Cheaters will be dealt with :-)

  • I really liked the new video update that was just posted:

  • 88
  • All 5 of them lol. But yeah, that's good news.

  • According to the xbox comunity after the hacker bans the Pc comunity will cease to exist and crossplay will be finally perfect.

  • @wturok said in Cheaters will be dealt with :-):

    According to the xbox comunity after the hacker bans the Pc comunity will cease to exist and crossplay will be finally perfect.

    This kinda stuff is dumb, Not all xbox players think all pc players are cheats. I love how all of one group of people are lumped together. That is like saying all PC players don't want to remove cross play due to easy kills on xbox players.... Sounds dumb...Kinda like your post.

  • I’m glad to hear they will issue bans on cheaters that are retroactive. Tho it’s a small number it sets a huge statement. It won’t solve all the issues but it’s a good starting point. Glad to see them taking action.

  • @tommyhangout

    Also some discussion and feedback around the video here and a very useful summary for those who are unable to listen right now!

  • @themustamissed He's only saying that because of the number of posts on here where people specifically call out PC players for cheating.

  • @themustamissed but to be fair... all PC players be cheats an' all Box o' X players be whiny babies. An' PvPers be ruining the game, an' PvEers be boring, an' 4 man sloops be the best thing e'er... but also the worst thing e'er.

    I agree wit' yer statement. Sadly it be too easy to bunch groups together when making ludicrous statements.

  • @xcalypt0x I get that, but still someone has to be the better person/people?
    I also play on both PC and Xbox, which group do I get lumped into? Lol :P

  • @themustamissed said in Cheaters will be dealt with :-):

    @wturok said in Cheaters will be dealt with :-):

    According to the xbox comunity after the hacker bans the Pc comunity will cease to exist and crossplay will be finally perfect.

    This kinda stuff is dumb, Not all xbox players think all pc players are cheats. I love how all of one group of people are lumped together. That is like saying all PC players don't want to remove cross play due to easy kills on xbox players.... Sounds dumb...Kinda like your post.

    Its a problem when you have a very vocal minority. Problems seem bigger than they actually are.

  • @themustamissed You get hated by everyone if you do that :')

  • @themustamissed said in Cheaters will be dealt with :-):

    @xcalypt0x I get that, but still someone has to be the better person/people?
    I also play on both PC and Xbox, which group do I get lumped into? Lol :P

    Depends if yer good or not :) If ye be good then ye be PC cheating s**m. If ye be bad then ye be an Xbox kiddie.

  • @xcalypt0x yeah you keep thinking that. PC players who keep defending PC cheaters is hilarious.
    I know not all PC players are the same but there are a good few of them out there.

  • @sipherx05 said in Cheaters will be dealt with :-):

    @xcalypt0x yeah you keep thinking that. PC players who keep defending PC cheaters is hilarious.
    I know not all PC players are the same but there are a good few of them out there.

    I have seen 2 in my play time. And one was using the health bug(So its not tech a cheat) The other was using an aimbot. I think people can't stand to lose and their instinct is to cry CHEATER before anything else. I don't think there are nearly as many cheaters as you or many others might think.

  • @sipherx05

    In the video at around 3:09 Joe talks specifically about cheating -

    @blam320 said in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: May 22nd 2018:

    @mad-jack-ketch said in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: May 22nd 2018:

    Investigating cheaters
    Aim Bots
    Gaining advantages etc

    In the video it's confirmed there is a VERY SMALL proportion that is cheating.
    Finalizing details on this with a zero tolerance approach on cheaters and will be rolling out bans shortly. So who ever has cheated since release will be banned

  • @sipherx05 I think ye should say most PC players are not cheats. It's no' like ye get a keyboard an' a mouse an' suddenly ye become the kind o' person to cheat in a game. An' on top o' that ye need to pay to buy said mods, they no be free. At least I don't think so.

    I play on the X, me crew play on PCs an' they all be honorable players.

  • @themustamissed said in Cheaters will be dealt with :-):

    @sipherx05 said in Cheaters will be dealt with :-):

    @xcalypt0x yeah you keep thinking that. PC players who keep defending PC cheaters is hilarious.
    I know not all PC players are the same but there are a good few of them out there.

    I have seen 2 in my play time. And one was using the health bug(So its not tech a cheat) The other was using an aimbot. I think people can't stand to lose and their instinct is to cry CHEATER before anything else. I don't think there are nearly as many cheaters as you or many others might think.

    I believe I have ran into none. An' I play most nights. Not one person I would accuse o' cheating. I've been bested me fair share o' times, but ne'er to the point where I cry foul.

    I thought I had ran into one who fired cannons at a faster rate, but on further study it turned out I was just firing slow.

    So i am inclined to agree with ye, the seas be full o' thieves, not cheats.

