Ship Names like Gamertags

  • Haha not the same name. But in the sense that no 2 people could have the same ship name. Where’s the fun in coming up with a unique ship name when someone else can see it and just copy it onto their ship?

  • 13
  • But it would have to be random ship names or you'll be searching for one that hasn't been used for hours...

    But it always seems you get all the names coming up as "Black Pearl1" 2,3,4,7812372 etc...

  • Since I do not think the ship names will be as visible/outstanding as out gamertag (except on the sign near the captains quarter or anywhere else) so I don't think there should be individual names :) Maybe only letters and no numbers to get rid of Black Pearl256123 :P :D
    We all do not play on the same sever if so then I would have agreed completely. If you choose Black Pearl or Flying Dutchman or anything usual piraty like for your ship, of course there will be many of them :)

  • Yea, I agree. There only needs to be one Thousand Sunny.

  • Haha or a Going Merry Sloop! @Blackbeard-Lufy

  • I still wonder if ship naming will be in at launch. The group rigged ships they're having in at launch have name plates but I have no idea how a ships name would be determined as a group. Maybe the nameplates will be blank for now?

  • Don't need ship nametags, you'll just know the ship by the experienced you have going up against it.

  • @Captain-Musket @Shikia-Caeleaum If you had to unlock ship names by being a certain status in the game then it wouldn’t be as bad. People wouldn’t be able to just make names for accounts they don’t play with. And it would be ever more of a race to legendary status or a high faction so you could claim the name you want!

  • @straw-hat-blake I think it will be exactly like that :) since what would possibly be the reason for becoming first a "legendary pirate" and AFTER that a "legendary captain" ;)
    So my post is based upon naming your ship when you reach a certain status in the seas :D

    Still would be nice to take on multiple names and only lock the usual piraty ones :)

  • That would be pretty terrible tbh. You'll end up getting stupid ship names because all the names a player could think of were taken. I name my ship "jdoihjoifehwoi"

  • @padd that's exactly what my point was.....

  • In regards to ship names, I'd really like to know if you're going to be able to change the name or have different names for the sloop and the galleon.

  • can i say no thanks? gamertags are stupid to begin with. All you get is these top players with 13 year old sounding tags that are actually 20+.

    steam has it right, microsoft doesn't.

8 out of 13