Hello! Bulywif

  • Hey my gt is bulywiff. I am a streamer on youtube and try to stream this awesome piece of art daily. I have enjoyed this game for a long while! The community here is awesome and the game is just beautiful and getting better every day!

  • 8
  • @bulywiff

    Ahoy there,
    Welcome to SoT
    If a crew ye be looking for, look no further. We be over 130 strong.
    We be a friendly bunch of pirates. Come and check us out.
    We have all kinds of players in our group from the PVP to the treasure hunters. All play styles welcome and easy to find someone that fits your style.

    Tell them Marine sent you

  • @bulywiff Ahoy and welcome to the forum! :)

  • @ever-reddy Thanks

  • @aodmarine59 thanks

  • @bulywiff

    Very welcome

  • @bulywiff
    Hello mate , are you a person that starts a drawing while a camera is aimed at your page? i've seen people doing that before and i must say that really great artists are to be found amongst them....But since you played this game , i bet you have taken so many pictures , just like me, of sundowns and sun risings that you have work for ages if you want to repaint those with a pencil....Alas, you will have to paint them , because i can't ( * Pffft , tell us something we don't know....moron)

  • @clumsy-george Alas I dont doeth the art. I was calling the game a magnificent piece of art! I wish that the skills of drawing were mine but they are not.

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