Pages from the Bitter Wind - Captains Log: V

  • Captain’s Log V

    We’ve done it. The treasures of Keel Haul Fort be ours, and the skeleton captain and ‘is crew sent back to the hell in which they came. Unfortunately, it seems we only be halfway done with the battle. Upon the death of the dusty devil of a captain, the signal cloud above the fort exploded in a green light… The signal. The legends be true. Ships across the Sea of Thieves know the treasure be up for grabs now… and it’s only a matter of time. I fear soon, we’ll be see’n sails on the horizon. We won’t sink, we can’t. Not with a haul like this, it must be worth close to twenty thousand gold a share! No, we fight to the death for our score, and we WILL cash in. As I write this entry, the last of the loot be gett’n loaded in the hold, and supplies be topped off. We can’t sell at Sanctuary Outpost though… Too dangerous, too… predictable. No, our course is Galleon’s Grave, the home port of the mighty Wicked Revenge. I’ve sent word to Madame Oranges, of the Reapers Betrayal, informing her of my plans, and if all goes well, we be meet’n her at Shipwreck Bay, as a final escort into port, in exchange for a small share of the loot. Should this go according to plan, by this time next week, we’ll be rich men, and can retire finally from the uncertainty of the sea. Here’s hoping…

    ~Captain “Close-Call” Paul

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  • @lespaulobsessor I liked it :D Sweet little story

  • Stay tuned mate! There be more pages to reveal of this cursed ship, before finally telling the haunted tale of The Bitter Wind!

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