Fishing, Crabbing, Digging Clams, and Harpoon Monster Hunting


    When fishing comes to Sea of Thieves I hope there is a little structure to it. Not too much to take the casual fun out of it, just enough to be more than hanging a pole overboard.

    Fishing Poles: Have a few lures to catch different fish. Have fishing poles we can buy skins for from the equipment shop.

    Fishing Nets: Have a small net we could cast out and pull back in. Could also hang a net like @JE0RGIE-P0RGIE suggested. Something that could be checked as we sail along.

    Fishing Spears: Have a spear we could run along the shoreline or wading in pools on islands and stab a fish!


    Would be nice if it does not stop there. Add crabbing by allowing us to place a trap or two in the water. It would be something we would have to check back on while doing our voyages. It would be something other pirates could come across and steal. Of course the same option could be used like chickens, pigs, and snakes and we can chase after them.


    We have a shovel. Let us dig up clams and fill up a bucket in between all the chests we dig up. Again the bucket could be picked up once placed by anyone.

    How Fishing, Crabbing, & Digging Clams Would Work:

    Fishing Poles & Fish Crates: A fishing pole would be an item to equip. Areas around the beaches and sea could be zoned or just have a random chance no matter the spot to catch something once the fushing action is performed.We would also drop fishing lines off ships when out at sea. If we get a bite, the pole jerks and/or bobber on the water pops up and down. We would find empty fish crates randomly in the world to collect fish in.

    Fishing Spears: Spears would be an item to equip. We would chase after fish with a spear in hand and press and hold the key like trapping chickens and pigs to skewer it.

    Fishing Nets: Tossing nets would function the same way. We equip the net and once in hand press and hold the key to throw it at the fish. If successful, the net is now a bundle of fish to carry like a snake basket.

    Clam Bucket: A clam bucket would be a resource item found randomly in the world like a banana crate. Areas along the shore would have areas indicated with a visible cue as a possible clam digging spot. We would dig with our shovels like we dig chests. Clams will surface. Once all the way up we pick them up and put in the claim bucket.

    Crab Cage: Crab cages could be found randomly on the islands like chicken and pig cages. We could have two options. We could place them in shallow waters along island shore lines. Once dropped we would press and hold a key to arm them. We would have to come back and check them later on. There would be the risk they could be stolen. The other option is we chase after crabs like chicken and pigs. I would like us to have different mechanics to do similar things in different ways.


    A fisherman with a scarred face and one blind eye has a weathered hut made out of a wrecked sloop on an island. He tells tall tales of reeling in elusive massive fish that lurk in the Sea of Thieves. He is the gateway to fishing. He is also the vendor for fishing related items and skins.


    At the docks a scale is nearby to weigh your catch and hang on display to take a proud screenshot as a keepsake and proof of your big catch.

    CATCH OF THE DAY: Selling your catch!

    As an additional option to cooking, could have the functionality to also turn in the fish, crabs, and clams to the Merchant NPC at the outposts. Just like we do with bananas, cannonballs, gunpowder, and planks. Both NPCs and pirates should have a more varied diet. Can be a way to earn some gold and rep in more ways than just filling up crates from barrels and moving cargo to another point.


    Of course we must have the ability to also cook up the fish, crabs, and clams we collect. There are plenty of campfires and lots of empty pots laying around. Could have stoves on our ships for when pirates get hungry away from shore. Have to be careful though the designated cook does not catch the ship on fire. Thankfully everyone has a bucket to grab water for when that happens.


    Harpoons could be random spawning weapons that we can collect like cursed cannonballs, just in way less quantity with the ability to hold 3 to 5 of them. Once collected we woukduse them as a weapon for hunting the biggest catches in the sea... the Megs and Karen herself!

    You could even drop off in a row boat to get really up close and personal with them. The harpoons since very limited would do more damage to aid in these fights.

    How It Would Work:

    We would select the harpoon as a weapon. Once in hand we would jab with a regular attack like the sword. With a heavy attack we would throw it at what we are targeting.

    My Ideas
    Fishing, Crabbing, Digging Clams, & Harpoon Monster Hunting
    Walking the Plank
    Outpost Under Siege
    Sea Folk Magic
    Usable Dagger: Weapon/Tool & Environmental Targets
    Fly More Flags
    Diving Helmet

    Community Ideas Master List
    You can find a lot more creative and fun ideas from the great minds of the community in Community Ideas Master List. Who knows maybe some of them will be coming our way soon in a future Bilge Rat adventure or update!

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  • I have add your post to the Master List. This is yet yet thing i desperately want to see added to this game.

  • I like the idea of casting a net or hanging a pot off the stern of our ships and checking them every so often during a voyage to see if we've caught anything. I'm always, always, ALWAYS down to have variations of treasure and loot for us to collect during voyages. It makes it that much more exciting when looting someones ship :)

    I agree, I hope there's a bit more to fishing as well other than just casting a line and waiting for it to bite. One of my favorite games of all time is Dark Cloud 2 and it had a fishing mini game that was both simplistic but felt rewarding. I think something along those lines could fit really well into Sea of Thieves.

  • It would also be nice to be able to use Harpoons to fish. In several of the outposts you can find harpoons scattered across the islands, why not let us use them? It would certainly be nice to harpoon that pesky shark lingering about the rope ladder and cash it in with a local angler.

  • I would sink ships IRL to get proper whale hunting in the game.
    Boats could have harpoons on board. Looting a whale would give you oil, meat and sometimes ambergris to sell. Unlike sharks, whales would only be aggressive after you attack them.

