Trolling Crewmates

  • Let me set the stage first... It's late at night, my crew and I have been on for far too long, 6 hours or so, we currently holding around 13k in loot on our ship and we've stopped just outside the last island we need to finish a long voyage. We have Crewmate #1 (C1) Crewmate #2 (C2) and Crewmate #3 (C3).

    So C1 says to C2, "Hey man, why do you have so many votes for the brig?" C2 replies "What, really?"

    Bam, he's brigged. We all start laughing and I tell C2 "Dang man, that sucks, with the new update they increased the minimum time you have to be in the brig to 15 minutes."

    C2 says "Oh man, no way, are you serious? Well I'm just gonna go smoke a cigarette then."

    After he's gone for a moment, C1 says "Oh no, no! There's a galleon inbound! It's close!!!" I start yelling about people getting ready to board us as we begin firing cannons into the sky, shooting our weapons into the dock and swinging our swords around. We're yelling and jumped around and making all sorts of commotion as our friend sits in the brig in a panic. C2 says "Oh man, c'mon guys, get them! We have too much stuff on board!" I'm yelling things like "Oh they just stole two villainous from us and jumped ship!! Watch out for the explosive barrel!!" We drop sails and begin moving and then C3 drops our anchor as he yells that the enemy did it. C3 then yells that they got him and he's dead. We sold it, we sold it well.

    So "mid fight" I tell my crew it looks like we can un-brig our friend, so we do. He comes charging up the stairs ready to battle to find one of us sitting on the anchor, and the other two standing on either side of the stairs clapping with not a single enemy in sight.

    C2 looks around for a moment and realizes it was all a joke and begins a good hearty laugh. "Well played, you guys, well played."

  • 4
  • Absolutely hilarious! I have to try that some time!

  • That's trolling I can get behind. Lol...

  • Oh come on now lads, this ain't trolling. Trolling is a vile act we should all condemn, and refrain from.

    This right here, is nothing more than one damn fine practical joke that me and my crew are absolutely going to steal from @Daddy-Sanctus for many, many voyages to come.

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