The Unsinkable II - Captain's log, day 21

  • Arr, today's tale is a rare one. A proper adventure! Me Unsinkable crew and I bested a fiendish crew of ferocious pirates, hell bent on robbing us of our treasure, a mighty haul taken with strength and cunning from an undead Pirate Captain and his crew.

    Unholy winds had led us far North West, to a fort in the Shores of Plenty, inhabited by contemptuous cursed crews of undead scallywags!
    'Twas a spirited fight indeed, and we had to not only contend with the pirates of yore, returned to haunt us, but with other pirates, themselves seeking the prolific plunder once belonging to a fellow pirate crew.

    But we fought 'em all off we did! Cannon fire to the right and left, the smell of sweat, and gunpowder and pulverized pirates permeating the air, until at long last; The smoke cleared, the undead commander perished, and with his final death, the key to obscene wealth!

    We wasted no time breaking down the doors to his treasury, and what a sight to behold! Had I not lost my left eye years prior, in a spirited knitting contest, surely the gleam of the gold would have blinded me.
    But alas, halfway through gathering our riches, a Galleon was bearing down on us. It's such times that can make or break whole crews, when everything is on the line. My crew, all eager and capapable fighters would surely have had no qualms standing our ground. But it'd been a long battle, our ship barely holding together, and laden with the most valuable valuables known to man, I deemed the risks too great.

    I ordered my crew to set sail, South East with the wind, heading deep into the Wilds. We had to try and make it to a safer outpost. While I stayed behind. See, there was still a handy sum of loot left in the treasure room, but we'd no time to gather it all. So, I did what any Pirate worth his salt would do; I hid the lot!

    The island was smaller than most, sure, but if the other Pirates believed all our most valuable booty was stowed aboard our ship, why would they bother looking at the island itself? I hid the aforementioned treasure posthaste in hitherto nearby shrubbery.

    Once the treasure was safely hidden, a friendly mermaid used her ancient magic to whisp me back to my crew and ship in a flash. Still pursued by our persistent pirate pursuers, we sighted Dagger Tooth outpost, and resolved to make a risky drop off of our most prized plunder. Credit where it's due; Our foes anticipated our plan, and moved to fire 2 of their crew to intercept us. I sent our most capable fighters, if push came to shove, Bill and Craig. Despite our fiendish foes cunning, my crew was faster, already we were richer.

    A spirited return by the ancient and mysterious Ferryman soon had our crew whole again aboard the Unsinkable II, and our course strayed South West. After many long, tense moments, the dastardly enemy crew came about, and set a course for the ol' Fort.
    The day was ours! There's nigh a word to describe the relief and elation, joy and excitement that follows a hearty battle and a well won victory.

    Our course was set for Plunder Outpost, and we had fair winds billowing our sails. The lads enjoyed a well earned grog, and we all watched a lovely sunset on the Sea of Thieves.
    But, even though the sun had started to set, an eldritch darkness seemed to envelope our ship. The sun no longer bounced off the waves, even though it was clear as crystal on the evening sky. The blue sky didn't illuminate the waters.

    Quartermaster Bill broke the silence; "KRAKEN!"

    I ordered my men to arms, and our guns loaded. Almost as swiftly as a lightning strike on a clear day, numerous tentacles surrounded us, gaping maws, horrible cries and sharp teeth threatened us all around. Let there be no doubt of the bravery and ferocious fighting the Unsinkable crew showed that evening.

    Even now as I write this, the battle is a haze of flashes of gunfire, acrid smoke, and black ink blinding us.

    All seemed lost, surely no man could rival a foe such as the Kraken?

    Indeed, no man could best such a beast. But for a crew united, no obstacle or puzzle, no army or glorified cuttle fish can prevail! I ordered my men to fight to their last breath, and so they did. Their pistols and blunderbuss' fired until the barrels melted, and then they kept swinging cutlassess at the beast until finally, it relented.

    I cannot claim that we slew the might beast, but we made damned sure it would never forget the crew of the Unsinkable II! And it beat a hasty retreat to the pitch black depths from whence it came.
    My crew came out unscathed, and our glorious golden cargo safe and sound.

    Though my own left hand was claimed by the beast from the blackness. Sadly I am a lefty, and writing this log has been an excercise in frustration. Most of the gold from this memorable quest was in fact used to forge meself a shiny golden hook.

    But a hand surely was a small price to pay for such wealth and memories. A picture is worth a thousand words, and a story is worth... like... at least twice that.

    Moving on; After a well earned nights rest at Plunder Outpost, our last course was set; The treasure still hidden on that accursed fortress. Ironically, our journey back to the progeny of this tale was our most uneventful voyage yet. Not even a seagull pooped on us! A few nautical miles away from the Fort, our old nemesis spotted us, no doubt having lingered there for days, hoping to exact revenge upon us. But alas, the Unsinkable crew made them think twice. They backed down, and returned to their own voyages, leaving us to safely retrieve the last valuables, and promptly sell them at a nearby outpost.

    Life on the Sea of Thieves is hard, it is not what many pirates, merchants and sailors believe it to be. It is far from skies as blue as the sea, and golden hoards glimmering eternal.
    It is a struggle, it is a hardy life. But for the brave few who battle the waves, lies wealth, friendships, monsters and Legend.
    And grog. So, so much grog...

    Captain Tundra

  • 9
  • Well written Captain Tundra!

  • @sandmanbakery Thank ya very much! I hope our tales entertain fellow pirates, and inspire you all to make your own exciting adventures.

  • @tundra-793 Bravo. That was a true pirate tale for the good eye to gaze upon.
    Damn those knitting contests can turn nasty real fast. lol

    You scoundrel stealing the ship name "Unsinkable II". lol We have a beer commercial on Australian TV that has it on a small fishing vessel. I always liked the name and thought to use it in SoT when they permit ship naming.

  • @admiral-rrrsole They sure can, and would you believe it, I was only a knitting spectator! Those poor knitters suffered far worse fates…

    Aye we've had a feeling we snagged that name from a lot of pirates. Our Helmsmans girlfriend (and backup Helmswoman) actually coined it for us back in the Alphas last year. But we try to live up to it, and make sure such a fine name won't go to waste!

  • @tundra-793 Why knitting contests always have to involve kitten juggling is beyond me but the elderly women sure get their jollies off. Knit one kitty, pearl two.

    I was trying to find the "Unsinkable II" beer ad on YouTube but without success.

  • @admiral-rrrsole The minds of elderly knitters must be as jumbled as their yarn. T'was a regional contest, they'd substituted the traditional kittens for rabid lobsters.
    But that be a tale for another day.

    I appreciate you trying to find it mate, obscure TV commercials can be absolutely hilarious.

  • I lost it after you said knitting contest.🤣🤣😂

  • A beautiful rendition, brought a tear t’me eye!

4 out of 9