Servers with no PVP

  • In other MMO games there is an option to play on servers where there is no PVP. I've read a number of forum posts about alliance breakers, backstabbers etc. With the absence of a meaningful way to report or block players I think servers with no PVP would be a simple solution. A lot of the pleasure is taken out of this game when a rogue crew swoops in to steal your hard earned spoils. To make this work you could prevent players from other crews entering your ship (and walking off with your loot).

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  • This is a PVPVE game, soo ¯_(ツ)_/¯. And you're going to say me: "And the arena what?", there will be PVE on The Arena too, less, but there will be PVE

  • @personalc0ffee true. But it's not a p******e game. If players want to cruise around looking for stuff to steal from other players and attack everyone else in sight then they can. There should be the option to be able to play in a more relaxed mode is all I'm saying.

  • World of Warcraft was heavily presented as a PvP MMO. The introduction was not subtle in the theme of the Horde VS the Alliance. The manual described a reputation and criminality system that would regulate the built-in PvP, which never made it into the game on release because Everquest players on the dev team forced resources to be spent on the first raid instance: the only source of the best equipment in the game and so the only way you could be competitive in PvP was to farm the PvE raid. A system for PvP was promised, so that we were not being lured into supporting an Everquest PvE grind, but it was delayed time and time again.

    Months later we got it and it sucked. The reputation system was repurposed for an Everquest-style PvE grind and the PvP-based criminality system never implemented, you can merely turn an NPC faction hostile but never join it. The writing was basically on the wall when to everybody's surprise, Blizzard announced there would be 'Normal' servers and 'PvP' servers.

    Like the arena, this is a bad idea which will further undermine the world-PvP, so of course Rare are almost gauranteed to implement something like it, all developers of games like this end up doing it because they pine for a different game to the one they originally made. Forgetting that if we want to play PvP mini-games of no consequence like capture the flag or team deathmatch or a PvE quest-based game, we have plenty of superior alternatives. It killed Warhammer Online, made WoW a theme-park and EVE Online has the worst player-retention such that they need to keep bribing players to try it or stay. Many of the long-term players there no longer pay a sub due to the PLEX system.

  • @captain-bucko12 This is not the game for you if you want to sail around digging up treasure, risk-free. This is a PvEvP game; a "shared world adventure game."

    I hope they do not introduce PvE only servers, but I wouldn't be too surprised if Rare caves in to these incessant requests for an easier game.

  • @captain-bucko12 Wait until "early 2019" and the Adventure mode will become safe :P

  • There is no problem though. This is how the game is supposed to be by design.

    You have a shared world with PvE and PvP elements. Some players prefer PvE while others PvP. You can't split these 2 things however.
    If you do, you will have a gold/rep PvE farming server and a PvP server where everyone is attacking each other while having empty ships. Both will get boring super fast.

    This is not supposed to be a relaxing, stress free game. There are many dangerous things in the world such as sea monsters, storms, skeletons and yes, players as well.

    Sometimes you are attacked and other times you are not. The interactions you have with other players is the most important part of this game. It makes you think: "Should I escape or fight them? Maybe try to be friendly? But I don't know how they will act!"
    Each time you play things can end differently because of that.

    Anyway, If you don't like having your stuff stolen, I suggest you learn how to protect yourself. Sometimes you will meet bloodthirsty pirates that want your hard earned loot.
    You can either fight them or find creative ways to sell your loot while escaping (like jumping off the ship with loot while saling next to an outpost or using the rowboat).

  • I would be fine with a PvE mode. In fact, I would probably play the game more if there was something like that. As the game continues to grow, and especially with this most recent update, there becomes more and more of a justification to include one.

    There is now more ambient adventure in the Sea of Thieves than ever before. Imagine if SoT had a single player/four player co-op mode. Before, you might think this would be boring because there's no interaction with other crews, but that doesn't even matter now that we have free-roaming skeleton ships. It would basically boil down to whether you want to fight npcs or real players. Many successful games are like this: Vermintide, Left4Dead, Gauntlet, etc. This would be for when you just want to crew up with your friends and do some voyages. When you want the PvP/crew interaction you play the upcoming Arena mode.

