is probably that moment where you pull off a perfect sniper shot. When I do OoS missions, I'll sometimes just park nearby the spawn point and kill them all with the EoR just because it's so fun; the rocking of the ship makes it a real challenge so getting hits feels so rewarding!

    So let's hear it! Set your concerns aside for just one thread and tell us what you love most about this game!

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  • @vorondil1

    Well I've fallin in love with sinking skelly ships.
    Believe me as a mostly solo slooper I had approached these with great fear.
    It's like anything in life, a little bit of experience under the belt, a few cursed cannon balls & those babies go down.

    Nothing more pleasing, after much effort & trying things different ways, then finally getting the result you are after.

    Very Satisfying... I'm a Pirate with simple pleasures!

    edit: BTW very good thread topic!!!

  • @vorondil1

    Love all! even un-nerfed!

    Love it when it gets hard!

    Doing skelly ship waves at active vulcano in DR and have a Meg pop up to join the fight! Come out on top! That's what the game is about for me!

  • @weakdexx It is funny you mention that, we had nearly that exact thing happen this weekend. We quite literally ran out of supplies and had to keep boarding skelly ships to get cannon balls, planks and such. When we finally sunk them I think between us all we had 8 cannonballs, 3 planks and a fair amount of bananas. And then, after not finding the skelly captains loot, we got Karen. Two of our mates had to stay with the loot to keep it floating while two of us sailed the galleon back. It was quite an awesome amount of excitement and exhilaration.

  • @nofears-fun

    u even made it harder XD getting cannonballs.
    I read this so much on the forums....

    I will say it one more time. All u need is a bucket! and u can SINK any skelly ship.

  • @weakdexx Too true matey, though we were bucketing each time we climbed aboard to grab supplies.

  • I like the shear size of the world, open to do whatever you like. I like the thrill of loading up skull fort loot with other ships approaching. I like stealing forts from other crews. I like the teamwork it takes to run cons on other crews etc. there is just to much to list here, it's a great game to have so much fun in.

  • @nofears-fun

    Keep 1 hole in your ship. Take your ship and hug the skelly ship. Stick to it and just bucket your water in their ship. U dont need cannonball, u dont need to board, u dont need to leave your ship.

    Skelly ships are easy peasy. Anyone saying they are hard needs to get more xp as a pirate.

    But we going off-topic.

    I Love all about this game! (sea back on topic)

  • Watching galleons sink after tangling with my trusty sloop

  • @weakdexx Never said they were hard, just exciting. And yes, we could do that, but I prefer to have fun boarding and steeling from the skellies to sink them with their own cannon balls. LOL

  • Love all the events and the way they trickle updates in. World is always changing around ya. Just need to take a little time and notice it.

    I love how new adventures still happen all the time and Ive been playing since Dec 2017 .
    Like the other day when the open crew I joined was under attack at fort from multiple ships.
    They just got vault opened and three ships came around them. As they fought off the attacks I loaded up a row boat with all the main loot leaving the small stuff to be fought over. Next I was to row to the near by outpost,
    (which I have done many times)
    Once I was 3/4 the way to outpost, a Enemy brig started my way (must of noticed loot was missing and was not on our galleon either)

    So I rowed into the little rowboat path at ancient spire docks in between the double docks by cave that takes ya up to bar.

    Once I pulled in the enemy brig did also, I had to swim the bone dust right past them on docks(heart pounding whole time)I climb ladder and turn it in. Sneak in Keg same way.

    I felt the row boat was hidden pretty well. Even If they saw me they might not find rowboat. Next I would go for Stronghold Skull and use caves to sneak around. As I was doing this the brig had a Skellie ship spawn by them.
    What perfect timing for me. The two guys at outpost run back to their mermaid and go back to brig to help fight skellie ship. I easily turn in last of loot. In end the Galleon I was on came in and turned in some trinkets to boot. Never had this same scenario play out before.

  • @barnacle-blake Love the story mate, though it is too bad you didn't get to use the mega keg on the brig, LOL

  • naval warfare

  • The feeling of acceleration, when the sails catch the wind. The knots in my stomach when looking straight down from the crow's nest of a galleon. The urgency of climbing the ship's ladder, cause Jaws might be lurking! The panic I get, when I fall overboard in a storm and watch my ship sail away. The calmness I feel in The Shores of Plenty, when I'm all alone with no ships in sight.

    I truly love SoT.

