Legend Gilded Voyage Allmondbeard

  • Very depressing, I used my legend gilded voyage, 5 min in I got Allmondbeard error and lost the voyage. One off is a terrible idea.

  • 22
  • You were solo? I guess none of us should be soloing with this voyage.

  • That's always an issue with any voyage in this game - the risk of a beard or other disconnection sadly.
    I would put in a support ticket as advised on the patch notes thread from yesterday, after which I would highly recommended trying to do the voyages with someone else.

  • Sorry to hear that! I just finished my gilded athena solo and didn't had any problems. But yes, as other people mentioned, I think you will be able to get another one after you contacted support and explaied you lost it due to server disconnect.

  • @vv-dj-redcap-vv Use this link https://t.co/OF7Obog5ai and raise a support ticket other people are having the same problem too

  • @vv-dj-redcap-vv Ahoy matey!

    Our good friend @RL-Captain-Nemo is right, I would highly recommend contacting support using the link below. They should be able to help you out!

    Submit a support ticket

  • @musicmee Yes it was the first thing I did. The folks at rare are fantastic as they did restart my gilded voyage for me.

    Top job guys!

  • @scoobywrx555 Yes I realise now nobody should solo.

  • @sshteeve Thanks I did and all is good now, cheers matey.

  • @theunionjames Im just solo in general and like to team up but I suppose its a whole new world now.

  • @rl-captain-nemo Thankyou for the link good sir, I already have it bookmarked. Cheers.

  • @vv-dj-redcap-vv nws buddy just making sure the community is all happy

  • Awesome! I'm glad they helped you out.

  • I feel like these "guilded voyages" should become a regular thing - but have a cost to them. Either get them from the Bilge Rats for a certain number of dubloons, other companies for a lot of gold, or perhaps even free (but incredibly rare) from a Sea Post from time to time...

  • The gilded voyages should return to your voyage inventory if you don't complete them. That would fix most of the problems people have.

  • @biostructr What did the voyage have? What islands, how many chests, stuff like that? Cause I want to calculate the amount of loot me and my friends will get if we do 4.

  • How do these work? I missed the first batch... If we want to save it, do we still have to get it now? Does it take up a voyage slot?

  • @vv-dj-redcap-vv Yea, maybe if they could "save" your spot for 5 minutes and give you a chance to reconnect to the server.

    Even if your playing solo.

  • Wow, I'm so sorry to hear that, That's why I kept mine for months when I got it.

    F, I really am hoping rare will do something about this.

  • @imwrecker377488 Ok well, my post was 3 months ago. It is just as a normal Athena voyage only that you don't have to do too much because the voyages are grouped together on 2 islands and at the end you have to dig 3 Legendary chests instead of one.

  • w t f is a gilded voyage

  • @dreadzepp tis described in the post directly above your own

11 out of 22