  • @themustamissed you have had similar situations to me then. Met one or 2 with aim bots, a guy who wouldn't die even with a full crew attacking him and worse of all someone using a program to find out where others are at all times.
    The last one was so blatant!

  • @xcalypt0x said in Cheaters will be dealt with :-):

    @themustamissed He's only saying that because of the number of posts on here where people specifically call out PC players for cheating.

    That’s because PC players are able to use cheats currently while Xbox players cannot use third party websites.

  • @sipherx05 Who's defending them? I most certainly am not and I hope I didn't come across that way. I hate cheaters and hope they are punished swiftly.

    But at the same time, I hesitate to cast allegations of cheating on people. I have yet to run into anyone who I can positively say was cheating. After reviewing some of my gameplay clips I have found that latency, animation de-sync, or my own aim was the culprit rather than cheating.

    That being said, I have certainly seen clips of people who were either abusing a bug (which is just as bad IMO) or cheating and I'm glad they'll be dealt with.

  • @nabberwar said in Cheaters will be dealt with :-):

    @themustamissed said in Cheaters will be dealt with :-):

    @wturok said in Cheaters will be dealt with :-):

    According to the xbox comunity after the hacker bans the Pc comunity will cease to exist and crossplay will be finally perfect.

    This kinda stuff is dumb, Not all xbox players think all pc players are cheats. I love how all of one group of people are lumped together. That is like saying all PC players don't want to remove cross play due to easy kills on xbox players.... Sounds dumb...Kinda like your post.

    Its a problem when you have a very vocal minority. Problems seem bigger than they actually are.

    That term is thrown around way too often. This forum as a whole is small compared to people who actually play sea of thieves. Putting it that way, everyone here is a vocal minority.

  • they monitoring the servers well,ty.idk guess never meet a hacker in sot or just didnt realized.

  • @crusader-zorro I do not know enough about Xbox One security to comment but I know the 360 was riddled with hackers.

    If they aren't on Xbox yet, they will be.

  • @xcalypt0x said in Cheaters will be dealt with :-):

    @crusader-zorro I do not know enough about Xbox One security to comment but I know the 360 was riddled with hackers.

    If they aren't on Xbox yet, they will be.

    360 had jtag modders, something you can NOT do on the Xbox one systems. Also, Cheaters are coming exclusively from the PC community right now and I don’t see Xbox players being able to abuse these mods with rates new stance

  • @crusader-zorro Sure, the Xbox One might now have that specific vulnerability but no system is secure.

    "Life Hacker, uh, finds a way" - Ian Malcolm

  • He's says there's not many hackers but I'm glad their bringing the hammer hard down on them. There needs to be a harsh punishment to prevent others from doing the same.

  • Dusting off the ole ban-hammer

  • @KattTruewalker How come I got mentioned? I don't think I posted here. Nor do I think I was accused of cheating.

  • I think an Xbox live gold account should be required on PC to play Xbox anywhere games. I have an Xbox myself and play sot on PC. So I already pay. But if a cheater is paying, they get banned, guess they have to spend more cash to grab another gold account. Plus they are still paying for the cheat software as they aren't free.

  • @xgodkevin sagte in Cheaters will be dealt with :-):

    I think an Xbox live gold account should be required on PC to play Xbox anywhere games. I have an Xbox myself and play sot on PC. So I already pay. But if a cheater is paying, they get banned, guess they have to spend more cash to grab another gold account. Plus they are still paying for the cheat software as they aren't free.

    Good idea, if they want to bury "play anywhere" fast.

  • @blam320 oops, i was quoting Jack from the other thread and picked up your name as well....

  • @crimsonraziel said in Cheaters will be dealt with :-):

    @xgodkevin sagte in Cheaters will be dealt with :-):

    I think an Xbox live gold account should be required on PC to play Xbox anywhere games. I have an Xbox myself and play sot on PC. So I already pay. But if a cheater is paying, they get banned, guess they have to spend more cash to grab another gold account. Plus they are still paying for the cheat software as they aren't free.

    Good idea, if they want to bury "play anywhere" fast.

    Says you.

  • @xgodkevin I'm all for this. Great idea!

  • Hopefully they go the shadowban route, helps keep em from coming back so soon.

  • Before I start I would just like to confirm that my tin foil hat is in place and firmly strapped down. :)

    I listened to his PR speech and figured it was exactly that; hollow public relations words. He was never ever going to say "These hackers are really good and our security is woeful. We can't detect them, we can't stop them and there are absolutely loads of them!" If he had said that it would of killed the game.

    So he had to come out with the standard PR spiel about zero tolerance and bans for cheaters and don't worry there were only a few of them anyway. It doesn't actually mean they are detecting cheats. It doesn't mean they are banning anyone.

    This is more of a hollow warning to anyone who is considering a quick little cheat every now and again. And an appeasement to the players who have spotted hackers or suffered at the hands of cheats - "We are doing something about it, honest!"

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