Being Generous...

  • What an interesting day. I was going solo doing merchants, (which I usually do, but once in awhile with others...) and I had to deliver chickens (1 red, 2 black, 1 gold) so I stopped at Crooks Hollow since I knew chickens are there.

    No sooner I get there, I hear the music indicating that there are skeleton pirates there. I figured some people are on a quest to kill them, but my curiosity got to me since it was so close to where I anchored my ship.

    It didn't take long to find them as they were in a cave close to where I anchored my ship, so I decided to fight them, killing the first wave of grass skeletons. The second wave came, they were gold and all had pistols, which they killed me.

    When I respawned, there were people by my ship. I told them I had nothing on my ship, just picking up chickens, saw the skeletons, decided to help. They were kind enough to let me help out. We finished the fight, they offered me a skull or 2, I told them to just take them (it was their voyage, I don't want to intrude...). They gave me a black chicken. Thanks!

    I decided to leave and go elsewhere cause as friendly as I was and they were, I didn't want to get in their way. As I left, I saw their galleon sail off in the other direction.

    I went to Shipwreck Bay, I knew chickens were there, plus it was close to where I had to deliver them. I grabbed a coop, grabbed a chicken I needed, and when returning to my ship, heard cannon fire. A galleon sailed up behind my sloop.

    I saw a person on my ship, told him I had nothing but chickens on board, and he helped me patch up my ship and leave saying his team are those kind of guys.

    I had time before the voyage was over, so I delivered the chickens I had and returned later to grab the other chickens I needed.

    To me, that's Karma at it's finest. A bit of generosity towards people and generosity comes back later to help you out.

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  • @thegreatluthe That's great it worked out for you.
    Unfortunately I can't agree that it's a one for one deal as we've had plenty of opportunities to sink unattended boats parked at islands but we simply sail a few laps around the island until they are ready to leave.
    Most, if not ALL times they will open fire as soon as they can. :o/

  • Good to hear! Oh and Crooked Masts has chickens. Usually not anyone there and not that easy for others to roll up on you either.

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