  • It's just an immersive, fun, coop and pvp game.
    I dont like it allways, especially when things become a little overestimated like yesterday when all pops up at the same time when you just want to finish the run and need to sleep or when keg skeletons dont stop spawning at you.
    It's fun for the first, second and this time, then you get used to it and then it becomes annoying **sometimes!!! **

    I love the atmosphere, that we have no mandatory progression, but an optional horizontal progression system, very best feature imho, i really like sound and graphics, although i'm normally no comic look fan, but this one is nice. I prefer more darker looks like PoE over D3, but with SoT i'm ready to try Torchlight, because they make me love some comicloook :-)
    I like that we have senseless features such as music adnd drinking.
    I mean it's nothing we really need, but it adds so much in some way on some days.
    But unfortunately the commendation for puke on another Pirate while fighting is broken to me :-(
    Taktic ad nauseam

    I love how they improve the game and added a lot of very cool new features for free

    Although i paused for some time here and there and didnt play allday i always came back and was excited to went on a journey with my crew i found in and for the game.

    Oh i need to say it, but i very much liked the social aspects of the Hungering Deep and the Throne thing were we had a blast at Marauders Arch 😂

  • @nofears-fun said in What are Your Favorite Parts of SoT?:

    @barnacle-blake Love the story mate, though it is too bad you didn't get to use the mega keg on the brig, LOL

    Last week I was able to mega keg a different brig that betrayed/sunk open crew I joined. After the mega kegging

    We raced back to find 1 lone enemy pirate by a pile of glowing loot under a cat walk.

    we killed him and took the loot. I was with a crew of Noobs and they had a great time. We laughed as we sailed back to outpost. But that was another long great story

  • What I love the most is I can just get in the game and set sail to do whatever I want. What makes that even better is I can experience whatever the sea brings with my spouse and other pirates we have had the honor to meet and call friends.

    There is no set one path. No character builds. No guided tour. No waiting to a certain level or end game for the game to get good. It is my story and the ones we tell together when we sail together instead of just the story the game wants to tell us.

    Just board your ship with your mates, drop sails, and let the wind and game take you on another voyage and story that never truly ends.

  • I have been doing a lot more solo slooping lately when my mates aren't online, and I have to say, I love that feeling of being a lone wolf on the seas, me against the world.

    I love that sense of danger, that possibly everything is out to get me, and I have to rely on my wits and skills to try to survive any situation that may come my way. Not saying I will, but I'll be damned if I don't fight till the end!

  • Chickens in coop
    Mermaid gems
    Coloured lantarns
    Coloured smoke from ccb
    Reaction from shadows to light
    Reaction from snakes to music
    Opening a treasure vault
    Loot underwater
    Loot glinting
    Pirates stalking and hunting our athena quest
    A captn and crew to sail with
    Decorating the boat

  • Jumping into a galleon crew and going on an epic adventure has always been my favourite thing. I love meeting new people to play the game with, and how the adventure is always different with a new crew.

    If you haven't tried matchmaking on a galleon without friends, then I'd say give it a go for sure.

  • @ruigtand-nl

    A long list to say everything! :) I think that is how all of us here will feel. It is hard to put it all on one or two things. That is why we all are still here and still look forward to sailing no matter how far we have sailed so far.

  • My favorite part is when the water goes black, tentacles rise around the ship and the crew get ready for battle.
    That epic moment is for me the favorite part of the game.
    It's even better the ship is full of valuable treasures and you joke around about the kraken and BAM it appears! hehe good times.

  • @bugaboo-bill said unfortunately the commendation for puke on another Pirate while fighting is broken to me

    Question:When you do this you have other pirate hold block right? I had issue also then learned I just need to toss puke on a pirate holding sword out while blocking.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in What are Your Favorite Parts of SoT?:


    A long list to say everything! :) I think that is how all of us here will feel. It is hard to put it all on one or two things. That is why we all are still here and still look forward to sailing no matter how far we have sailed so far.

    So many things to love about this game. Too many to list for sure. This is also the reason so many come here to ask for improvements and fight for what they feel, in their own minds, what would make this game even better. If the love for this game was not as great as it is, I doubt that people would put so much effort into those fights.

    I think for me, if I had to chose just one thing, my favorite thing in this game would be the people. I have made so many friends. Met so many wonderful people. Met awful people. (maybe not awful, but they love to act that way towards others in game) Engaged in so many epic battles. Made incredible alliances. Betrayed and been betrayed. Assisted and have been assisted. Chased and have been chased. Every day is a new adventure, and the players are the variables that make it more interesting and fun for me.

  • @vorondil1 To me the most enjoyable things I like about SOT, along with some previous things that they had for temporary stays in the game and & were:

    • Skull Forts are now spawning every few minutes, rather than every three hours. THIS ONE IS MY PERSONAL FAVORITE
    • Skeletons Ships randomly spawning and easy to attack and defeat (with the right cannonballs and accuracy).
    • (Before they changed it), Regular Athena's Quest with Animals (at least they had better pay than the cargo runs).
    • (Before they changed it and added Cargo Runs), Athena's in the Devil's Roar that was just only Order of Souls, and Gold Quests. THIS TOO WAS MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE
    • The Kraken now easier to attack, dropping really good loot occasionally, along with the Skeleton Ships and Meg.
    • Animal/Gunpowder Merchant Quest.
    • Meeting absolute friendly people that just want to have a good time and help each other out.
    • The Sunset in the game (on my gosh it's a breathtaking view in The Shores of Plenty area).
    • Ashen Villainous Skulls and Ashen Captains Chest and their pay up (some actually sell almost the same price as a Stronghold Skull and Stronghold Chest).
    • The Arena Update coming (that will be one fun thing to do when it is released).

