Sea of Thieves Design by Humans Fan Shop - get your art on official merchandise!

  • We're excited to reveal that we're working with Design By Humans!

    Design By Humans Sea of Thieves Fan Shop logo

    The new Sea Of Thieves Fan Shop will allow our community (you lovely lot) to submit your Sea of Thieves fan art for consideration to be turned into official merchandise! Create a piece, send it in, our team takes a look and if we approve your design it'll be printed on official merchandise, with you receiving a cut of the profits!

    The submissions will be reviewed by our team weekly.

    To learn how you can submit your designs and potentially earn money selling your art printed on glorious official merchandise!

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  • Is this the only legit store left that sells t-shirts?? There are great designs but no usual logo... I really need to order one in the next couple days...

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