    Basically, the more stuff they add to the world, the less players need to rely on other crews for fun. I'm willing to bet that the majority of people who don't want PvP already aren't playing the game, so introducing a PvE mode wouldn't subtract from the existing player base. Instead it would just open up the game to an entirely different group of gamers.

  • @zyrkal said in Servers with no PVP:

    @captain-bucko12 Wait until "early 2019" and the Adventure mode will become safe :P

    no it wont, it will be even more fun to pvp in adventure mode to see all the salt that will come with it.

  • Apply weekly no PVP thread directly to the forehead!
    Apply weekly no PVP thread directly to the forehead!
    Apply weekly no PVP thread directly to the forehead!
    Apply weekly no PVP thread directly to the forehead!
    Apply weekly no PVP thread directly to the forehead!
    Apply weekly no PVP thread directly to the forehead!
    Apply weekly no PVP thread directly to the forehead!

  • This isn't an MMO, its a big arena sandbox.

  • @captain-bucko12 sorry this is the way this game works..there will be no pve or pvp servers..this has been talked about 1,000,000 times and the answer for the majority of the community is NO..this is a pirate game and it would not work with just pvp or just pve servers..

  • @zyrkal no it won't 😇

  • @captain-bucko12 said in Servers with no PVP:

    In other MMO games there is an option to play on servers where there is no PVP. I've read a number of forum posts about alliance breakers, backstabbers etc. With the absence of a meaningful way to report or block players I think servers with no PVP would be a simple solution. A lot of the pleasure is taken out of this game when a rogue crew swoops in to steal your hard earned spoils. To make this work you could prevent players from other crews entering your ship (and walking off with your loot).

    First off, what are you wanting to report players for? For breaking an alliance or backstabbing or just the usually "they sunk me and took MY treasure?" Asking because I want to know what your criteria is for reporting a player.

    Next the rogue ship coming in is part of the game and I hope always will be. I wish I could be in servers like that. Most servers I'm in are completely passive. No one attacks anyone, usually I'm the one that has to do any of the attacking.

    Also I took a small hiatus from the game. I would come back to do the commendations then leave again. Since coming back the thing I notice most is how almost everyone is SO quick to ask for an alliance. "WE'RE FRIENDLY" "LET'S FORM AN ALLIANCE". What happen to the pvp aspect of this game? Where are all these "People PvP every server I go to" servers at?

    PvP is part of the game and has always been part of the game. Watch your horizons and always assume that everyone is out to screw you over. Don't let anyone who isn't part of your crew onto your ship.

  • At this point in the game’s evolution, I’m honestly inclined to agree. I’ve been playing this game quite a while now. I’ve participated in every aspect. But as of Shrouded Spoils, the game has changed. Now, there is more than enough PvE content to keep many players busy. So much, in fact, that PvP has become an over-the-top added stress. I totally understand the desire to be able to play the PvE elements without having to deal with the added stress of PvP. If you take the time to conquer a skull fort, you’ve still got the risk of losing your loot to the kraken, megalodon, or skellie ships. The last thing you want to see are the masts of a player ship bearing down on you.

    Remember that people play games with different intentions and expectations. While many love the PvP aspects, many don’t. I fall somewhere in between. But Shrouded Spoils has tipped the balance. Now there’s so much great PvE content, I’d love to be able to focus on that and not worry about dealing with PvP, too. At least, I’d like to have that option sometimes.

    Of course, some sessions are more peaceful than others. There have been nights in which I played for hours without PvP. Then there have been times when PvP happened and turned out pretty fun. I think it’s fair to state that most people enjoy PvP when they win and not so much when they lose. But sometimes it’s just a source of stress I could do without. I know a lot of people share that feeling.

    I think the arena might help some, as it will likely attract the uber-aggressive players away from “adventure mode”. At least for some of the time.

  • @genuine-heather said in Servers with no PVP:

    At this point in the game’s evolution, I’m honestly inclined to agree. I’ve been playing this game quite a while now. I’ve participated in every aspect. But as of Shrouded Spoils, the game has changed. Now, there is more than enough PvE content to keep many players busy. So much, in fact, that PvP has become an over-the-top added stress. I totally understand the desire to be able to play the PvE elements without having to deal with the added stress of PvP. If you take the time to conquer a skull fort, you’ve still got the risk of losing your loot to the kraken, megalodon, or skellie ships. The last thing you want to see are the masts of a player ship bearing down on you.

