Black Powder Merchant Commendation - Tips Required

  • Good Afternoon, I have it in my mind to go after the Black Powder Merchant Commendation. Just wanting to reach out to you all for any tips/suggestions on how I am going to find contracts to deliver 1000 kegs. Any suggestions or advice is must appriciayed

  • 7
  • @h0mith I completed the 1000 gunpowder barrel deliveries a while ago ie well before the introduction of cargo runs.
    I did it by purchasing lvl50 merchant voyages and cycling through them until I got contracts with at least 2 gunpowder barrels. I would then fill those orders. Rinse and repeat.
    Finding gunpowder barrels is simple as there is always a fort somewhere relatively on the way between outposts.
    I do believe it is now much slower to finish this achievement as you can't always buy standard merchant voyages since cargo runs have been introduced.
    Alternatively you could wait and hope they one day realign the achievement with the new commendation which only requires 100 barrel deliveries.

  • @h0mith

    Ahoy matey!

    The old cap was at 1000 kegs to unlock the Black Powder Merchant commendation, but since a few weeks it is now at 100 kegs.

    If you are talking about the Xbox Achievement, Rare is working on changing the cap with the Xbox team.

    The commendations for the trading companies has been rebalanced because their intention is to be a part of the journey towards Pirate Legend. I believe Rare looked at the data of the first Pirate Legends and rebalanced them to get this amount more feasible for the players during their journey.

  • @skulliah said in Black Powder Merchant Commendation - Tips Required:


    If you are talking about the Xbox Achievement, Rare is working on changing the cap with the Xbox team.

    Are they really? That Merchant Forager one has plagued me since launched (I’m still at 0% lol)

  • @thetwistedtaste

    Yes, but they have to follow a lot of rules and they need to be approved by the Xbox team:

    [...] Changing achievements requires approval from the Xbox platform team to change as there’s quite a lot of rules around them that developers need to follow. The right people are on the case and we are hopeful we can update them.

    If we can get the achievement changes approved by platform then yes they will match up. We’ll keep players updated on this in future messaging. [...]

    Sources: 1 - 2

    And it has been confirmed during several streams with the devs!

    Hopefully soon!

  • @skulliah Good Afternoon and thanks so much for posting. I will start straight away then as these 1000 on time delivery's were daunting to me indeed.
    I will just cycle through the voyages and see how I go - most likely will be costly though I guess.
    Cheers and safe passage on the sea's

  • @groothewander3r G'day , I must say that is an outstanding effort indeed. I could only imagine how long that took to sell of 1000 kegs. I guess buying voyages over and over gets expensive. But hey … you made it :)

    Cheers and well done

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