Tavern Tales - Episode 2

  • Ahoy there, me lads and lasses!

    Today we move this little Tavern Tales episode to the shores of Shark Bait Cove, where I had the honor of having a conversation with the lovely old Merrick.

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    Okay, truth be told, he was too drunk to call what we had, a conversation. He was more like.... babbling and ranting all over the place, and if that wasn't bad enough, his rotten teeth and groggy breath were.

    I finally managed to get rid of him and his weird little stories when a pigeon flew above us with a letter. Duty called, or to be more precise... @KattTruewalker. Thus, i got on my old little ship and sailed towards Sanctuary Outpost, to meet the lass.

    Our last voyage left us at odds and the once lovely lady turned into a cruel and dreadful captain. All the journey she barked orders and was overly paranoid, thinking that every shadow, every wave was there to sink and steal our treasure. I can't lie to you, lads and lasses, there was a moment when this came to mind ....

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    But, before you make me walk the plank, she's still out there, intact. I guess I was more afraid of the consequences than having to sail with her. Don't get me wrong, I was really close to do it, especially when she almost had me shoot a poor sailor, point blank, at an Outpost!

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    What the next journey will have in store, nobody knows, but if I can't find a way to bring back the ol' lass, it would be our doom!

    In the memory of a great, sane captain, @KattTruewalker ! May you find your way back to me!
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    Stay safe, me lads and lasses!
    With love,

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  • @eredhar

    Hmm, not quite how I remember it and you left out the exchange with the gally at Devil's Ridge?? Fun as always, ye scallywag.

  • @katttruewalker
    coughs Ahm... don't listen to her, lads and lasses! She ... you know, too much sea water, too much sun....

  • I was called a dread captain once... Had to Port the galleon all by my onesie once they all decided to take a bath off the plank... I weren't much of a dread after that, quite peaceful in fact

  • @honestgr1ft3r

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