PC vs Xbox - My Experience

  • @pirateping It's irony for sure =)

  • @cpt-toothpick Your post goes to nobody, I don't advocate for imbalance, I like fair play and equal ground. On pc you can play either on kb/m and on a controler, but xbox cannot do the same, it is a very straightfoward implementation that could be difficult on hardware, but I absolutely don't tolerate behaviour from people that think that lack of options for fair play is a non-issue.

    You can take your posts and bickering somewhere else.

  • @urihamrayne Hey im not saying its fair. Im just saying their is an option for people that think its unfair.
    Also lets face it most of the SoT community is not acctualy speaking on this forum and just trying to enjoy the game for what it is. Its not perfect no, but their is options and right now K/m support is not on the table as an option.

  • @cpt-toothpick

    Why not ask developers to give a balanced option. May it be separate servers or more balanced adjustements? I think it is totally ok to ask for it.

    In the end it’s a game we want to play together and for me it’s more
    Fun when it is balanced. There is no fun in winning against a player with disadvantages. I am also for different servers/instances for different players with different experiences. So you get equally good opponents. No fun in robbing a noob.

  • I play on both as well and have mentioned multi ple times there is no argument that pc has an advantage. Great write up proving all the points why. The pc people in here still claiming no advantage exists...either don't know how to use their pc, or are just afraid of losing the advantgae they have over console players. If they had to play other pc users all the time they all suddenly would realise they are not as good as they think.
    Make it optional. Leave it on if you dont think or care about the advantage. When i AM on console i hate running into pc players personally.

    Other stupid things I've seen people say are "how are you sure they are on pc?" Its easy enough to tell with how they move as well as the in game chat being a dead giveaway, stop being so naive.

    And yes not all pc players are hacking..but its getting more prominent among that demographic. The ones saying they dont are naive and probably cheaters themselves as a quick google search will show you how easy they are to get

  • @pirateping I don't discriminate anyone wether they are PC, xsobbers or they are at a disadvantage, 1 man or 4 man, untill im legendary their booty is mine. If they can bring up the xbox to be on the same level as pc thats fine, But don't try to hinder PC down to their level just so we can have it fair.

    It's like saying to the gifted player in a sports game, hold back and let the less gifted players feel good aswell.
    About the fun part, me and my crew have loads of fun sinking xboxers, we usually see it really fast if they are, and then we start mocking them abit while we dance around them like ballerinas. And let me get this clear we are not mocking them because they are bad, We know they are at a disadvantage with controllers and they are not use to be playing against PC players.

    We mooking them because they choose to play on an inferior system that WE personaly think it's bad for our gaming market, besides one thing, and that is to ease of use and getting new people in to gaming. Think off it like a motorcycle is what we aim for, but they are stuck with a pacifier in 1 hand and the other, a ordinary bicycle, and refuse to chance to the motorcycle.

    Why do we mock them? well if we show just 1 player out of 10 that the grass is greener on the other side we have made a diffrence in the right direction toward games that is not holden back by the lackluster performance off the console market. Insteed of them making the games with the power of our current PC technology and then tone it down for the consoles.
    Insteed of PC having to force it self not use its fullest potentional, just because the money is bigger in the console market, and thats only because it's easier to use. press start grab a controller and play. I think that if more people come over and learn what PC can offer to gaming it would only benefit us core gamers that love it so much and want the best possible games, better UI, Graphics, Gameplay, new stuff that is not restricted to only having a controller to control the game with.
    I could go on and on with this but im getting more and more off topic. Belive it or not im not trying to offend anyone.

    Last but not least, Why not ask developers to give a balanced option? Well it's not as simple as that, sure we can ask but it would not change the fact that the only balance they can make is to nerf the PC community down to the same level as the console users. And that only proves my point even more. PC is being held back by the consoles.

    pewh,, this was way way longer then I wanted to make it, most of it, just me ranting so if anyone thinks its interesting or not thats fine.