    Remember that people play games with different intentions and expectations. While many love the PvP aspects, many don’t. I fall somewhere in between. But Shrouded Spoils has tipped the balance. Now there’s so much great PvE content, I’d love to be able to focus on that and not worry about dealing with PvP, too. At least, I’d like to have that option sometimes.

    Of course, some sessions are more peaceful than others. There have been nights in which I played for hours without PvP. Then there have been times when PvP happened and turned out pretty fun. I think it’s fair to state that most people enjoy PvP when they win and not so much when they lose. But sometimes it’s just a source of stress I could do without. I know a lot of people share that feeling.

    I think the arena might help some, as it will likely attract the uber-aggressive players away from “adventure mode”. At least for some of the time.

    In a few weeks, when the Kraken and Megaladons calm down, then what?

    This game still requires PvP. It is literally called "SEA OF THIEVES." You remove the PvP, and you remove the THIEVING.

    What you all are asking for is not "Sea of Thieves," but a different pirate game.

  • @wodyo rare said all the spawn rates and everything for things such as kraken and meg were going to stay in the game.. fine by me! I love fighting anything I can

  • @captain-bucko12 said in Servers with no PVP:

    @personalc0ffee true. But it's not a p******e game. If players want to cruise around looking for stuff to steal from other players and attack everyone else in sight then they can. There should be the option to be able to play in a more relaxed mode is all I'm saying.

    No I think it is part of the game to have to deal with it plus people who don't want to deal with full lobbies of people attacking you but also don't want be a p***y would not be fun

  • @captain-bucko12 Why does everyone keep comparing this game to an MMO and more specifically an MMORPG. It is not a MMO and even less an RPG. In fact if this game was these things we wouldn't be having these discussions. There is a max of only 6 ship to a server with the possibility of up to 24 players assuming all ships are Gallies which normally not the case. This is Far from the player count you would find in any MMO and is more inline with your typical FPS. As far as and RPG there is not one Prominate RPG mechnic in this game. You don't create your Character you pic one, You don't Progress thru a story cause there isn't one and your character does not change and evolve overtime erything thing you can do in the game you can do from the start. This Game is a FPS PvE Loot Grinder Wraped inside a PvP Arena. It has more in common with the The Division specifically The Dark Zone(DDZ) then anything else minus the RPG progression and the need to kill a player in order to steal the loot. It has a defind area with designated contest Loot pick areas (Skull Forts, Skellie Ships and Islands) and designated Loot Drop off zones (Outpost). What your asking for has nothing to do with this kind of game and is completely agianst it's designed experience of stealing Loot. The Loot was specifically designed to be Stolen as it remains an physical object in the world and doesn't go directly to the player inventory.

  • @captain-bucko12 Sign me up for a PVE / Single Player / Private Session mode as well.
    People can argue all day and night that 'this is a pirate game, blah blah blah' all they like, and they're right, however having the risk of being attacked and being assured that virtually EVERYONE, and everything, will attack (often), are two different things.

    The fact that players have to
    a) perform a quest / fort / voyage, then
    b) try to get the loot home while,
    c) having to worry about increased Kraken / Skellie Ship / Megalodon attacks (which all have ridiculously high spawn rates, and require serious tweaking at the time of my writing this comment), while simultaneously keeping an eye out for the essentially guaranteed interloping of other players, because hey, there's a person... let's kill them...
    is not as much fun as it is harrying, as well as bordering on obnoxious.

    Don't misunderstand me here, I really like the game, but some consideration for other play-styles needs to be applied to it.

    Let the players decide whether they feel like entering a full-on gankfest, or if they'd rather have a slightly more relaxed go of things, because speaking for myself, I have days where I'd prefer to mix it up with players, and I have days where I'd like to just face the environment (since it is now becoming much more 'in your face'), and having the option to choose would be nice (and I'll wager it would be far more accepted by the playerbase than some of the more vocal commentators on these forums would have Rare believe).

