Idea for a actual reason to have Pets in the game.

  • I know we all want those pets but their not a high priority at the moment.

    I did have an idea that I've not seen in the forums, (sorry if I'm wrong).

    I thought that would be a great thing to improve alliances. Having 2/3 ships in an alliance is great but your not always in an Party together especially if you've just met out on the open sea and your just looking to join to get some extra gold/xp.
    If the pets like Parrots were able to be despatched to other ships in the alliance with messages they would have a great use and hopefully make them happen quicker.

    Just a thought. 👍

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  • @mik29 one thing i noticed on the live stream with the powder kegs Joe Neat said he just came from a meeting about pets thats why he was late to the stream. Also he said while playing to a player whos sloop he just hit with a powder keg was "I'm sorry, please buy a pets when the come out"

    So my theory is the pets will be a real money purchase from the web site.
    Which I'm ok with as long as a get to have a monkey that jumps on the sails while sailing!

  • @mik29 there is a cage on the gallon in the captains cabin

  • @mik29 so we already paid full price for the game. 60$ USD...
    now you think it's fair to lock features behind more money?

    That would be tolerable with games that are F2P
    like Path of Exile for example.
    If you want more stash space, Pay$$
    If you want dedicated stash space, Pay$$

    but in a game you paid full retail price you can't go on and lock FEATURES behind microtransactions...

    At this point, pets should be purely cosmetic and that's it.

  • A way to communicate between ships has come up a lot and seems to be very popular. Should be a common feature added and not a pet ability. Pets should just be for fun. Most think of using birds and other creatures to do so. Here is the latest I remember being part of such a conversation:

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Idea for a actual reason to have Pets in the game.:

    @mik29 Nah, pets do not need added bonus, especially if we're paying cash for them. Pets need to remain as interactive items, nothing more. You can pick it up, pet it, let it run around, it follows you, or it can be fired out of cannons. Once you get pets with certain attributes or in-game abilities that vary pet to pet, you start getting into pay 2 win territory.

    Pets just need to be a fun companion.

    Absolutely agree. I hope they add in parrots separate to pets for alliance coms but pets should be just for fun. Especially if they are MTX. Keep the playing field even for everyone.

  • @ALGARAM and @SquaZ05 pets have been in the plans since before launch. They initially were due to be released some 2 months after launch but were pushed back to more time could be spent on other content releases.

    Like the normal shop on this site, the money raised from pets will go back into further developing the game.

    Yes you paid £60, but that bought you the development time and release of the initial game. Who do you think and what do you think is going to pay for all the developers who are working on every new content drop?

    Microtransactions in this game will ALWAYS be purely cosmetic, as equality is a core design principle of the game, so never fear if you so a Pirateam with a pet - they have no more advantage than a Legend does against a level 1 player!

  • idk if it's been mentioned yet but pets DO have valuable uses in the game; yes.

    Here's my ideas.

    Yes, the bird pet would have a value in sending messages across the sea. whether it be a silly message or useful cry for help. Some people might say well why not use party chat? the issue with party chat is having multiple ships in one party becomes confusing to hear call outs sometimes.

    dogs would be trackers for messages in a bottle, random chests spawns, washed up loot.

    cats would be a mob confuser. This is to say that if a gang of skellys pop up the cat pet would distract 1 of the skeletons in the group for a set number of seconds, then proceed with a cool down.

    Monkeys...well lets just say take the puke effect of blinding and change the color to yellow. In other words having the monkey pet would be useful during player combat. As a 1time use where giving it a banana would throw it to a player to blind them partially. The only way to refill it would be to give it a banana so it wouldn't be such an abuse during pvp.

    In general all pets provide a npc partner during voyaging. 70% of my game play has been solo, so having even a pet would make my voyaging a lot more fun. Though if needed, there can be other uses in making them all do the same thing. (yet im not sure how a dog,cat,monkey could send messages to other crews.)

  • @sshteeve I agree with your statement. It's all fine and dandy that we paid for this game at full price but we need to remember that if we want to continue to see future content the developers need to continue to turn a profit. I'm totally fine with them charging us to purchase pets down the road so long as it funds future content releases that aren't paid for.

    I think Rare should offer us basic pets through the game for free or maybe a unique pet for completing a certain task or achievement in game but then charge us real money for different variations of those same pets.

    For instance maybe I could unlock a monkey by spending some gold in game. Now let's say down the road I finish a series of achievements or tasks and I unlock a monkey with a cool gold vest or something for free. However, I'd be okay with Rare adding to their cash shop a monkey with a pirate hat, or an eye patch. Maybe one that carries a banana around or something fun like that. They would all function the same but the cash shop ones would be there for those who want to purchase them, stand out a little bit, and help fund future free content.

  • I would love a skeleton pirate first mate who just swabs my deck or polishes my treasure, every time you walk by he salutes his captain and talks in a skeleton voice... I wonder if they would ever do a humanoid "pet". Maybe you could duel it or something, fire it out of the cannon and bones go everywhere lol. Please rare.


    This is an idea that I had posted on a different thread

  • @squaz05 A lot of online multiplayer games come with dlcs and micro transactions.... How else do you think they will get the money to keep running and improving the game?

    For example:
    Fifa - buy packs
    Battlefield - DLC
    Call of Duty - DLC
    World of warcraft - Paid subscription
    Overwatch - Loot boxes
    Rocket League - Loot Boxes
    League of Legends - In game cosmetics

  • @chewywarden i don't have problems with microtransactions or paid DLCs.
    i don't care if they add pets, that's fine

    as long as they are pure cosmetic and have no function other than vanity and looking cool.

  • @squaz05 They have already said that anything they add that would affect the game would be available to anyone because they didnt want to create balance.

  • @chewywarden then go back and read the original post you replied to and see that's exactly what i am saying.

  • @squaz05 The ones they are talking about to be as messenger birds dont have to be paid for...

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