Are the rules clear enough or are they open to misinterpretation?

  • Derogatory Language?
    Who decides what is classed as derogatory language? How do we know what you class as derogatory? Does it matter if done in a friendly way with friends? This rule is too vague & does not really explain what is acceptable. What is acceptable for me would be too much for someone else, so do we all have to play kittens & rainbows for all the delicate little flowers out there?

    Should be plain & simple, yet we see it on here nearly everyday. The same people attack the same type of post & will argue & basically belittle the poster. This is widely ignored & has become acceptable to the powers that be. This only seems to be the case with certain types of posts though!
    People asking separate servers for whatever reason are under attack as soon as they put up their post, but nothing is said or done to the aggressors, why?

    Spamming, Baiting and Trolling
    Creating threads, posts and content for the sole purpose of causing unrest.

    Causing unrest to who? Again on a forum there are a lot of differing opinions, ideas & personalities. So are we again pandering to the kittens & rainbows? If certain things are unacceptable to post threads about then be clear what they are, don't just leave it open to each individual moderators discretion as this leads to disparity across the forum.

    Discussing Disciplinary Actions
    Discussion of disciplinary actions taken against individual players is not permitted on the Forums.

    Why? This just seems like a stupid rule. Some of the big names just vanish from the forums & we are not supposed to want to know why? If they are banned they won't be able to read it, so won't matter to them. We can see they are banned in their profile, so why are we not allowed to discuss it? Is it in case it makes Rare look mean for banning it's users over petty squabbles, aggression or disagreements. I can't see any reason for this rule otherwise.

    I could ramble on & on about how vague & easy to misinterpret these rules are, but i won't as i'll probably end up getting myself in trouble.
    I'll just end by saying 'Rare, if you want us to follow the rules, make them clearer & more specific.

  • 10
  • You forgot to add the part when there’s a rule about not talking of political discussion but they released a rainbow flag in the game

  • @xxx1ra1xxx
    Very true indeed m8 :)

  • I think you make a good point about interpretation of the varying rules. There doesnt seem to be a clear consensus on what is "right" or "wrong". So does is work by person? And if it does what's to say one mod finds what you say fine then another doesnt?

    They litrally confuse me so much, like am i even allowed to mention an old friend whos been banned at all?

    Just to many eggshells these days, i think even the strongest SJWs would struggle to keep up.

  • @knifelife Yeah, I am not all that happy the OP on his thread was deleted, locked, and him banned. Sure, he was flirting with one but I took it all as jest.

    I understand why they started policing the forum more harshely though, it was a giant cesspool for a while and still feels like it sometimes.

  • @lifewcoke Its defo a weird one, i mean the forums did get a little toxic. But that was litrally at launch when alot of unhappy players where venting with what they got.

    However it's like the added rules just went insane, im not even trying to be melodramatic but i swear George Orwells eyebrows would be in the clouds by know.

    Ultimately its not down to me and its just my opinion but i just think its wholly overkill. It really isnt necessary not the the extent they are being enforced. I mean its the Internet it doesn't matter where you go its not PG it litrally cant be. Good people who have been supporting the game for a very long time are being extremely harshly punished over the most trivial things it blows my mind.

    It just makes the place so hard to be around, where before i could just relax and be myself now i just find myself wondering if my next post is going to be the final nail in the coffin. Its bizarre.

  • @ElectricApe Thank you for your feedback on forum moderation and the forum rules. I will present this for discussion with the team. That being said, as the thread has steered into discussion of disciplinary actions, it will now be closed.

    As a reminder to all, disciplinary actions cannot be discussed on our forums. If anyone wishes to dispute a ban or has a question regarding actions taken against their account, you are always free to raise a support ticket to discuss the situation.

    Discussing Disciplinary Actions
    Discussion of disciplinary actions taken against individual players is not permitted on the Forums. Topics and posts with this content will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @LIFEWCOKE and @KnifeLife We've removed your posts as they are in violation of the above rule on discussion of actions against users.

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