Fish like a Pirate! Fishing and a New Merchant Alliance Tool; The Harpoon!

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    Deviant Art Link

    if you're going to create a game set on the sea, a fishing mechanic is almost necessary.


    the Harpoon is a Merchant Alliance tool similar to a basket, chicken cage, and pig cage, except it catches undersea creatures in a similar way. the Merchant Alliance built these tools because they are cheep and effective when used by brave souls.

    how to use a harpoon

    the harpoon is used in two ways; either throw the harpoon at your target from a solid surface downward into the sea and pull in your catch if it lands, or dive into the sea and hunt prey deeper down. the amount of time it takes to either catch your prey or pull it in depends on it's size. once you have captured your prey, you may place the harpoon on any solid surface until you may need it again. turn in your catch and your harpoon to the Merchant Alliance and get your reward.

    fish ai requests

    a list of requested fish types:

    • Human: impossible (can damage when thrown, DPS when left-click is held, but it does not catch)
    • Kraken: impossible (can damage when thrown, DPS when left-click is held, but harpoon breaks)
    • Sailfish: extremely hard
    • Shark: hard
    • Tuna: normal
    • Tarpon: normal
    • sea bass: easy
      i'm not a fisherman, so if any of these are not native to specifically the Atlantic (which i assume is the setting) please share.


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  • @mysticdragon297

    Very nice! Love the amount of effort that went into this.


    • As a Weapon: If the Harpoon can injure a kraken it stands to reason that it could hurt a human.
    • Crew Assistance: If you are pulling in a shark or something bigger can a crew member assist you?
    • Storing Your Catches: Where do the fish go once you catch them? Do they stay on the harpoon and you just have to place it somewhere on your ship until you reach an outpost? What about fish crates where you can store up to 'X' fish per crate. (The Merchant Alliance would ask for a crate of X fish rather than just 1 fish)
      This would remove the clutter of having a bunch of harpoons everywhere. Also this would prevent the fish rotting as the crates could have salt in them to preserve said fish.
    • Trident: The trident would act as a cosmetic option to buy for your harpoon.

    ~Captain Maximillian Zeus:
    The Damned Rider of the Ferry
    and Master of the Song of the Dead

    Follow the link to hear my tale

  • @maximillianzeus said in Fish like a Pirate! Fishing and a New Merchant Alliance Tool; The Harpoon!:


    Very nice! Love the amount of effort that went into this.


    • As a Weapon: If the Harpoon can injure a kraken it stands to reason that it could hurt a human.
    • Crew Assistance: If you are pulling in a shark or something bigger can a crew member assist you?
    • Storing Your Catches: Where do the fish go once you catch them? Do they stay on the harpoon and you just have to place it somewhere on your ship until you reach an outpost? What about fish crates where you can store up to 'X' fish per crate. (The Merchant Alliance would ask for a crate of X fish rather than just 1 fish)
      This would remove the clutter of having a bunch of harpoons everywhere. Also this would prevent the fish rotting as the crates could have salt in them to preserve said fish.
    • Trident: The trident would act as a cosmetic option to buy for your harpoon.

    ~Captain Maximillian Zeus:
    The Damned Rider of the Ferry
    and Master of the Song of the Dead

    Follow the link to hear my tale

    responding to your thoughts

    • yes, the harpoon is able to harm a human via throw or left mouse. left mouse would simply stab the player multiple times as it would do with fish and sharks, dealing damage. throwing the harpoon would simply deal damage once, but the harpoon would simply return to you afterward. i can imagine the time for both the aim and the reeling animations to be long too, so attacking another player with a harpoon is risky, but may present some reward. it would be cool if you could throw the harpoon and reel-in your foe, but i dont know if that would be too brutal for what the game is.
    • that would be nice.
    • that too, would be nice to have, but maybe just for smaller fish; such as bass or tuna. to the right of the image, you can see what the harpoon would look like when placed on solid ground. imagine seeing a galleon carrying a highly valuable gold sailfish on its deck, mounted on the tri-stand harpoon. different harpoons cluttered together (so long as they are facing the same direction and aligned) would look natural even when very close to one another, like they are all tied together. other than that, i would like a crate specifically for storing smaller fish, but anything larger must remain on the harpoon until you reach an outpost.
  • That's really cool! But I'd definitely want to harpoon and pull in humans. Haha.

