Sea of Thieves: E3 2018 Trailer

  • I'm 96.5% sure that's Claudia Black's voice??? Anyone know for sure?
    Kudos on the trailer canni wait for more SoT goodness.

  • I'm not sure if the developers know this or not, but in nautical parlance a "skeleton crew" is a crew that's enough to operate the bare "bones" minimum of the ship (no pun intended, of course).

    How about ghost crews instead?

  • @katttruewalker @Musicmee Will they be able to fire themselves from the cannons to board us?

  • Great way to merge both of the updates together! I am stoked for July!! Also, thanks for thinking of me, RARE! Forsaken Shores for my birthday? Don't mind if I do!

  • Just as my interest was ebbing away, you reel me back in. Well played Rare, well played.

  • @knightx13 Oh dear, oh dear.... this fills me with dread!

  • looks great! Also so surprised at the release dates, both coming sooner than I had anticipated! Nice one rare. :)

  • @khaleesibot

    A nice short t-easer (it is not a TRAILER). And I had to laugh about the 10 Gold payment in the end.
    But the information was minimal and both Add-Ons mixed together. Hard for the fans to distinguish what is coming when :-(

  • @fantome-of-blue said in Sea of Thieves: E3 2018 Trailer:

    I'm not sure if the developers know this or not, but in nautical parlance a "skeleton crew" is a crew that's enough to operate the bare "bones" minimum of the ship (no pun intended, of course).

    How about ghost crews instead?

    Yes, in a world where skellies don't actually exist or sail ships, this may be true. But in a world where they do, it is a literal description. language, it's funny sometimes.

  • Literally made squeals of excitement while watching this yesterday!

    And then I immediately remembered I was a pirate so I cleared my throat, grumbled and spat, returning to the proper gruff pirate persona. Picked me teeth with me hook and all that. Yarrr and etc.

    squeals internally

  • Ooo lots of piratey goodness. The volcanic world looks cool err hot! Skelly ships, new ships and row boats will be fun!

  • @lady-allrin Not gonna lie I was all squealy yesterday when me and @lizalaroo docked at Galleons Grave to watch the trailer (and hoped no one would sink us while we were not looking)!

    Mega, mega excited!

  • Very nice trailer it gave a lot of tidbits of what's to come also the comedy was a nice touch. It was hands down way better than The Hungering Deep trailer.

  • @ixxolos said in Sea of Thieves: E3 2018 Trailer:

    I'm 96.5% sure that's Claudia Black's voice??? Anyone know for sure?

    I was super entranced by this voice actress! Did such a great job. Reminded me of a mix between C**e Blanchett and Morla Gorrondona.

    Especially Morla - I was totally getting Eris Morn vibes!

  • Now the only question is when in July...please be near the 15th. That may or may not be my birthday 🤗

  • Ahoy maties!

    If it be Sea of Thieves wallpaper you be lookin' for this makes an awesome one!

  • Mike Chapman has just revealed a few extra details on the Inside Xbox stream on Mixer.

    Paraphrased below:

    The Cursed Sails content update brings cursed cannonballs which can affect other crewmates (and your own) by doing things to the local environment once used.

    • Making players dance uncontrollably
    • Change voice/distort voice effects/cut off voice - making communication hard
    • Make ship lower in water to make middle deck holes draw in more water.

    All can affect your own crew or the enemy ship.

    • You will be able to fight skeleton crews just like any other normal crew - even sneaking on an explosive barrel.
    • Devils Raw is the new area introduced in Forsaken Shores - Geologically Unstable... Volcanic eruptions at any moment.
    • Players can use the rowboat to sail to and from the ship to shore. (So not just a instanced use)
  • Both content updates look amazing!, I like how skeleton crews are being added, it’ll add more of a challenge to the seas. I’m really excited to play and explore the new areas that are being added too.

    Good job Rare!

  • @Musicmee This sounds very nice. Imagine that even Skeleton Forts use these cannonballs for their defense. Would be an amazing Moment when everyone is dancing and the ship crashes the Fort.


    @musicmee sagte in Sea of Thieves: E3 2018 Trailer:

    • Change voice/distort voice effects/cut off voice - making commmunicationhard

    I never experienced a crew who spoke with each other in In-Game Voice Chat. Discord or even the Microsoft Xbox Hub Chatroom are used most common. So Players will never be heavily affected by this "Feature".

    And to the Rowboat: Who parks so far away from the islands that he needs a Rowboat for the 10m water? ;)

  • So here, from 2:22:00 You can hear Mike talking more details around the Cursed Sails and cursed cannonballs plus Forsaken Shores -

  • whatever happened to the pirate legends ship? and special exit into the world ? just wondering. skelly crews will have loot below deck thankfully some replay value to be had. interested to see the forsaken shores and how it will add more interesting gameplay.

    also crab pet PLS!!!

  • @afro-silent The captaincy update has been pushed back until a few more content updates have been pushed out - along with pets for those that are waiting for them too.

    It is coming, we just don't know when yet.

  • @musicmee okay thanks

  • Cant WAIT!!! So excited. I am a little put off that the weekly events are starting tomorrow and not today. We have been patient with THD. We have been helping fight off the griefers and help summon Meg. I woke up this morning feeling disappointed as I saw no update :( yup... Im crying. Let me have it you trolls! lol

  • Sea of Thieves E3 2018 - Shelley Preston Interview (details on events & updates)

    Some very nice snippets of information in here regarding both Hungering Deep and future content!

  • I. Cannot. Even. 😫😍

    I knew I loved this game. GREAT trailer, and it was actually funny.

    Rare actually listens. Thank you guys, and you deserve that vacation, Joe!

  • Seems from the interview like this weeks update will have more content then THD

  • @mistoes And the even more good news is, that these events will be a regular occurrence in between Cursed Sails and Forsaken Shores as well as the further updates each of these teams will be working on once these are released to us - THD team is already working on their next one!

  • Lots of info on the skeleton thrones update! I've got some searching to do after this update goes live.. Might have accidently already found one though, hmmm.. :o

    Sneeky sneeky

  • @musicmee said in Sea of Thieves: E3 2018 Trailer:

    @afro-silent The captaincy update

    What's that?

  • @wipe-nd-clean It was planned to come in around 3 months after launch, but was shelved for future content updates and will be released later than planned.

    It will enable players to OWN their ship and customisations making them permanent once reaching Pirate Legend status.

  • @musicmee It doesn't make sense to OWN the same ship as you can easily spawn it at any time.

  • @m1c4d0 It does if all the customisations stay.... you can name it? Keep the supplies going?

    And that you spawn in and can sail it out from the Pirate Legend Hideout...

  • @musicmee Yes, but it is a minor update

  • I can't wait!!!!!!

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