    That's a pretty big feature request, though :D
    Perhaps that's something for a Moby D**k [all aboard the censorship] themed add-on, for which I'd also gladly give my left leg.

  • @Sargent-Sully

    Spear fishing could be a fun. Like we chase chickens we could wade along the shore and target a fish the same way we trap a chicken. At sea we could have a harpoon with a rope attached to catch larger fish and pull them in.


    Not sure the would add whale hunting. I read something before about animal cruelty concerns. Although we can shoot a chicken. We do have several whale like monsters in the form of the Megs.

    Harpoons could be random spawning weapons that we can collect like cursed cannonballs, just in way less quantity. Once collected we could use then as a thrown weapon against a Meg. You could drop off in a row boat to get really up close and personal with it. Probably use it against Karen as well. The harpoons since very limited would do more damage to aid in the fights.

    Thanks for the suggestions. I will add harpoons as a possible item.

  • @x-crowheart-x Actually the concern over such as you suggested with the whales is why Dolphins weren't added in.

  • @sargent-sully said in Fishing, Crabbing, and Digging Clams:

    @x-crowheart-x Actually the concern over such as you suggested with the whales is why Dolphins weren't added in.

    Yeah I can see that. Just because we can fish and use things like harpoons, it does not mean dolphins or whales could be just environmental additions. They could be untargetable right? Think it would be nice to see a dolphin come up once and a while to swim along side our ships.

  • Ayeeeeee!!! I be liking the idea of searching for me clams.

  • @x-crowheart-x That's a good idea! It would be a nice experience to stand on the crow's nest, spot a whale in the distance and yell to one's crew: 'THAR SHE BLOOOOWS!!'

    One (inappropriately serious) point about animal cruelty, though: There are sharks and megalodons in this game that we can hunt. One of the most cruel things that people have ever done to animals is to depict sharks as aggressive, evil and dangerous monsters. Sharks as predators are vital to our ecosystem but yet we (humans) kill about hundred millions of them in a year while less than 10 people die due to shark attacks worldwide.
    This is partly because people just don't care for sharks as much as they do for whales.

    I know that Sea of Thieves is a cartoonish and unrealistic game and I love it for that. It's just good to be aware of how subjective the term 'animal cruelty' is when it comes to killing a whale (or dolphin) vs killing a shark.

  • @kaiku-aika Kinda sad that D-I-C-K gets censored. Rare, don't you know that is short for Richard?!

  • I'm surprised we haven't seen the inevitable "NO NO NO, THIS IS A PVP GAME, IF YOU WANT TO FISH GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE," out of some of the people in these forums.

  • @kaiku-aika said in Fishing, Crabbing, and Digging Clams:

    @x-crowheart-x That's a good idea! It would be a nice experience to stand on the crow's nest, spot a whale in the distance and yell to one's crew: 'THAR SHE BLOOOOWS!!'

    One (inappropriately serious) point about animal cruelty, though: There are sharks and megalodons in this game that we can hunt. One of the most cruel things that people have ever done to animals is to depict sharks as aggressive, evil and dangerous monsters. Sharks as predators are vital to our ecosystem but yet we (humans) kill about hundred millions of them in a year while less than 10 people die due to shark attacks worldwide.
    This is partly because people just don't care for sharks as much as they do for whales.

    I know that Sea of Thieves is a cartoonish and unrealistic game and I love it for that. It's just good to be aware of how subjective the term 'animal cruelty' is when it comes to killing a whale (or dolphin) vs killing a shark.

    Very true! Perception and misunderstanding can alter one's views on what is a threat and something that should be protected. One whale is commonly called a killer.

    Humans have done that with many species such as the big cats, grizzly bears, wolves, etc. I see an opportunity to add these kind of things to hunt "monsters" while also having an opportunity for education and a PSA about respecting and protecting life in our real life sea.

  • @jonaldinho said in Fishing, Crabbing, and Digging Clams:

    I'm surprised we haven't seen the inevitable "NO NO NO, THIS IS A PVP GAME, IF YOU WANT TO FISH GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE," out of some of the people in these forums.

    Lol! Well Rare has officially told everyone that the real Sea of Thieves, the core game, is an adventure and not just PVP. ; )

  • I just had a second thought on this topic.

    New Merchant Voyages, collecting resources (i.e., fish, crabs and clams) to sell for gold. This would add an additional resource to collect reputation and gold. As most are aware the new 'merchant deliveries' are not very popular and most players I know avoid the deliveries.

  • @friedwilly said in Fishing, Crabbing, and Digging Clams:

    I just had a second thought on this topic.

    New Merchant Voyages, collecting resources (i.e., fish, crabs and clams) to sell for gold. This would add an additional resource to collect reputation and gold. As most are aware the new 'merchant deliveries' are not very popular and most players I know avoid the deliveries.

    Good thought sir! I already have this covered above under Catch of the Day.

  • @x-crowheart-x I'm pretty sure a dev or two has mentioned something about fishing before, but even so, there's some really great ideas here. I'm in full approval conceptually

  • @ambiguousmonk said in Fishing, Crabbing, and Digging Clams:

    @x-crowheart-x I'm pretty sure a dev or two has mentioned something about fishing before, but even so, there's some really great ideas here. I'm in full approval conceptually

    True! I think many of us hope fishing will definitely be one of the things we see come to the Sea of Thieves. I am offering suggestions and additional ideas on what it could be like and how it could work.

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