  • @daddy-sanctus can’t wait for pc players to claim it’s their IQ that is the advantage hahaha, I’ve played on both and your bang on, I was shocked at how easy aiming was and could win 9/10 shoot outs vs controller . Would be nice to make chat pad work with Xbox and maybe mouse and keyboard compatible on Xbox although my big man hands prefer the ergonomics of a controller. If rare can even up a shoot out and sword fight cross compatible will open many doors for future gaming and give Microsoft a huge boost being able to use pc games .

  • @snipercondriak Or people can just switch to PC and they don't need to change anything, And you with your big manly hands can go buy a keyboard to fit thoes manly fingers. ^^ All sudden we fixed it all.

  • @cpt-toothpick

    xsobbers! Not Discriminating? I‘ll take it as an autocorrect :)

    I myself play on xbox. I am not the biggest gamer and I do not take it that serious. Also I do Not
    Complain about other players be it on
    Pc or xbox to be better than me or having an advantage. I will try
    To defend my treasure/win against both and take it as a challenge. And if I lose against someone my time is not lost and I don’t start complaining, but I do understand players who feel different and are asking for some
    Kind of change.

    The choice to play on a xbox can be manyfold I wouldn’t be judging on that to much.

  • But I will drop out of this discussion now. I do understand your points to some degree even if they are not mine.

  • According to the usual suspects, this thread should be flooded by now by PC players claiming there's no advantage whatsoever and to just git gud.
    I've yet to see them, just like i didn't see them in other similar threads, aside from the classic trolls baiting a (extremely easy) reaction.

    As far as i'm concerned, crossplay should at least be optional: the ground is never gonna be fair, no matter how.
    The only instance in which crossplay wouldn't be an issue, is in a PVE only game.

    However, as far as Microsoft is concerned, crossplay is the best thing ever and of course one of the selling points of this title.

    I wonder who the developers are gonna listen to...

  • The only actual advantage is the mouse speed/hotkeys for item switches (still all depending on skill as a keyboard has a far greater learning curve as misclicks are easy) until you're an experienced keyboard player. And at that point you could still be better on an xbox controller. If anyone says any other "advantage" they are just trying to say more to get pc nerfed. What needs to happen is xbox needs a buff increase of sensitivity double what it is currently There is already mouse/keyboard support for xbox the sensitivity just needs to be increased to be on par with pc. And the hot keys can also be more fair (this cant ever be on par with pc) by xbox allowing elite controllers rear paddles to be mapped to anything.

  • @cpt-toothpick Nope. Just Nope. What an inaccurate way to view an extremely large majority of gamers. If you don't buy a PC you're not a 'serious' gamer? Im tired hearing this m*********e, elitist rubbish. There a plenty of serious gamers on every gaming platform.

  • @cpt-toothpick I didn’t realise that having a small mind would fix the problem 😂

  • Maybe its inaccurate way of looking at it, But thats how we look at it and if you can counter our argument why we would not get better games besides a money issue then by all means @snipercondriak and @Evasive-Envy
    does it matter if it's a large majority? does it make my point invalid? @Evasive-Envy

    @Evasive-Envy do you call a formula 1 racer a gokart racer? or rather do you call a gocart racer a serious racer compared to a formula 1 driver?

    We all define alot of things in our world on how serious someone is by their "commitment" to stuff, You are not a elite soccer player just because you join your local home town soccer team for example. Well I feel the same way with consoles vs PC users, we care about the games we play we want them to be the best they can so we try to use the current hardware that our world can offer to have as great experiance with can with a game, while most console users just want some games to play to relax and kill time for a few hours.

  • @pirateping Xsobbers was just a funny word I came up with on the go :P

  • @cpt-toothpick said in PC vs Xbox - My Experience:

    Maybe its inaccurate way of looking at it, But thats how we look at it and if you can counter our argument why we would not get better games besides a money issue then by all means @snipercondriak and @Evasive-Envy
    does it matter if it's a large majority? does it make my point invalid?