  • @mysticdragon297 Now we needs a cooking system and fire building l**o

  • @lev-owo said in Fish like a Pirate! Fishing and a New Merchant Alliance Tool; The Harpoon!:

    @mysticdragon297 Now we needs a cooking system and fire building l**o

    Fishing and cooking! The two things I ignore most on World of Warcraft!

    ... It actually does seem like it'd be a lot funner on this game though.

  • They could do really cool things with this!
    Imagine loading it into a cannon and shooting it into an island rock using it as a zip line with your hook!

  • Love this!
    And it can also be something to do while passing the time on a ship, instead of always having just music, and those fish caught could be plain and always the same but count as a food source.

    Nice idea on turning it into a company too! :D

  • @aloneemperor960 said in Fish like a Pirate! Fishing and a New Merchant Alliance Tool; The Harpoon!:

    @mysticdragon297 I really agree with your idea and I like the artwork. IM NOT SURE IF ITS HAPPENING, but it was datamined that there was a harpoon in the files of the game, but it might not make it in the full release. Btw can u provide an example on how it would work? Thanks

    the harpoon would primarily work much like a a simple chicken cage, pig cage, or snake basket, except it catches fish, of course. underwater, you must find fish input an action and hold it as you are near the fish (left click for PC) and your prey would be caught. (center images)

    throwing the harpoon is more unique, but the basic concept is that you must first find solid ground and remain stationary. take aim at your target, throw the harpoon, and if it lands pull your target in with holding down left click (PC).

    the amount of time it takes to pull in your catch or to catch it underwater depends on the fish type provided by the list in the OP (or the general size of the fish).

    just like the a pig trapped in a cage, the fish is stuck on your harpoon and you may place it on any solid surface, then turn in both the harpoon and the fish to a Merchant.

  • Wow Great work! Looks great!

    Now to hurt your feelings. In the Reddit Interview they said "There is not fishing" in this game. They went on to disagree with each other in the interview and it seems even the devs cant decide whether there is even a place for it. Meaning it is not even being developed.

  • The effort first of all, 10/10. Fishing would be a great addition! The more fish you hunt will unlock harder fishes to find and capture/kill. It could even be a good option for solo players who want to stay away from pvp. Granted they will still be able to be attacked, they won’t have a reason to start a fight if they are fishing. (Unless both crews are hunting for the same animal ;) )

  • @mysticdragon297 Ok. I get it now. The pictures help too. I agree that this would fit perfectly in the game and would add another element of PVE. Do u have any ideas for “skins” for the harpoon? (Just a fun question) One idea could be a shark head at the edge of it, so it looks like the shark is eating the fish. What do u guys think?

  • @AloneEmperor960 your post has been deleted as it refers to datamined information which is against Xbox ToS.

    Sharing information about datamined information is taken very seriously. Please remember, do not share this information on the official Sea of Thieves Forums, your post will be removed. Ignoring this warning will result in your account being banned from the Forums.

  • Fishing as a gold making mechanic would be cool, nice idea OP :)

  • Good job man, keep it up, mb they will listen @MysticDragon297

  • @ogshawnyboy-tt OR... like they could be attempting to throw people off... they've been known to do that a time or two.

  • @anubis0311 I appreciate you optimism. I will be very excited if it is in there!!

  • @OGShawnyboy-TT, @ANUBIS0311, @Fat-Petti, @Shank-Ur-Face, @AloneEmperor960, @PigCowSheep8402, @SlinkierDisc667, @Sijsterberg, @xxx-Ratlord-xxx, @Lev-owo, and @MaximillianZeus

    the supportive feedback so far is overwhelming.

    thank you for posting your thoughts and supporting the concept!

  • @mysticdragon297
    No problem at all! I love fishing! And to have it in Sea Of Thieves would be awesome as another thing to do in the world! And another way for BOOTY!

  • Fantastic post! I love the artwork!

    A few things I'd love to see added, with this concept. Chumming the waters, to attract sharks. I'd love to be able to sell shark jaws. Could also be used as a PvP defense to prevent ship boarding.

    Being able to cook the fish for a better heal than bananas. This would require the player to fish and then cook the fish, before they can be used. Max of 5 can be held and requires cooking to be done at a harbor.

    Hope Rare really considers this! A double "Yar" for you!

  • awesome!

  • @mysticdragon297 Very nice! Exactly what i wanted to suggest, team events would be nice.. like hunting a whale and you need team mates to be successful and so on

  • That sounds really cool

  • @mysticdragon297 fantastic idea. I think adding fishing would be a fun novelty in this game. And more quests lines for the merchant.

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