    Just my 2¢

  • Don't want PVP? Avoid other players. Want PVP? Wait for Arena Mode or go to Adventure Mode and hunt some players.
    Everyone will be happy that way.

  • I will say that this is a shared open world adventure game. Part of the fun of this game, to me and many others, is that you can have your loot stolen. You have to play it smart, keep an eye out, and trust no one. It is what makes this game special. And it is why a pure PVE server would go against the very basic principles of the game. We know they have amended those before, but if it were pve servers it would just be a loot gathering sailing game similar to Black Flag. This is the Sea of Thieves, not the sea of who can hoard the most.

    And thats not even beginning to imagine the technical difficulties on how to make a pve server. How do you make it so you cant take someone's stuff? Or so they cant be blown up by others. Or so their ship cant be damaged by players, but can be by skeletons or islands. The list goes on..

  • @captain-bucko12 said in Servers with no PVP:

    In other MMO games there is an option to play on servers where there is no PVP. I've read a number of forum posts about alliance breakers, backstabbers etc. With the absence of a meaningful way to report or block players I think servers with no PVP would be a simple solution. A lot of the pleasure is taken out of this game when a rogue crew swoops in to steal your hard earned spoils. To make this work you could prevent players from other crews entering your ship (and walking off with your loot).

    Well part of the challenge of this game is that you have other players to contend with. The possibility of losing everything adds to the experience. You are playing a shared-world adventure game where player to player interactions make up probably 60% of the fun you have and stories you have to tell about this game.

    Giving people the option to limit that part of the game would go against the foundation of this whole experience.

    If you would like a server without PvP, then gold and reputation should be disabled on those servers.

  • You're playing this game for all the wrong reasons if you want a PvE only server. There are plenty of other games that can give you want you want. SoT was specifically and intentionally designed with PvP in mind. Removing that aspect is removing a major design pillar from SoT. If you don't want people taking your loot, then fight them off. Defend your spoils. The PvE elements exists to drive the PvP interactions, both fighting and diplomacy. That's the point of the game. The player interaction, including the fighting, is what makes this game great. You take that out and all you have left is a cookie clicker game

    What needs to happen is for there to be a persistent risk for all players/crews. Currently, attackers with no treasure have no reason not to attack; nothing is lost if they lose besides supplies (which basically only translates into time). Every crew should have to risk something valuable when they choose to attack another crew, just like how every crew should need to risk something through being attacked. This means that there is always a meaningful decision to weigh before attacking any ship and there's always some minimum degree of meaningful value that every crew stands to lose

  • I thought the arena had taken care of this groundhog day esque conversation, or am i missing something?

  • I dont think them adding in this mode in the right way (diminished gold return and rep caps at 25) causes any issues, and would just give players who otherwise might stop playing a place to play, such as people unskilled at pvp, parents and kids playing together, etc.

    It is just a place for them to practice the basics and would still require playing in the normal pvp servers to achieve legend or earn commendations.

    I do however disagree with the part about “hard earned loot”.

    Literally every single way you earn loot in this game is mind numbingly easy and are all just time and resource sinks.

    If the loot was actually hard to earn or there was a real effort/knowledge based player economy present in the game, imo that would still be catering to the pvp, because the game is about piracy, but i could see some fun in playing a game like that without pvp, If there are no other players to watch out for the way the game is currently, it is literally pointless. Why even get the loot to get the gold if all you can do is play dress up and run around fighting like 5 different enemy npc? The game loses all sense of excitement pretty quick.

    Without the pvp it becomes painfully obvious how repetitive this game is, even now with shrouded spoils being out. Though new things like fog and meg variants are a step forward there should be many types of sea monsters and enemy ai, rather than just Skeleton variants, meg variants, and sharks and the bodyless kraken.

  • @hollisjayn117
    They have already decided long ago. Its a pvpve game. Every one of us accepts that or moves on.

    Threads gonna get locked cause its old. Might wanna make ur own if u wanna debate this

  • @hollisjayn117 Please don't resurrect old threads, it is against the forum rules. This thread will now be locked.

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