    Yes it makes it completely invalid. Your criteria for what makes a 'serious' gamer are not the same as someone elses. If your criteria for what makes a gamer serious is whether they own a PC then you need to actually meet some console gamers, talk to them and get to know them before passing judgement on, as I said already, a very large player base.

    Console gamers have been serious and conpetitive across a large selection of game genres for a very long time. A simple google search and you would have realised that. Check out the esports sites.

    Thanks for your reply and happy sailing!

  • @evasive-envy who leads the esport market? PC or consoles? Sure their are serious console gamers out their, question is why don't they want to use something that is superior in everyway. They don't want to face Pc gamers using their pro controller skills. Why would tennis players not use a coconut to play with when their is a better option called a tennis ball. Gaming could be so much more but you hinder youself from it and still want to compare you to PC esports gamers?
    Ye im gona compair myself to a rocket scientist when im playing around in the backyard. Sure I can call myself a serious scientist.
    Or im a hunting expert because I enjoy having a rifle to look at.
    our toys do matter, the only ones that say otherwise is the people that can't afford said toy, or take their time to learn how to use em.
    Thats what I think, we can disagree and im not counting on you to agree with my statement but thats what I and many others belive.

  • @cpt-toothpick Some of your points are valid and I agree with them. My main issue is with your blanket generalization that console gamers are not serious and competitive. I've already stated my point of view on this and don't have much more to add but thanks for responding so fast! Let's agree to disagree and leave it at that.


  • @vderickv said in PC vs Xbox - My Experience:

    The only actual advantage is the mouse speed/hotkeys for item switches (still all depending on skill as a keyboard has a far greater learning curve as misclicks are easy) until you're an experienced keyboard player. And at that point you could still be better on an xbox controller. If anyone says any other "advantage" they are just trying to say more to get pc nerfed. What needs to happen is xbox needs a buff increase of sensitivity double what it is currently There is already mouse/keyboard support for xbox the sensitivity just needs to be increased to be on par with pc. And the hot keys can also be more fair (this cant ever be on par with pc) by xbox allowing elite controllers rear paddles to be mapped to anything.

    No one is trying to get the PC nerfed, but instead get the Xbox buffed. There are many additional things that could be added to the Xbox that the PC already has. There are a number of advantages that I’ve listed whether they be small, or large, that the PC currently has over the Xbox. Again, no, the PC should NOT be nerfed to match the needs of the Xbox, but instead the Xbox should be given kb/m support and buffed in areas where it pales in comparison to the PC.

    There is no official mouse & keyboard support for Xbox users in SoT. Sure, you can purchase a third party adaptor, but it does offer the same experience as on a PC, it is not a true 1:1 ratio.

    It would certainly be nice if the Xbox Elite controller could have additional options for mapping to the rear paddles, but so far there has been no support for this, you are currently limited to the standard buttons on a controller.

  • @cpt-toothpick
    If you care about games so much & dislike xbox players why did you buy what is predominantly an xbox console game, playing against xbox players?
    If you are such an elitist & better person because you own a pc, why are you not playing games aimed at such players?
    What was your 1st gaming experience, just out of curiosity? Was it like many other gamers an experience on a games console? Who after a while playing on consoles, decide to move on to a gaming pc? As this is a route often taken, i know i did.
    Bear in mind games consoles have been around longer than dedicated gaming pcs & yes i know them being around longer doesn't make them better, but it also doesn't make them any less important to the gaming market or the players less 'elite'.
    There is a wider spectrum of players who play consoles rather than pc, so the casual gamer tag applies to most, but not all. There are 'elite' console players just the same as pc.

    Using your 'vehicle' analogy -
    If i own a BMW (PC) & you own a Ford Focus (Xbox) does that make me a better driver than you?
    Does owning a BMW compared to a Ford mean i am a more focused or serious driver?
    No, it just means i'll get a slightly nicer, faster drive :)

  • /shrug/ buy a key board....