    So these are some of the things I like about SOT, the game is still fun. I just have some ups and downs about it, but I am now more towards the up side of the game with what they are bringing out now.

  • @vorondil1 my fav thing honestly is the complete freedom and the knowledge that you have no idea - no clue what is going to happen any time you set sail

  • @ogdirtyape

    Yep all of us are either the glue that holds the fun together or blows each other’s ships out of the water. In the end I think we all come out better even in the moment when we do not think we did. My true love of games are role playing games and MMORPGs. Sea of Thieves is not either, but in many ways it brings out the best, even at times better experiences with others.

  • One of my favorite parts is the cursed cannonballs and skeleton ships. The Devil's Shroud is the best though, it has such atmosphere. With the Wilds to my back and distant volcanoes to the south, sitting on the end of the bowsprit and listening to the music and admiring the water. The sunsets look amazing there too.

  • For me, I enjoy the social aspect of the game. Getting a crew together and chatting, all while doing the quests and voyages while the Kraken or Meg bursts from the water.

    I enjoy the naval combat (with the exception of boarders), and landing those perfect shots on enemy ships.

    I enjoy working towards the numerous rewards, as difficult to obtain as they are... I'm close to getting some coveted Pirate Legend equipment, so knowing that I've been putting in the work for them is really cool. Working towards stockpiling my funds so I can spend it all on future cosmetics gets me excited for the new stuff that Rare has planned for us all.

    There's alot to enjoy honestly. The pvp aspect is the main thing I dislike, but I tolerate it because I do genuinely enjoy the rest of the experience.

  • -'X' Marks the spot treasure hunting.
    -Clambering around the defenses of Skelton forts.
    -Avoiding trouble when undercrewed
    -The All-Star Rowboat
    -That there are empty parts of the sea waiting for new islands

    things I have trouble with:

    • the speed of PvP melee combat
    • Zero Kraken or Skull ship victories

    (would like an opportunity to work on these things, but once you're defeated in these situations, it can be days before you encounter similar circumstances again, to practice.)

  • I really enjoy the pvp aspect of this game.
    On any ship.
    Most of the time for me i could care less if i get sunk (unless i got an Athena aboard) even solo.
    The chase is actually part of the fun while it lasts even against
    a full galleon crew as a solo player. weaving around rocks anchor turning cursed cannonballs. I love it all.
    I really just enjoy the fun and funny encounters where the people maybe roll playing or just maybe very passionate while you're fighting them. This makes you want to come back and play again.

  • I don't like pvp,I like to move boxes and chickens!

  • @vorondil1

    Lovely, lovely idea for a thread!

    Have to think about this a little but what I've always loved about games are the stories, the stories which are there in the lore like Elder Scrolls, or mmorpg's like Runescape, Black Desert, Final Fantasy or Rift. But I also discovered survival games like Rust, Ark, Conan which allow you to create your own stories to a certain extent and have some crazy adventures.

    But... I've always loved the sea.... and pirates. I was a long time player for PotCo which was almost ideal.. the Guilds, the friends ...Jack Sparrow, sailing, fighting and rescuing the Black Pearl - what more could you wish for? But that closed down and I found Sea of Thieves...

    For me Sea of Thieves is about the stories, the adventures, I've a whole folder full of hundreds of clips of funny moments with crews, fleet and allies.. doing.. whatever! The whole world provides opportunities to experience different adventures every time you log in but the best of those are always with other players, whether encountered as part of a crew or on the open seas.

    I also love how the world is constantly evolving and being added to, it's such a far different experience now than it was on release, or during the alphas and the possibilities are still endless. We can look forward to new additions, meeting new pirates and different adventures again.

    For me, Sea of Thieves is unlike any other game out there, it's unique and following it's own path, which is sometimes rocky, but the development of Sea of Thieves is an adventure in itself, it won't always go right, but it'll be fun and I very much love being a part of it all.

  • Oh and what about the hungering deep. The real Meg from Merrick when you had to go fight the beast with two or three different crew working together to defeat it before the alliance even came out! That too were good memories!

  • @x-crowheart-x said in What are Your Favorite Parts of SoT?:


    A long list to say everything! :) I think that is how all of us here will feel. It is hard to put it all on one or two things. That is why we all are still here and still look forward to sailing no matter how far we have sailed so far.

    -And the total freedom in how you want to play the game.

    -And the randomness in which the AI and encounters are written plus the pvp, so you never know what will happen.

17 out of 52