  • @fancypantzmcgee
    No native support for kb+m on xbox :(

  • @logansdadtoo said in PC vs Xbox - My Experience:


    Using your 'vehicle' analogy -
    If i own a BMW (PC) & you own a Ford Focus (Xbox) does that make me a better driver than you?
    Does owning a BMW compared to a Ford mean i am a more focused or serious driver?
    No, it just means i'll get a slightly nicer, faster drive :)

    Beautiful analogy. Beautifully said!

  • @logansdadtoo really I thought they sold a keyboard for Xbox. Hmm well DL it on your PC. Long as you own it when place you own it every place.

    Honestly the only reason I don't play it on Xbox ( knowing the control issues) is because I am c**p with a controller. Too many years of wasd and a mouse.

    I know everyone says there is a huge advantage. And I see it sometimes. I can swim faster by pressing multiple directional buttons. But over all, I don't see the big difference. Maybe I'm just not hardcore enough. Lol

  • @fancypantzmcgee
    I have it & do play it on my pc, normally when i'm solo though, again due to the control imbalance.
    I'm the opposite, i'm a console player originally (since the Atari 2600!) but have also been pc gaming for about 12 years. So i favour the controller over kb+m as it's more what i'm used to.
    This is where my issue with crossplay squarely sits. I can see the advantage a kb+m (PC) has over a controller (Xbox) & for me, that is a problem that i don't think can be balanced using any settings or aim assists etc without seriously impacting the other side or the overall feel of the game!

  • I can't see a mention of loading times here either. PC players tend to have much faster loading screens. The main one being the ferry of the damned. I thought the whole idea of the ferry was to hold players until the game losing was done, instantly returning the player to their ship when they leave. This is not the case at all as loading does not start until you leave. This gives pc players a huge respawn advantage in combat and, in my opinion, just makes the ship of the damned an annoying failure of a game mechanic.

  • Isn't it just #pcmr? 60 fps smooth 4k experience with god aim and 64gigs of ram :D there always will be advantage - pc is just better

  • @cpt-toothpick sagte in PC vs Xbox - My Experience:

    We mooking them because they choose to play on an inferior system that WE personaly think it's bad for our gaming market,

    Who you think that you are ? Did you realized that Xbox is Microsoft and that your PC is also Microsoft and that Sea of thieves is also Microsoft as well ? All the money that microsoft earns together with all microsoft products just make it possible that you can buy new microsoft products for your Computer. And if you buy microsoft computer products then you are a guarantee for that ...that with this money you will promote the development of new microsoft consoles because your money will also flow into it .

    And you think that you are some sort of Crusader to be able to judge about that ? This game isn't made to abuse the crossplay function to be able to let the own mentality problems out and to mock and bully other players only for the purpose to feel better to yourself after that. You sir are not the elite of humans only because you play SOT on the computer. I own a Xbox one and a really good Computer and i play SOT on a X box One. It's my choice.

    I don't complain that PC Players have advantages into the game . I could easly switch to Computer and play the game there too. But since all players together here are one and the same microsoft community (family) i have to say if that is the case then i totally agree that RARE has to change something to solve this problem.

    Besides that all players and humans should be banned from the Game if they abuse the game for a real own personal crusade against other humans. But that's another story and problem that we got because of the crossplay function. A function that i really like . What i don't like are the problems with it.

  • @durengo-germany I feel bad for ya if you choose to play on the xbox when you got your good PC.. May I ask why? This is my opinion , and Im talking also in general about all games not just SoT and I know who I am, do you? I made this post even longer but I don't even wana bother to talk to ignorant people. Im born in the 1980 I been gaming sins i was 6, my first game was on a atari and later I got my first Nintendo, I LIVED my life for games.

    O btw My PC is not Microsoft but MY Operative system is from Microsoft.

  • @rentagod said in PC vs Xbox - My Experience:

    I can't see a mention of loading times here either. PC players tend to have much faster loading screens. The main one being the ferry of the damned. I thought the whole idea of the ferry was to hold players until the game losing was done, instantly returning the player to their ship when they leave. This is not the case at all as loading does not start until you leave. This gives pc players a huge respawn advantage in combat and, in my opinion, just makes the ship of the damned an annoying failure of a game mechanic.

    I haven't played on my XB1X since the last update, but they definitely made the load times at the black screen much shorter. I'm usually looking at about 3 second load ins now once I hit the black screen after stepping through the door on the Ferry of the Damned. From what I've heard from my friends who are on xbox, it's also been much quicker, but I don't know if it was as quick yet? I'll have to ask them tomorrow.

  • @cpt-toothpick sagte in PC vs Xbox - My Experience:

    @durengo-germany ....I know who I am, do you? I made this post even longer but I don't even wana bother to talk to ignorant people. Im born in the 1980 I been gaming sins i was 6, my first game was on a atari and later I got my first Nintendo, I LIVED my life for games.

    A really ? And that is was give you the right to mock and bully other players and humans ? And this one s could be also humans they are even older than you. You definitely get something wrong . But anyways the age of a player doesn't matter.. but the behave does matter.

    @cpt-toothpick sagte in PC vs Xbox - My Experience:

    O btw My PC is not Microsoft but MY Operative system is from Microsoft.

    Indeed and you should delete this operating system if you don't like the microsoft product policy. Otherwise ... if you buy and use microsoft computer products then you are a guarantee for that ...that with this money you will promote the development of new microsoft consoles because your money will also flow into it . And i bought a x box one and this money will also guarantee that the microsoft computer products development will still go on.

    @cpt-toothpick sagte in PC vs Xbox - My Experience:

    I feel bad for ya if you choose to play on the xbox when you got your good PC.. May I ask why?

    There is absolutly nothing to feel bad about it , i play many games on the computer ... as example star citizen... but to be able to play games they are exclusiv console games only as example titles like Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2 i bought myself a x box one. And i play SOT on x box because i play already so many other games on Computer .

  • I never thought xbox is on par with pc. I would't want to fight on a skull island with controller as I'm pretty bad even at walking straight on controller :D Can't image combat with it :) For me, this was like the only disadvantage what xbox must have. Don't know why you also can't connect keyboard and mouse to it. But after reading your post, looks like there's much more to it. Didn't even know you can't free look around while setting sails, anchor and so on for example. This is also pretty bad disadvantage in combat, when you want to for example try to raise the anchor to escape from your opponent, but you can't see if somebody is on your ship near you, so you have to let sails be and fight instead.

    Apart from these changes, i don't take hw related complains, like loading screens, special monitors with crosshairs and so on as these are common hw differences and are not related to pc vs xbox but also to pc vs pc. If your xbox would be pc, you could say you would still be at disadvantage against someone else, coz you have only cheap xbox hw for around 400-500 bucks (dunno what exact price it does have) and someone else would have hw for 2000 bucks. That would certainly create differences in game smoothness, loading times and so on. It also depends on the players themselves. I play on PC, but I don't have any specials crosshairs or macros or whatsoever. Just a regular mouse, keyboard and maybe some decent gpu.

  • I think the most important thing about that is allowing for a 60 FPS option on Xbox. That would help immensly with aiming issues.

    I know that it probably won't be possible using the Xbox One (S) but on the X it should be an option to switch between 4K 30 FPS or 1080p 60 FPS for sure.

    I play on the PC but hook it up to my TV (Have an Xbox but the 30 FPS is holding me back to play it on it) and use the Steam Controller to play (keyboard + mouse configuration).

  • @fancypantzmcgee said in PC vs Xbox - My Experience:

    /shrug/ buy a key board....

    While I do believe that the Xbox should have native keyboard/mouse support, this really isn't an option for everyone. I play in my living room on the couch, usually surrounded by my three young children. Keeping a controller away from them while playing is... challenging. Trying to keep a keyboard and mouse away would be an exercise in futility.

    I do have a gaming PC too that I play on about 30%of the time but, when push comes to shove, it's in my office and I'd rather be near my family.

53 out of 88